refute this
>protip you cant
*sips tea*

Its a good thing most men could do all of those things for most of history and present.


Says female with 30 sexual partners

Men can cook and clean better than women nowadays anyway. Women under 30 can't make Mac n cheese

I can do all of those things easily. Now, why would I ever need a woman? To burn through my cash? I can just flush it down the toilet, bill after bill, and get more pleasure out of it.

I can do all of the above plus earn a decent income as a Railway Engineer. What do I need a woman for Pol ?

>Women work shit jobs any normal teenage kid can do & think they're so great because of it

She sounds really proud of knowing how to do laundry.

It's not that men can't do those things well, it's that those are the only things women can do well.

>thinking we are lazy spoiled chads
Ive been cooking for myself and doing my laundry for myself since my early teens Nigger

what can women do beside their uterus?

>can do all those things
>no need for women anymore

who cannot cook and refuses to do laundry. Sad!

She's right, also how does this btfo pol?

Women who take child support, alimony, or support from the state are not "cute." They are spoiled brats so dependent on gender roles that they never bothered to learn the minimal skills to take care of themselves.


calling head office for advice...

To be fair, not in Islam and other cultures with arranged marriages.

>cooking is hard
>cleaning is hard
>fucking laundry is hard
most girls I know here in college spend all their parents money on restaurant food or fucking instant mac and cheese and keep their dorms in constant disarray

I REALLY don't wanna hear this shit

*flicks teacup as you sip, spilling it all over your nigger ass*

shes a feminist but she's not wrong.

us men need to be respectable and have proper hygiene, self respect.

Change brake pads pls

What about "strong independent women" that still want said baby to pay for everything in their life?

Women sure have developed into a "i'm not your momma, so don't expect me to do things for you" role but, still wanting to boss you around like said momma.

i dont need a woman to do that shit. i can refuse to do most of it. check mate whore. chick-fil-a samiches taste better than your cooking any ways

some one find the bitch and reply with this.

Women who can't fix mechanical or electrical problems, receive a paycheck, or even open jars are not "cute" and "in need of a man to care for them." They are spoiled brats so dependent on gender roles that they never bothered to learn the minimal skills to take care of themselves.

Am I fit for /tumblr/ with my irrefutable logic, anons?

When podesta goes to jail and he has to do the laundry for Tyrone, its not because Tyrone can't do the laundry him self. It's because podesta is greatful that Tyrone is agood husband that doesn't beat him.

I don't get how anyone does laundry wrong. It's the easiest chore there is.

who the fuck actually doesn't know how to wash their own clothes? I see this MANCHILDREN UGH GOD GROWN UP AND WASH YOUR OWN CLOTHES MOMMY ISN'T HERE shit all over the place and more times than not these bitches don't even seem ironic about it. honestly is not knowing how to wash clothes a thing?

Besides the feminist gender roles bullshit, a man should be able to do those things, and have been for ages.
Women these days are useless, and gigantic cunts to boot.

Because man on man sex is haram, Mohammed bin al Assad. If you don't have a woman mahatir will make you anwar.

I can do all of these things and more. I can also do basic car repair and maintenance, I'm a pretty decent marksman and I can even fix my own plumbing.

It's usually women who don't have any useful skills, and have nothing to offer the world except their well-worn fuck holes.


wtf I like leaves now

I don't see whats so hard. You put the food in the pot and turn on the heat. Similar process for the clothes. And you just live in the filth.

I can cook, but why the fuck would I if I have nobody to impress?

(you) and her are looking at it all wrong. Men can easily do those things. We let women do those things to feel better about themselves and to contribute to make up for their lack of aptitude with math, hard sciences, and.. tbH... anything remotely mechanical or computational.

>not able to do your own laundry
kek, does mommy still do it?

Women expect their laundry to be folded and put away neatly in preassigned locations with a bow on top because they always make everything more complicated than necessary when you can just leave them all in the dryer and use that as your dresser drawers.

>can do well
No, they can't. Usually it's better to have them do these tasks so your time can be spent doing something else.

Only beta cucks need a woman. Real men look out for themselves.

don't worry I don't fuck with feminists anyway

No, everybody knows how to do laundry. Women "claim" it as their chore because it's extremely easy and requires almost no work or thought. It is a fantastic way to waste an entire day watching lifetime movies and then claim you were productive, that's why they love having it as their thing and why they build a myth of it being difficult.

>taking pride in being able to perform rudimentary tasks that men throughout history have deemed simple enough to delegate to women.

Women make it seem like things they do are unbearably hard, and only they could do them. You see it on Facebook all the time, seeking attention and claiming they deserve wine for the doing the laundry today. As if putting things in a magical machine and pushing buttons is work.