Soyboys cant be alpha ma-

>soyboys cant be alpha ma-


>bryan gozzling

yeah he definitely looks like he gozzles it down by the fucking gallon

This soyboy meme is fucking stupid. So apparently anyone that wears glasses and has facial hair is a soyboy?


having an ok head shape doesn't make one alpha

ok head shape? he looks like an upside down almond

being alpha correlates to a high facial width to height ratio.
his is abysmally low (definitely at the *very* low end of the bell curve), confirming that he is, in fact, a soyboy beta cum guzzler. OP = retarded

without looking him up I can tell this guy weighs like 140 and is a manlet, let's go down the checklist
>facial hair
>tasteless fucking tattoos
>head shape
>permanent smug look