About to start Rick and Morty.
Its not as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be right?
About to start Rick and Morty.
Its not as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be right?
It's alright. A bit try hard edgy and randumb but it has its moments.
it is
Its ok but there’s lots of retarded le meme moments like WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB GET SCHIFTWY
Best animated comedy on TV at the moment
A slightly shiny turd in a bucket of turds.
Season 3 sucks
There are some funny moments in season 1, but season 2 is very underwhelming and season 3 straight up sucks.
It's also unironically the most reddit show ever made.
It has an ok first season, keep watching beyond that and if you still liked it you have confirmed shit taste.
Bob's burgers
I just watched this and I spent the entire episode repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 3 minutes it was so painful.
>Ayy quirky burping scientist lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place
Its good, the fans are the problem
It is good, slapsticky, and smart at times. I found it incredibly entertaining.
If it was that bad why did you see it through to the end?
Give it a shot and ignore these contrarian faggots. It's pretty fucking funny
That applies to most shows.
>tfw never been to reddit
>tfw you can enjoy a show without having to think of their cancer
goddamn you sound like a pathetic piece of shit
Season 1 is really good TV. Season 2 is okay with some good high points. I didn't finish season 3 because I wasn't interested enough in doing so. It's well worth noting that after season 3, the internet collectively stopped talking about Rick and Morty, which speaks as to that season's quality.
I tried to watch. As soon as I got to Mr. Meseeks, I reached my full cringe capacity.
Also, Rick just says MORTY so many times you'll wanna kys, like as if that alone is supposed to be funny.
S1 is fine
S2 has a few decent parts, but it’s where the cracks start to show
S3 is where the full self aware rot sets in and makes it practically impossible to watch
Season 1 made it good, later seasons made it popular and cringey
Season 1 is good
Season 2 is inconsistent
Season 3 is total garbage
neck yourself reddit faggot
SpongeBob is still on. Even the new episodes are good.
This tv show is like listening to an 18 year old kid who has been smoking weed for a year tell you about their "mind blowing" realizations
If you love words like schmickel and vlorp you're in for a treat
There are no crafted jokes to get in the way so strap yourself in for a craaazy ride dude!
It's get gradually worse every season as they run out of ideas. The first season is the best.
It gets noticeably worse with each new season. Season 3 had only one good episode.
Starts of real good, goes downhill RAPIDLY. Season 3 feels like season 15 of the Simpsons
The first one?
I found the voice acting annoying but it was surprisingly watchable with the Japanese dub.
it's not bad if you don't think of it as a comedy show or sciencey show.
picturing this is the funniest shit to me
show is genuinely really good, there's a lot of subtle humor and clever jokes in it
To be fair...
They never should've expanded on Jerry and Beth and Summer. Now this feels like poor man's Venture Bros where everyone HAS to do something because they had a speaking part at one point.
Agreed, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head.
It's aight, pretty entertaining, but normies and the fanbase ruin it. God is the fanbase cancer.
What the actual fuck does “reddit” actually mean and how is what they do there any worse than faggots on this site? I’ve never been to reddit but if they’re somehow worse than the shitposters and contrarian asslickers on this site I’d be surprised
kill yourself you tourist shitstain.
Is it just me, or does anyone else see the connection with the awful part of the Rick and Morty fanbase and the Jordan Peterson fanboys being very much alike, if not the same people?
End it at Season 1 if you want it to be kino, season 2 if you want it to be watchable and that's it.
They probably are, since you have to a dumb pseud to think both actually say something of value.
I thought season 3 was just as good/bad as 2 desu.
I remember threads on here weeks before it aired about how bad it was, because it had more female writers. r9k retards.
Their worth is more than you'll ever be.
How? Jordan Petersons a diehard Christfag, you don't like them both, that doesn't mean they're the same.
Is that what you tell yourself at night, Petersoncuck?
its fine if youre a redditor.
My sister tried to get me to watch it. I saw like maybe three episodes of season 1. It's just very boring. Nothing really special about it.
Both the fanbases follow pseudo-science and praise Jordan/R&M like they're Jesus second coming
The first season is really good
Second season is okay
Third season has like 3 good episodes
Go clean your room bucko-luba-dub-dub
>Jordan Petersons a diehard Christfag
What the fuck are you talking about bud, he's a postmodernist himself that psychoanalyses the Scripture, he admitted he didn't beleive in the Bodily Ressurection.
