
What's everyone watching? Just watched the innkeepers, is there any other spooky old style hotel/big house kino? I've seen the shining

The last good horror was Noroi. Everything else is shit.

Is that Luke Skywalker?


I mean it really looks like him.

assuming you've already seen House of the Devil OP

Yep I didn't find that scary at all, was decent could have gone without the idiot protagonist dancing

That's not even the last good horror by Shiraishi.

The Hellraiser movies.

Finished IV/Bloodline last night and I'll probably stop here since the rest seems to be all straight-to-video crap not touched by Clive Barker.

That's the reason I stopped at 2

Well stopped after I saw 2 which was good just heard it immediately shits the bed after

1408 is okay for a Western horror tbqh.

might as well have watched 3, the rest are terrible though.

Saw that too, was good

Doesn't 3 turn them into generic demons from hell who want to conquer earth

lol you couldn't tell by 2 shitting the bed 80% through?

I thought was great

I've been trying to find a place to watch Southbound but all of the streaming websites I find are either virus bait or take an hour to load ten minutes of the fucking thing. You lot have any recommendations?


This movie pissed me off.

Let me guess, nothing happens the movie

>The Void
Just Bloodborne modern spinoff

>The Hallow
Literally The Last of Us prequel

>bloodborne invented cosmic horror

I like the souls games but all they do is rip other shit off shamelessly I mean look at brotherhood of the wolf and shit from berserk