Where's the best place to buy one of these?

Where's the best place to buy one of these?

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I really hated that they had to explain the frog and the scorpion in the film. I guess morons wouldn't have got it, but it ruined any sort of subtlty.

The autism store

it's not a very common story

Cringefest 2018

You can't pull it off, user. None of us can.

Yes it is. It's one of the more popular of Aesop's fables.

I know, user. I know. But a nearby theatre is showing it and I'm seeing it with some friends. It's one of my favorite films, and I'd like to wear the jacket for laughs.


>90 bucks
Not bad at all if it's good quality, I'll have to find excuses to actually wear it.

89 dollars??

it is
but then you have to presume that many people read Aesop's fables
maybe you have that much faith in people, but I don't

Reminder that you are NOT Ryan Gosling and you will never be able to pull it off like he does.

These types of things are a little expensive if you don't want shit quality.

What's better, scorpion jacket or the Officer K jacket?


only the dog can pull it off

>they all look based

I miss the I drive greentexts

Instead of trying to buy a cheap piece of shit you can't pull off, why not just make your own souvenir jacket?

it is if you went to a proper school.

yea like every single elementary school in my country tells that story, I though burgers loved classical tales