
Why the fuck is no one talking about it? It's a fucking artwork of a series.
Is it because action fans feel alienated by constant contemporary art and philosophy references and kino-snobs with the whole violent action comic book stuff?
I always suspected that someone in the Neveldine/Taylor duo was secretly a post-modern genius but this just proves who exactly and to what extent.

because there's a stupid blue donkey

That was an entertaining show. Keep saying it but I wish the villains were a bit more grounded. Happy and Nick are pretty quirky on their own, would have helped the show if the gangsters they were up againzt wouod have been played a bit more straight. You know, actual criminals rather than crazy mob boss, crazy kids show host and crazy Santa.

I watched 4 episodes. I really like the action and the tone but MAAANNN I FUCKING HATE PATTON OSWALT!

I liked the scene with the axe fight.

patton oswalt

it was actually really good but like others are saying

patton oswalt

This. Guy is cancer now. Even gave his wife cancer and caused her premature death.

Patton Oswalt.

what a bunch of whiney bitches! he isnt even shown, he is just a fucking voiceover! Even the cgi donkey isnt talking so much in the show

The man murdered his wife.

Pattons only a voice luckily. The season was certainly fun, I enjoyed it.

I want to fuck Lucky in his big blue butt.

His voice is unmistakable, when we hear it we cringe

I will agree that they do a good job of not overdoing him but it's still annoying when he's there, only made me laugh once...

This show is beyond terrible

>using "we" on an anonymous imageboard
>talking about cringe

Also no wonder you bitter fucks have such a shit taste if you're unable to overcome your biases over one guy's voice to enjoy a good piece of tv

It's because it's on goddamn spyhpy (isn't it?)

Where the fuck can I actually watch it?

>You know, actual criminals rather than crazy mob boss, crazy kids show host and crazy Santa

I guessed it's more of a point about total detachment and moral dagradation of the elites

who cares? you some feminist? most of Sup Forums or tv would do that. maybe she deserved?

torrents like katcrfor example

Why would I watch something if the cast is shit. I don't eat my own poo because it taste bad. Don't want to hear patton oswalt because he is an annoying cunt

the cast is godlike, moron.
Meloni, Fischler, Coster, Mirojnick, Debi Mazar

Because he has very little to do with the actual substance of the show and is not even shown? It's not like you have to try very hard to ignore it.
Anyway, if you're this retarded to not understand the idiocy of your argument, you won't be able to enjoy anything worthwhile in your life anyway

Pirate or stream

50 dollars has been added to your account. Thank you for promoting the Jewish Agenda

I'm wondering what they are gonna do with Season 2. There aren't anymore comics.

I think Grant Morrison is still on board and he worked with the writers to add plot threads for future expansion of the story during s1 production
The series is much better than comics anyway, so I hope they'll just let Taylor do his thing

The Kubrick references are pure kino.

its not good, seems like the kind of thing i would enjoy but just makes me cringe more than anything

I don't know what's the actual background with people involved in making this showm but there's some references I would never expect from a comic book show

>Why is no one talking about this
Because of that murdering piece of shit patton oswalt

Woah, now.
The same duo behind Crankino!?

Shit. I'm game now.

>not being aware i didnt mentioned the niggs as good cast

>y..y...you gieze r whiney
Fuck off patton


>no mug
>different garb
Not much of a reference. It shares no unique identifiable traits

Sachs sees that dick sucking scene from the Shining and later on when he gets raped by a black dildo they play the Monolith music


Why did Syfy give it such a retarded release schedule?

whens this coming to hulu or netflix?

>Why the fuck is no one talking about it?

It's airing on Syfy.

But smoothie was kino. It’s based on a comic so the eccentric villains kinda make sense to me.

I haven't read comic book because it has an atrocious art, but it feels like the show is also smarter than the source material, is it so?

>But smoothie was kino.
i had to turn on fucking subtitles to understand what that lip smacking fucker was saying

It's Crank with fantasy elements

I watched the show, I'm asking about the source comic

The cast works. One of the best shows of the year. Much better than Channel Zero, which mines some of the same adult horror. Don't know how they'll top it, though.

>crazy mob boss
I thought the point of Blue was that he IS sane and well-adjusted compared to the fucking degenerates he works with

Remember his fear and revulsion when he went to the furfag bug party?

This, cant stand him
>I-its just his voice thou!
don't care

So, then why do you eat your own shit?

You might have hearing loss, friend. That or you're fucking stupid.

Pure kino. Right into the personal collection.

Happy is synonymous with murdering a spouse then marrying a Jew now? Not in my house.

Didn't that guy kill his wife?

idk user i cant think of a reason people would avoid this show

Wasn't there a ridiculous amount of drugs found in his home. How did he maintain custody of his child. I know he's the only parent left because his wife is dead because he killed her but with the large amount and variety of drugs you'd think child protective services would get involved.

i meant blue not smoothie

>Dark Matter
>The Expanse
>12 monkeys
>The Magicians
>Z Nations
>Blood Drive

implying SyFy isn't producing the best tv currently

Happy! and The Expanse are the only good shows they've had for years.

12 Monkeys is a legit great scifi show.

Z Nation is zombie kino

Van Helsing isn't bad either

I get what it's going for, I just felt that it desperately needed a straight man.

My dad fucking loved this show and kept telling me to watch it with him. But I keep finding excuses to avoid him

I really loved it but never ended up finishing it. Only got to ep 3.

Brian Taylor’s a fucking mad genius.

you should finish it, because it gets even better

This show would have been a masterpiece without the blue fucking donkey. Christopher Meloni in a constant state of psychosis, talking to an imaginary figure that the viewer can't see ... It would have been glorious.

Aren't they going to be adapting GRRM's Nightflyers as well?

dropped it on the fucking pilot.

Episode 4 is the one where it really gets going, best ep

Really like the show. I hope they can go more over-the-top next season, and make it as exciting and crazy as possible. I think the show slowed down just a bit too much midway through the season, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I especially loved the villains, Smoothy and Blue in particular were great. Nick vs Chelios when?