ITT: You’re given free reign of the Mass Effect TV Series spanning 5 seasons...

ITT: You’re given free reign of the Mass Effect TV Series spanning 5 seasons, who would you cast and what changes would you make compared to the games, also ME: Andromeda not included.

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It's ME, I would go full steam ahead with diversirty. A cast full of crippled negroes and muslim lesbian latinas.

what's it like being an angry faggot all day, you can't actually enjoy this.

there's no point in a Mass Effect series, because Mass Effect is itself a homage to sci-fi shows

mass effect is pretty much already a movie where you get decide what the main character does/says.

I'd make it as awful as possible so hopefully afterwards everyone would understand that spin-offs, remakes, rehashes, sequels, ludicrous CGI, awful writing and bad acting are not good things, and that really everyone should be sick of these things by now and if not demanding change, making something themselves.
Everyone has a camera and internet access in their pocket these days, there's no excuse for going over the same old shit.
Not that ME1 is shit, it's not. Just leave good things be, and make new good things.

I would rather make a Strange Journey adaptation.

I would find out what fans of the series liked about it and be absolutely sure to exclude all of it

What is a CEO doing on Sup Forums?

I don't know who I would cast but I would completely undo anything mass effect 2 and 3 did to butcher the 10/10 story.