When does this show get funny?

When does this show get funny?

don't feel bad that you're not smart enough to enjoy it


Sounds like the comedy is above your pay grade. How's about watching a show more on your level like family guy?


When you become more intelligent, nihilistic, and gain a wicked sense of humor.

when you come off it and stop playing the goat


when you watch it to be entertained instead of setting out to prove you don't like it so you can show everyone on the internet what a cool contrarian you are

>intelligent humor

I was genuinely asking everybody won't shut up about this show so I gave the first episode a shot, and I didn't think it was funny. Does it get better, and if so when?

I've always found the humor in cartoon sitcoms to be underwhelming. Futurama, Simpsons, Southpark, and Family Guy hardly ever make me laugh. The same goes for Rick and Morty.

However, R&M is the only one of watch these days. The high concept sci-fi rigamarole is pretty entertaining.

If you didn't enjoy the first episode you're unlikely to enjoy subsequent ones. It's just a matter of personal taste. I tried watching My Little Pony and realized half way through the first episode that this wasn't my thing and wasn't ever likely to be, so I quit right there. I acknowledge that it's a good show. It does what it sets out to do. It entertains the people it means to entertain, and if I happen to not be one of them, that's just a matter of taste too.

It sounds like you're having a similar experience here. You gave it a chance and it's not hitting your sweet spot. Good on you for keeping an open mind and giving it a shot. There's plenty of other fine entertainment media out there which I'm sure will be up your alley.

>Season 3
What did they mean by this?

It's transcended simply being good

I'd say the pilot is one of the worsts of the season. Just watch the second episode, third, and fourth episode. If you still don't find it good, then you're probably not going to enjoy the rest.

Jesus fucking christ, as a genuine fan of the show can everyone just fuck off with all the threads about it. You either like the show or you don't. There's no SOOPER DEEP MEENING or INTALEKSHUAL HUMOOR. It's just a comedy with some occasional emotional moments from the characters. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fedora wearing fuck head who thinks they have an IQ of over 1 billion because they can laugh at fart jokes. I personally enjoy the show for what it is, even though I do feel some moments are a bit ham fisted. One said moments being the "Beta male" speech made by Summer, along with shaming Jerry but not the woman who did the exact same thing. The entire show would be rid of a lot of shit moments like those without Harmon I feel, but that's just my two cents. There isn't really much to say that hasn't been said already, you either like the humor or you don't, it's a hit or miss. I personally don't enjoy any other "Adult" cartoon besides Rick and Morty, but you don't see me fucking screeching about how I don't like them. The only reason the show blew up like it did is because normies think if they say they watch the show it makes them look smart and deep just because it has sci-fi elements. So it leads to shitty online journalists talking about how deep the show is to pull the views from normies. Sometimes I think they throw in dumb forced meme shit like pickle rick just to see how stupid the normie fanbase is.

looks like nobody can sincerely explain why they like this piece of shit or why they even think it's good,


>People MUST validate their opinions through me
Must feel good to be that far up your own ass

I don't ask other people to explain why they enjoy shows which I don't because I recognize that their experienes are ultimately subjective and their reasons, no matter how well-founded, aren't likely to be particularly meaningful to me. I don't enjoy watching car races. A fan of that sport could give me a list of reasons why he enjoys it, but knowing what he enjoys isn't going to make me enjoy them any more than I already do. Seeking out this information is a waste of his time and mine.

When you're old enough to understand.
In the meantime why not go play?

Bitch I'm 30. I get the jokes they just aren't funny.

>people have to explain why they like something because you're too retarded to figure it out for yourself
You being too stupid to figure something out doesn't change my view on said thing oddly enough. I don't need to win a retard over in order to enjoy some comedy

Good for you. Around 2 million people agree that they are funny on a weekly basis so your point is invalid

Sufferers of autism frequently lack what's called a "theory of mind;" they can't grasp the idea that different people can form and honestly hold or experience different thoughts, opinions and feelings from themselves. They will frequently assume that a person who expresses a thought unlike their own is being willfully dishonest or ignorant rather than grappling with the notion that someone else's experience is as valid as their own.

I think the person you're talking to might be somewhere on 'the spectrum,' and as such we should extend our sympathy and understanding rather than scorn or ridicule.

And hundreds of thousands of people thinl the earth is flat, what's your point?

When you get to laugh at people like

The point is that the show doesn't need your validation in order to be funny. You not being able to figure out a math problem doesn't mean it's unsolvable. The problem lies with you

Math isn't subjective, humor is.

When do you stop being a dick? Just let people like what they like.

>And hundreds of thousands of people thinl the earth is flat, what's your point?
>The point is that the flat earth doesn't need your validation in order to be real. You not being able to figure out a math problem doesn't mean it's unsolvable. The problem lies with you

Hey if you like the show more power to you, I was just asking if it got better.

