what happened? stabbed with a candle?
gore belongs on Sup Forums
Did she lose an eye?
Also fuck off, you're cancer and don't belong on Sup Forums
roasties owned haha
I'm against abortion and all but honestly we should just kill these things once it's obvious there's retardation
are you the boy in the OP video?
yeah, do something about it you soft cunt
Euthanasia is wr-
I feel bad for them. They're forced into a situation they can't control and we take pity instead of see them of equals. It's sick that we put on a show for them when they aren't having the same standard of living as us. It's a waste of energy in many different ways and it's gross how we use these poor souls to promote being "inclusive."
I'm in the support of abortion for retards
Did she die?
Why not just drop your retard child off at a firehouse? If I ever decide to procreate with a woman this will be a hard rule. Any deformities or retardation and they'll be given to the state.
The literal retard pushed her eye into a candle while it was still lit. I would have necked this kid
>he keeps clapping
It's a common part of Mexican birthdays to push the kids face in the cake (not with candles lit or unlit obviously) but the retard didn't know any better
television and film
i doubt that will be a problem for you
Euthanise all retards.
When will I have a birthday party...
These beings would have died off naturally if it wasn't for interference from doctors. It isn't even an abortion problem.
And the edgiest user of the days goes to!
>we take pity instead of see them of equals.
Because they're not equal to us, they're defective human beings incapable of doing anything by themselves
He showed her a magic trick.
stay mad pussy
You just summed up the majority of Sup Forums
dumb fucking whore deserved it
Why don't you move to Africa so you can leave your incestuous flipper babies to die on the side road like everyone else there you goddamned savage. Africa will be a superpower by 2020.
I feel so bad for that little girl. So cute and lovable. And she has to put up with being that retard's sister for the next 12 years or so.
At least a lot of people on Sup Forums have a job and contribute to society or have the potential to do so. Retards don't have that potential.
fake and gay
Walmart always needs greeters.
Dumb whore deserved it
the male fears the roastie
>At least a lot of people on Sup Forums have a job and contribute to society or have the potential to do so