Ethan Mitchell
Wyatt White
Marry Gamora
Fuck Nebula
Kill Mantis
Lincoln Moore
marry them all
no rules in space if they cant hear you scream
Jayden Allen
marry mantis
fuck the other two
kill no one
Kayden Perez
Mantis seems like she's probably a virgin, so she's the wife. Blue one seems like she'd be more fun, so she's the mistress. Kill the green one.
John Russell
Marry Mantis/Pom
Fuck Nebula/Karen
Kill the other one
Joseph Mitchell
Mantis would have some insane feedback look when she touches you and gets hornier and hornier.
Hudson Ortiz
They couldn't be bothered to glue some antennae on her forehead? What the fuck?
Liam King
I just want to marry Mantis. Other two can flip a coin, loser dies IDC.
Tyler Hill
kill marry fuck