Hollywood adaptation when?
Hollywood adaptation when?
Alexander Diaz
Carson James
In case mods get butthurt this isn't porn related though the author is gay hentai author
Carter Ramirez
Caleb Rivera
Parker Hall
You have to give a little context if you want people to discuss something no one has ever heard of user.
>tfw bara bear gf
Hudson Thomas
Hopefully they stay true to the real story
James Taylor
This is our son
We totally don’t do stuff to him hahah
Parker Torres
It's just some manga about a gay couple. I don't think there's anything to talk about.
Jacob Sanders
you could talk about how (((they))) seem to be trying to push an agenda of faggots being able to raise children without molesting them.
Lucas Nguyen
why are the drawings more /fit/ than the real thing?
the bear doesn't have any shoulders for his stature.