The best Batman movies

I miss Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale.
Why was Nolan so uninterested in kickstarting the DCEU?

>Why was Nolan so uninterested in kickstarting the DCEU?
Call it a hunch.

He made his trilogy and was done. Nolan wanted to make other stuff and has no real personal connection to comic books, so he took his money and ran.

What a fag

What about Bale did he hate doing the raspy voice?

Bale doesn't give a single fuck about comic books either, he wanted to work with Nolan and get paid big bucks to fund his other projects.

The only person who worked on these movies that was a comic nerd was Goyer, who was basically stuck on the projects to make sure Nolan didn't go too far with his autueurist ideas.

There is a charm to Nolan's take on the DC universe

I almost wanna see him in an alternate universe where he was the one who funded and greenwrite the show Gotham

Let me post the actual best Batman movie.

Why do people hate Michelle Pfifer and Danny DeVito playing as Catwoman and Penguin

>There is a charm to Nolan's take on the DC universe

Because Nolan is an actual director with ideas and thoughts, like Burton, Raimi, Singer, Donner, etc.

Even if you hate any of these versions of those characters, they're coming from a place and idea. Someone actually wanted to make a movie about those characters, not a brand extension.

Jared Leto makes me miss Heath Ledger

He was almost perfect

not muh syndrome

Do they?
I know McDonalds did but did audiences?

>Why was Nolan so uninterested in kickstarting the DCEU?
because Snyder and his wife are hacks

Synder openly hates comic books and don't even say Money

What real reason did a guy who hates comics get a job at the place he shouldn't even be working in

I agree with you

I don't hate either of them, nor do I hate that just doesn't deserve title of "the best" for me personally, it was an interesting journey into Batman if Batman was 100 percent a Tim Burton creation, but that's too much Burton for me

I much prefer the original Burton Batflick, which was a good balance and didn't go "full Burton" as I call it.

If you're talking about Nolan than the answer's fucking obvious. He made a multi picture deal. That's how big studios work.
Nolan goes in and says "Hey I want money for this weird dream movie with french music and this movie about this war thing that happened" and the suits go "Okay but you gotta direct Batman first. That's where the money's at."
Or you could just sleep with a producer like Zack did.

because his wife is a stupid hack

>Best Batman Movies
Get bent.

The batman movies were the beginning and end of the DC cinematic universe. They made a statement and since then, every other super hero film has tried to be this grimdark retelling of super heroes instead of just being a fun hero movie. That's why Marvel did so well for it's initial run and is starting to lose steam now.

>Live Action
Batman > Batman Returns > Batman Begins > The Dark Knight > Adam West Batman Movie > The Dark Knight Rises > Batman Forever > Batman & Robin

Conroy > Keaton > Affleck > West > Bale > Kilmer > Clooney

Batman: Under The Red Hood > The Dark Knight Returns > Batman Beyond > Return of the Joker > Batman: Mask of the Phantasm > Batman: Assault on Arkham

They'd about said their piece on the matter of Batman, Gotham and Bruce with the trilogy.

Work on MoS likely made him rethink expanding to the entirety of DCEU aside from executive stuff, and his brother Jonathan, who was the pen behind the trilogy, skipped that and the DCEU altogether.

>Why was Nolan so uninterested in kickstarting the DCEU?

He just saw what a generic garbage the other cinematic universe is and that is and how it kills any bit of creativity and turns any directors vision into mindless entertainment, so why botter starting the same shit with a different brand.

I wouldn't say that
He could have made a pretty kickass Watchmen/Hellblazer/Preacher/Justice League movie