What should I watch, boys?

What should I watch, boys?

your weight


Your weight

Your caloric intake


My 600lb Life


your weight

Your body fat

i prefer pepperoni and bell peppers with extra sauce on my pizza

Why did you need two cokes?

your w____t

>deep dish

you filthy swine


Pizza Hut is shit tier, throw that away


your lipidogram

wtf is that shit?

that is not deep dish

That's like 3 whole loafs of bread.

In America different shaped pizza is a side dish for pizza?

These dubs



>detroit style pizza hut dish
at least order off little Cs if you're going to get a mainstream D dish

>american """"food""""


its deep enough to be too deep

going right for the jugular

Bread sticks are a stupid side. It's just pizza crust with everything good about pizza removed.

me doing your mom and your sister at the same time

unironically this
scared the shit out of me and now I count calories like a motherfucker

a bullet shoot into your eye, eventually blowing your brains our of your fat skull

Dissed and dismissed. Get #rekt OP

because he's watching his weight, so the 2 litre would be too much

Smh desu senpai

took the words right out of my mouth
unfortunately, no one is there to take the shitty food he's about to eat out of OP's mouth

Supersize Me

Put me in the Reddit screencap, fellow soyboys and salad-munching teenage girls.

No problem, fatass

that's cheesy bread
totally different from pizza
and the top right are cinnamon sticks
and this box is supposed to feed an entire family, not one fat bastard

>Pizza with mushrooms
>Pizza with nothing
Getting a heart attack isn't even worth it for this dry crap.

But you're the one posting from a phone whilst sitting in front of a pc

Just think, had you been 2 posts earlier, all of this praise could have been yours.

>tfw doing keto
>Tfw craving carbs like mad
I could get a pizza right now but it wouldn't be worth it
No carbs before marbs


>that's cheesy bread
>totally different from pizza

kcko, brother

enjoy your stroke fatass