God i fucking hate Denmark soo much

God i fucking hate Denmark soo much..
>sit in class
>teacher starts talking about the election
>"if trump gets elected noone will be allowed to travel to the US! a man that says such horrible things shouldn't be president!"
>"user why do you think trump shouldn't win?"
>me:"b-because he says mean things"
>"THATS RIGHT! trump has gone bank rupt 4 times and he hates women and muslims!"
>denmark is sooo fucking cucked

Keep in mind that i'm sitting in a class with 95% muslim immigrants.
I hate being forced to support Hillary so i wont be called racist.

Other urls found in this thread:


Same here dude

I think kiwis are 90% clinton from some (((survey)))
More than pretty much any other country

Why are you in a 95% immigrant class?

That's part of the reason Trump has a lot of support. We see what Europe is turning into and some of us are horrified at what we see.

I feel you, am in the same situation. I dropped out two years ago but started school again, so I'm 21 and a lot of my classmates are 17-18. They're fucking retarded and doesnt even read the corrupted newspapers, they just see the memes on facebook and suddenly have an opinion.

I want to fucking kill my self

figured out that i wanted to go to uni
have to redo a step i should have done years ago in an adult school in the ghetto

im guessing this guy is an immigrant himself and is in some class where he has to learn danish and their customs or something.

The best weapon against such things is using the cognitive dissonance.

Thins like:
>I am working class person and Donald Trump's programme secures the future for the working class in America, which is why I think he's the better candidate.

Will work wonders. Same applies to gays vs. islam argument.

Exploit the subconscious reasons for this retardation instead of trying to fight with them. Read Kaczynski's manifesto he explains it well.

race war now

you responded like a cuck
therefore you're the reason denmark is cucked

I'm in the US and had the same thing happen today during a discussion for a bioenergy class. One person said "Trump wants to shut down the EPA!"

Another said "Trump wants to stop solar power."

Why the fuck are you discussing US politics in a class in Denmark for fucks sake

Because we want free trade with America and Trumps been an asshole to our country on every visit

I think the best thing you can do in those situations is to just bite your tongue. Let them talk shit. Let them praise each other in their little hug boxes.

Like Scott Adams says, "I endorse Hillary Clinton for my own personal safety". I think it's a great line, persuasion-wise.

Stay strong brothers

>Trump wants to shut down the EPA

I fucking wish.

It affects us all you idiot

I cannot imagine being this irrelevant.

>not getting the fuck out of the West to go spread your glorious gene seed elsewhere

Head to Asia, my brother. You will be like a God there.

I'm leaving in January.

Should have asked for some arguments why isolationist politics is bad thing.

Hvilen omegn er du i? Jeg vil sige at Stockholm nok er værre end noget sted i Danmark

I don't know why some of you bitch about the fact that we others talk about your politics when you're trying to conquer the world all the time

At this point I think you people are just Hillary shills trying to divide and conquer. Fuck off back to Clinton campaign headquarters

Why would you want to live in Asia?
I'm moving to the US in the future.

be careful bröder trolltrace might get you

Fucking Ishoj, no wonder. Håber du overlever sandneger invasionen, antager at det er gymnasie siden snigs ikke går på universitet

Why did you cuck bow to him?

US will be a nuclear crater or riddled with civil war soon. Don't go there.

And Asia because they carry good genes and have acceptable climates, plus they seem to have a good economic expansion parallel with the western one, so it won't be much influenced by the soon collapse of western society.

If you support Trump in any class in the liberal utopia of leafland you are guaranteed bad grades unless it's a classe based on objective grading not subjective grading.

China is the future user. After ww3, they'll be the only superpower left.

Last time I checked you guys are the worlds only superpower. What happens in your country affects us all

10. klasse. HF (gymnasie) til sommer.
heldigvis er mange af "hehe ghetto xd" sandnegerne droppet ud efter de fik deres forste SU lon.