He's another Masonic "englightment" snake oil salesman, every time a anti-establishment subculture pops up, one of these shill appear and corall then back into being a selffish sellout or doing useless navel-gazing. Same thing happened with the hippies and Alan Watts.
Rick and Morty is only good if you can’t take it seriously, and season by season it DEMANDS to be taken more seriously. It’s not a bad show but it won’t be remembered as anything more than a comedy.
wew, what about that feminazi writing her self-insert to put Rick in place, cause grill power!
in my experience discord-chan would be a man-faced tranny looking for someone to buy him steam games.
Zoinks, i've been found found, but i don't have a meaningful riposte so i'll just signal my sense of unease - Gee willickers, Yikes, Wowzers, So, uh, that happened
That's weird and unbelievable
self aware show? too smart for me!
everything the therapist said was right though, you only care because it was a woman that said it.
Most people are embarrassed to call themselves R&M fans now after the sauce and cringey pickle rick shit
its worse
So did they basically kill their show with Season 3? After the drop in quality, the Szechuan Sauce fiasco and another 2-3 year hiatus, who will be coming back to it?
No. Stay away from the loud majority obnoxious fanbase and what people say about it and just enjoy it as a cartoon with neat whacky adventures and some humurous moments.
It doesn't matter if it was right. Rick sits there and takes it which was completely out of character for him because, again GRILL POWER
Unfortunate, since it's arguable the episode that made the most obnoxious fans appear. That and episode 3....
It was fine but they’ve kept pushing the limits of Rick’s powers to the point that he’s basically an unstoppable now that can do whatever he wants with zero repercussions.
he sits there and takes it because he's half dead at that point.
why are you so afraid of women?
I ain't, I'm laughing at the fact that some people think her self-insert was anything but hot garbage
would you have preferred he murdered her and you could cheer. take that stupid roasties.
summer-chan is so much more kawaii in the dub
A to the U to the T to the ism
mate that was a bit
That would at least be a bit more in character of Rick
It's rare for an animated show to be at it's peak at season 1 and tumble down at season 3. Mosty season 1 is the weaker seasons as it works for setting up the characters. Look at Futurama, Season 1 was pretty weak and season 2-3 were the best ones.
This is the average Rick & Morty fan btw.
>I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 3 minutes
>durr you must like violence cause you don't like a retarded scene
What a retarded assumption
Anyway the human toilet Jerry is right on everything he says about Rick, and gets shit on. You can't tell me it wasn't for any other reason than a girl shutting down epic science man and having nothing to say
It's a step above AS's live-action skitshit but bellow most of their animated stuff.
Season 1-2 were pretty good. Season 3 has mostly shitty episode with 1-2 good ones.
The only thing bad about it, is its cancerous fanbase. I actually had some dumb ass girl(who was pretty cute) disturbed the whole psy class because of her shitty phone saying "wubba lubba dub dub".
this was our show before the reddit fanbase took over
It's a great show, but it suffers from both an autistic fanbase and hate-groups.
If you watch it without that context it's great.
He sits there clearly annoyed and disinterested with a moody no fucks expression and then gets the fuck out of there and completely ignores the entire thing, and Morty and Summer and wants to go get ice cream with Beth
First and second season were great. Once the show got popular the writers ceremoniously chopped off their balls for a few shekels and hired women writers and other diversity hires and completely destroyed the show.
Soyboys love it though.
So tell me then, why did the feminist writer write her self-insert in, to talk pseudo-science and to try and take the toxic masculine man down?
that sums it up. it was good cartoon until it started to recognize its reddit fanbase and milk it hard
sounds pretty based tbqh
This is pasta
Rick is the smartest man in his universe, this particular rick has consistently outsmarted a countless numbers of ricks from other universes.
>lets himself get dressed down by a 30 something chink gash
>has no retort
so he went to a therapist knowing that person would point out any of his glaring flaws
>didn't see it coming
it fucking owns
don't let the fanbase ruin it for you
>turned himself into a pickle to avoid going because he knew exactly what they'd say
>didn't see it coming
times like this I wish I saved brainlet wojacks, imagine rick and morty literally being 2deep4u.
Stop after season 2.
funny ar rimes and cool concepts, but edgy atheist alcoholic is edgy smarter than thou with god complex gets old
>everything the therapist said was right though
If you are going to self-insert into a character, it would be stupid not to make the character 100 percent right on everything.