Episode 2.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens.

Is this one of the levels of coping with a loss? You've moved on to accept that the show has gone downhill and now have to try and feebly convince people that it's still good?

(plus the suicidal tendencies)

If you don't like season 1 you sure as shit will fucking hate Season 3. Imagine if Futurama went from Season 2 right to the comedy central seasons.

>I don't like a show but I religiously tune in every week to get upset about its stories and themes instead of doing the rational thing and not watching it

Do smart people waste time watching cartoons?

Season 3 is the best by far and I'm guessing it has something to do with the new writers breathing life into it

>implying I don't take a mega from the discussion threads

Mr. Robot is the only show that deserves ratings


I dunno, I feel like I enjoyed the series for the first couple of seasons, but haven't really enjoyed the third and find alot of the criticisms people make about the show more and more apparent. The humor is really hit and miss, lots of dumb referential humor and 4th wall breaking that makes no sense. Also all the characters aside from Morty and Summer are really unlikeable.

Rick in particular is starting to feel more and more like a self insert. He's borderline omnipotent and everything revolves around him. Despite being a shitty person he's always right in the end and never has any sort of comeuppance other than some halfassed attempts of drawing attention to his alcoholism or depression . I know some people find this hilarious, but for me he's a really frustrating character.

Second episode.

>implying autists don't deserve scorn and bullying

Are you guys ready for an entire season at the side splitting caliber of Look Who's Purging now?

Might as well go debate street level Trump supporters desu. You're never going to make a difference. People have been screaming at TMSfag for half a decade yet he still spams his shit image anytime a new western cartoon drops.

Why is Sup Forums so defensive?

>The entire show would be rid of a lot of shit moments like those without Harmon
It would also be not funny and pretty bad.

I have so few victories in life that I'm willing to settle with ones won on a Malaysian fishing net weaving forum

Mr. Robot is shit

I'll watch the show that's critically acclaimed with awards while you watch the show that can't even get nominated for an Annie.

'Look Who's Purging Now' was a good episode focusing on Rick and Morty without any other bullshit, i'd like more of that.

It's still shit. I watched it.

Pretty much this. There's a reason why it's got good tv ratings which rises every season, even after episodes keep getting leaked and pirated. Simply put, it's a good show with mainstream appeal.

I found it to be very poorly put together, predictable, full of cliched tropes and cringy acting
It's like the show is trying to be ironic but it's missing said layer of irony, what you see is what you get
If I didn't follow the industry and has heard about it afterwards I would have never imagined this would get renewed for more seasons
Also awards don't mean shit, dumb pretencious shows that try too hard yet deliver too little get showerd with awards on a somewhat regular basis, see Lost, Homeland or even GoT for recent examples

>caring about TV and movie awards

People don't understand that sometimes that good is good enough. They always want exceptional and fantastic once in a generation shows every season

By the time you give youself brain damage/enter your edgy liberal atheist phase

dont over think the joke. if you are wondering "is that the punch line?" then it is

>it's good because it's popular

If you didn't find season 1 funny, turn back now. It only goes downhill from there.

exactly, its popular because its good

>It's just a comedy with some occasional emotional moments from the characters.

Even this very basic premise is fucked up by R&M. You have one scene where the main character (well one of them) is strapped into a Matrix-esque device that tortures his genitals to the point of screaming 24/7 and this is a joke because "it's absurd, you can't take it seriously," only to turn around and expect us to invest sincere emotion into this character whenever he feels sad or angry.

It's the same deal with Rick specifically. He spends a majority of his time on the show either inventing absurd devices that invoke suffering or insulting characters directly, thus provoking suffering, and yet the show expects you to feel even slightly bad when he himself is suffering. One of the episodes has him turn off a shield generator or something that kept aliens from dying, resulting in a quintessential little girl alien complete with pigtails and a dress graphically getting killed by her brother of the same age, and I'm supposed to feel bad when some writer's self-insert tells him he's a narcissist and a douchebag?

The writing is disjointed, it's stupid, it's not funny and it's clearly not made for adults since they expect us to be equally as shallow and retarded.

I don't think there's a real massive spike in quality at any particular point outside of season 2, but if you don't like it after a few episodes you just don't like it, and thats fine.
Don't think it's anything more than a regular-ass decent show or hate/try to like it more than you have to just because it's a meme

He didn't turn it off, the rollercoaster ride he was on crashed into it due to some other aliens sending it off the rails while trying to kill him. I can see how you would think things are disjointed when you can't follow a simple series of events like that.

Decent shitpost.

A- for effort

You're too stupid to understand the subtle nuances of this scene, only true intellectuals get it.

watch roiland TV, justin is the funny one

When you develop a sense of humor.