>9. klasse



Was thinking abour writing about trump for my exam, but i know i'll get shit grades.
I hate my country soo much.. i just want to live in a country where i can be patriotic.

I love the US though

Kek du har ret, troede Sup Forums havde ældre brugere, oh well, even the young can suffer from sandnigger invasions

VUC man..
>tfw didnt know what i wanted to do with my life till last year
>tfw have to redo 10th grade to get into gymnasie
>tfw 19 years old

You're the real fucking cuck for not defending Trump because you're scarred of being called a buzzword by people you fucking hate.

What's with all you cucks being scarred about revealing your so called "powerlevel"

>not challenging them on their opinions

>wah wah muh feelings about a country

You're uneducated and underage b&. Let reason take hold of you.

Its just everyone in your country has their head up their ass. Europes politics affects you guys too, its just your politicians who do all the talking without informing people like you.

this. With Muslims in particular, try

>Drumpf le Buffoon will destroy the Great Satan and set the Umma free, insha'Allah.

Are you retarded ?

I'm 19 you cuck.
Just a few years behind in my education.
People in my class are between 18-40 years old

> Be in a country where people claim to be neutral, while still shitting on one candidate

The Netherlands, every one.

Don't be such a fucking cuck next time then, and explain why Trump SHOULD win. Jesus, you wonder why everyone is supporting Hillary, loving rapefugees and being general retards in your country... Maybe that wouldn't be the case if more people stood up for what they actually believed in and told the rest of those idiots to STFU.

And I'm 23 and leaving the country with at least 80.000kr in my bank account.

You got no fucking excuse.

Also >inb4 I don't want to be called a racist. Who gives a shit, if you conform to their opinions out of intimidation you're letting them win and furthering their cause. Don't give in.

>*record scratch* You wonder how I end up a cuck? Here is my story.

excuse for what?
what the fuck are you talking about

Hvad fanden laver du, mand? Jeg går på en rod gymnasium og jeg er sgu ikke genert over at jeg stotter Trump. Jeg er sgu blevet kaldt racist, Hitler og DF'er men det' sgu bare ord min ven.
Jeg går også i en klasse med en vis niveau af perkere men jeg kalder dem skam også perkere og vi ser da stadig oje til oje til hinanden.

Du skal ikke være bange min ven, perkerne er ikke dine venner bare fordi du lader som om du stotter Hillary.

>broken beta husband
>son too young to recognize the degeneracy
>son dressed like girl
>wife happy she gettin' blacked
>child refugee

It's similar to the "White bois can't even compete" meme. The implication is that you're inferior.

For being a poor, uneducated cunt who thinks YOO ESS A is the best fucking country in the world.

Er alle danskere på Sup Forums enten i folkeskole, gymnasie eller i gang med en eller anden meme voksenuddannelse, fordi de ikke fik sparket sig i gang?

Hvorfor sidder OP til undervisning sammen med 35 fuldvoksne perkere og har en eller anden samfundsfagstime, som 13-årige har i 7. klasse?

It's so fucking bad here. Literally noone I know supports Donald Trump. Have been called a Nazi for agreeing that a wall should be built and my father is "very dissappointed" in me for supporting Trump and Wilders.

is it too late to use these quads to PRAISE KEK

Trump will win

Im on my way to being educated you faggit
i want to live in the US because i like the american life style.
not saying that the US is actually a good country

Man hoster hvad man sår.

>i just want to live in a country where i can be patriotic

We're just feeling it for the first time, ourselves. But America won't last forever. Demographically, White America over the precipice and Trump is its last hurrah. We're doing this for you, so Europe can be inspired to reassert themselves. I suggest that you stay and join a resistance group, which are sure to form in the next decades.


I have a friend from your country that ive recently begun to despise because anytime i try to discuss politics with him he argues that knowing about global politics wont affect him and he goes back to his safespace watching anime. Hes completely Nihilist

leer argumenteren, ik heb zelfs mijn moeder, die een linkse boom knuffelende hippie is zo ver dat ze geen hillary wilt.

