Why is pirating comics such a better experience than buying digital and what do you think publishers can do to fix that?

Why is pirating comics such a better experience than buying digital and what do you think publishers can do to fix that?

You can't fight free, so they'll have to compensate or compete in different areas. Like if Digital comics were cheaper or came with cool wallpaper maybe. Or y'know their sales could actually count towards helping the industry instead of being the financial equivalent of a participation trophy.

Because digital sales mean jackshit to publishers

I don't buy digital, but I'd have to imagine that the reading experience is clunkier and not as... comfy, I guess? As reading read them on a scan site or as .JPGs on your computer.

Make it easy. It's really as simple as that, and it's true of any industry that suffers from heavy piracy numbers: if the process for obtaining legally and in high quality is quick, easy and user-friendly, people will pay for it. It's how services like Netflix and Hulu stay in business.

Marvel Unlimited is a step in the right direction- with a less cumbersome interface and improvements to the available backlog, it could become one of the best values in comics.

>Why is pirating comics such a better experience than buying
Because I get to read Marvel's shitty comics and laugh/rage at them with Sup Forums without giving them a penny.

Regarding comics I actually would or do pay for, it would be as simple as allowing me to download cbr/cbz files I can simply keep in a folder and open in the program of my choice on my desktop PC and tablet, not locking them away inside apps I ultimately have no control over. Humble comic bundles do this, why can't it just be standard?

Because pirating makes it easier to storytime and share with Sup Forums

Making a netflix type carte blanche service is really the only answer. I

>hatereads shitty new comics
You're doing it wrong.

>not enjoying your anger with your Sup Forumsmrades
America threads are a blast, you're missing out.

I do read comics I enjoy as well though, and I haven't stooped to reading terrible webcomics just for the hell of it yet.

I don't buy digital, I buy physical and collect the digital copies via the codes that they come with

>Netflix, one month - $8.99
>Hulu, one month - $7.99
>Crunchyroll, one month - $6.95
>Amazon Prime, one month (billed yearly) - $8.25
>Marvel Legacy, oneshot - $5.99
>Generations, oneshot x 6 @ $4.99 - $29.94
As a digital entertainment product, comics are way overpriced. Also piracy offers me a way to have easy access to digital versions of comics I buy already.

>not buying physical so you get a digital copy anyway

Mavel Unlimited gets around this For like 70$ a year. It runs 6 months behind. I got rid of it because I couldn't see waiting 6 months for comics I didn't want to read anyway.

>Because I get to read Marvel's shitty comics and laugh/rage at them with Sup Forums without giving them a penny.

Dumb, you're still giving them your most valuable resource.

Even digital comics are too expensive for what they offer. No way they should be priced as much as hard copies of an issue. But that's not the reason I pirate.


See, people are used to consuming massive amounts of media for incredibly cheap nowadays. Monthly comics already have trouble competing with how instantaneous everything else is.

The problem is switching over to more modern mass consumption focused subscription services would require basically overturning the entire business model comics have operated on since the 80's, and if it succeeds it'd probably put comic stories out of business.

Marvel Unlimited and Comixology have been great starting points, but unfortunately $3-5 monthly comics just doesn't cut it anymore.

The good thing about a flat subscription service is it would mean good shit would no longer get canceled just because it was niche and not selling really well. You want to produce high-quality stuff because it promotes your service, and people would be more willing to try new shit like Mr. Miracle or Vision because they wouldn't have to pay a bunch of money for something they may not like.

> services that end vs owning stuff
Yeah, I wonder why one is more expensive. Hmh...

>owning video and picture files

> only tangible goods can be owned

>the limited license you purchase in order to view a digital copy of a comic qualifies you as an "owner" of something
kys retard

>services that end vs service that can end but pretends it lets you own stuff
Netflix, etc., are monthly. If it ends you just don't have the option of getting it anymore. Digital comic services (aside from Marvel Unlimited which functions like Amazon Prime with a yearly fee) are one upfront payment at the same cost of buying the physical comic (which in many cases includes a free digital copy). That gives the illusion that it's owned, but if the service goes down or if they decide to pull that comic from the service for some reason you don't get to keep it.

I never was a comic buyer until I bought a few physocal copies of the 2015 Darth Vader comics when they were coming out. I was so offput by the advertisements inside that I haven't bought a new paper release ever since.

I understand that people need to make money yadda yadfa but I can buy 2 novels at Barnes and Noble for the price of buying 3 comics at my LCS and they damn sure won't have ads in the middle of the friggen story.

If buying digital also gets you ads then I'll place my bet on that being a big reason pirating is better.

online subscription based model.

Full DC comics catalog, with a 1-2 day delay on new releases maybe. what, $15 a month is the highest I'd go on that.

Maaaybe $20 a month. definitely no more than that. maybe.

Not what I implied, I implied ownership of video and picture files (and music for that matter) is a meme. You own SHIT.

Make everything pay what you want with bonuses at certain amounts. Look what Humble Bundle turned into.

I doubt giving a comic negative attention on Sup Forums would help pay the comic company's bills.

>You own SHIT.

Well yeah, that's all Marvel's been putting out for the last decade.

>Old comicses (?) are free
>There are subscription servise that allow you to read any new comics.

More comics need to be like Injustice. Not the story itself but a small comic sold every week for 99 cents. It's always the top seller for digital and since it's half the size of a print comic with half the pages and sold four times a month that really does seem like it'd turn a good profit.

DC had other digital comics but I don't know how those have done.

And I think Marvel's infinity comics are fucking stupid.

I'd genuinely buy my content if it was DRM-free.
All I want is the raw files and a website to redownload them easily if I ever need them.

Pirate links can go down, magnets can go unseeded so there is a tangible benefit to buying DRM-free, and I can be free to use whatever applications I want in terms of reading and serving my media.

Where's is the GOG for Sup Forums and Sup Forums content?
Why can't I pay $30 for a season for a show and get every episode in WEB-DL quality as soon as it's available or $20 for a volume of a comic and read each chapter as zips when they get published?

Most of the non-Big 2 comics on Comixology do this, although sometimes it's a pdf.

Also, bullshit that no-one has mentioned yet: Comixology region locks

comixology doesnt feel like owning in any way. I dont get a file, I have to log in to read the comics there in an uncomfortabe way in compariosn to cbr files