Salut prieteni

Salut prieteni.
My buddy from Romania who is in the army there has told me that they are ramping up military drills and tests like never before.
They are apparently testing some sort of anti nuclear intercepts on a 6 hour schedule, these same machines were only scheduled to be tested every 3-7 days.
There's even an American submarine armed with nukes stationed at Constanta.
What is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:ţinut-de-origine-evreiască-intenționează-să-protesteze-împotriva-condițiilor-de-detenție.html


How the fuck should I know? I live in the mountains, I don't even have running light or water

Weekly reminder fellow gypsies. Romania's mountains were never conquered. If push comes to shove we'll just fall back tp the center of the nation.

your buddy should be hanged for treason

Adrian Tatu on Facebook - that guy should tell you all the hidden truths. He is a SRI worker and allegedly wants to debunk everything. You may find him phony and yourself unable to swallow the grey pill.

sag e

=because THE ROYAL HOUSE of ROMANIA is recognized OFFICIALLY both internally and externally, SRI, as an INTELLIGENCE structure is preparing QUEEN MARGARETA of ROMANIA for the KINGDOM ===

Nihil Sine DEO


=this is the standard of the atheist republic with bolshevik roots,,,, lies, thefts, felonies,, human sorrows,, genocide,,,, EU standarda with fascist origins ===&&&= every Doctor who has as a MISSION THE RESCUING OF HUMAN LIFE has to be Informed about this Paper of Reference, Profesionally Documents = German Paper ===

,,,,and they have to react against every action linked with fascism&nazism!!!GOOD LUCK===


>Implying mountains are any good against nuclear bombs.

Why would anyone drop a bomb here ? They're just gonna roll trough the country

Listen to Adrian Tatu you mongs.

gommunism is gr8 :DDD

No strategic value to a nuke other than for propaganda purposes. Like isis, or false flag. So it's probably bullshit. Just a training exercise, or propaganda to rally the troops. Or your friends is mistaken.

only Atheist Humanoid Mutants still think that the murderer atheist EU can be saved!!!GOD^^^=EL^^^DESTROYS EVERYTHING THAT IS ATHEIST!!!AMEN***


Post sources. What you claim is not feasible. This country hates the royal house. My grand grandfather guarded a train while it was loaded with romanian gold.

You know Russian KGB use pol you fucking idiot


>tfw pretend Dacians will just switch to Putin's side the moment Russians show up on their borders like they did in 1944

We are preparing to attack Hungary, the huns must go back to the asian steppes where they came from

,,,the ROMANIAN INTELLIGENCE already monitorizes the hidden groups who finance these movements,,,in ROMANIA a Country with a Iudeo-CHRISTIAN majority, the HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE WILL BE NOT ACCEPTED,,,and for the protection of our CHILDREN WHO ENSURE THE FUTURE OF THE NATION!!

No, let's keep our honor and lose 3/4 of our territory.
That's a better strategy, right hungary?


Hail Tatu!

Ok ok. we get it. romas are not romanians.

I will never understand your eternal buthurt (albeit neither will i understand the romanian buthurt).

war's hell...shit happens
i still like hungary tho'. If it were up to me we should all just form our own damn union with Romania, Hungary, Poland, and some ex-yugos and fuck the west.

serios, e nebun omu'
de ce raspandesti propaganda de cacat?


la băşcălie, ciocu mic.

I don't want to scare you, but I live quite close to a military air base in Poland (the largest NATO airport to the east of Germany) and the amount of flights has simply skyrocketed. I'm scared :(


THEY WILL WAGE WAR upon us all====we have to make it DISMEMBER!!!!

UE=nazi/fascist atheist humanoids

t. Adrian Tatu

everything you've said so far sounds like something a deranged hobo would be standing screaming while ringing a bell nude

a battery of american patriot missiles was moved by railway from germany to romania.
they're doing military exercises in constanta at the capu midia.
nothing extraordinary.
they are testing how fast those weapons can be deployed.

>There's even an American submarine armed with nukes stationed at Constanta.

this is false

Coaie, incerc sa fiu deschis la minte dar omul asta se exprima ca nea Sile de la parter dupa 3 tuici. Chiar crezi tu ca ala e nivelul de intelect acceptat in structuri de informatii? Pe bune, incearca sa vezi cum arata admiterea la academia de informatii. Sau macar la politie.

partea cu infiltrarea in structurile inamice e adevarata. asa se distrug intre ele natiunile.
nu poate nimeni sa spuna ca economia si armata romana nu au fost pulverizate dupa 89.
la fel si declinul demografic si emigrarea a 4 milioane de romanasi.
daca lucra pt sri ala care a scris asta zbura demult din serviciu.
daca dadea din casa facea parnaie.


Scuze. M-am grabit si nu am bagat de seama ca e basca. Carry on.

Esti retardat. Ti-am spus sa postezi ceva concret si tu continui sa dai copy paste la cele mai inepte postari pe care le-am vazut vreodata.

ce anume te intereseaza

Ma intereseaza sa vad daca ceea ce spune acest Adrian Tatu are validitate. Cum OP-ul este incapabil sa ofere dovezi ma intereseaza de ce cacat posteaza aici fraza trecute prin google translate.

tu ce crezi?ţinut-de-origine-evreiască-intenționează-să-protesteze-împotriva-condițiilor-de-detenție.html

==TE ROG SA TE CONFORMEZI despre parerile lui ADRIAN TATU!!!

PE Facebook,,




Basarabia is Romanian clay.
About time it was retaken.

ROG TOLERANTA,,,, Adrian Tatu este un RESPECTABIL OM din orasul GALATZI..... Am sa-l vizitez daca trec pe acolo!!!!!==este NEVINOVAT, SUNT DOAR INSCENARI FACUTE DE BOLSEVICII NEONAZISTI!!!

>i still like hungary

basarabia includes the rep. of moldova plus present day ukrainian territories.

AHH, ce cretin sunt. Asta e shitposting de nivel australian. Bravo compatriotule.


Calm, Gigi. Am prezentat deja scuzele mele. Adrian Tatu este in mod evident demn de atentie si bine informat. Nedreptatit de oculta mondiala, indubitabil. Uniti, il salvam.