>dfn social arv

holy shit user

>i like the american life style
Which will not exist one year after this election, in one way or another.

Also, your image of "american lifestyle" is most likely a glorified image of what America was in the 60's. Is a superbly cancerous and degenerate country all over the board nowadays.

Another story in the book that never happened. You probably sperged out and made a presentation how you would suck Trump's cock.


Fat mod

Ca 6% ville stemme på trump hvis det var Danmark.
Og det skyldes kun medierne osv. Selvom folk ikke ved hvor korrupt hillary er.

Jeg har selv oddset 5000 på at trump han vil vinde

not sure about germany in general but in my peergroup at least, I can say that I'd support trump (albeit only because hillary is even worse, saying that he has some good points is still social suicide)

Your sitting in class because to get welfare money

whatever man
go live in asia, go watch your animu, go live with your waifu

Can confirm. Following a course on cultural pluralism and i thought at least someone would agree with me, but literally everyone is a massive globalist bleeding heart socialist. It was saddening to have to hear people talking about national identity and patriotism being the biggest sin there is

xenoestrogens and preservatives rampant in food and drink. You only see it on them because most Americans who get it also happen to be fat so people just assume the titties is from that

Nice quads, men hvad laver du selv getmaestro jeg er uddannet Civil ingenior og gemmer mig midlertidigt i Sverigestan

En af de få ting jeg gerne ville have fra Amerikas kultur er våbenkulturen.
Jeg fortalte nogen af mine kammerater at jeg ejede en pistol, Beretta m9, og de gik totalt fra den.
De spurgte mig om jeg faktisk kunne gå ud i offentligheden og skyde mennesker.
Folk er absolut uvidende om hvordan våben fungere og hvad de egentlig er.

Admit your just doing it for the check. its ok just be honest

> plus they seem to have a good economic expansion parallel with the western one, so it won't be much influenced by the soon collapse of western society
You are on drugs. Who do you think buys all their goods, especially China's? The US.

Tis nogal lastig te argumenteren als je direct voor racist en xenofoob wordt uitgemaakt en ze het gesprek stopzetten. De "Islam valt onder geloofsvrijheid' meme is te wijdverspreid.
Uitleggen dat Hillary corrupt is levert: "wees niet zo idioot"-reacties op. Feelsbadman.gif

you cough what you seed?

I know mate. My grandma was in a concentration camp, and now my father is totally buying the whole "trump is le hitler" meme. He's a "freethinker", as in: I can think what I want about the elections in America, but if I ever vote for a right-leaning party, he'd disavow me.
That's why I never tell who I vote for


Nothing wrong with fædrelandet, the danish media is the problem. They all seem to have gotten their talking point directly from NY times

I had a friend literally cry in India after seeing children in uniform parading with a marching band at a school.
He got triggered due to the all Nationalism is bad meme.

>american life style

sidste år på min kandidat i jura og har et fint arbejde ved siden af

arbejder du i sverige?

>95% immigrants

STX Langkaer?

>Keep in mind that i'm sitting in a class with 95% muslim immigrants.
>I hate being forced to support Hillary so i wont be called racist.
who cares what they call you you bitch ass faggot

This is the first time I will be able to vote and I will be vocal about who I choose to vote for. This will hopefully allow others to follow suit. Probably fruitless, but oh well. Niet geschoten is altijd mis.

i'm doing it so i can get into uni.
the checks are nice though :^)
Im the only danish guy in my class actually.
the other white guy is italian.


Ja midlertidigt, skulle have noget forbandet "international experience" fordi fuck. Hvis i synes Danmark sutter så kom til Stockholm og bliv culturally enriched. Bliver nodt til at gå med fucking kniv efter klokken 18 her.

Tell me about it. Literally blue pill central at my work. Strangely enough everyone seems to recognize that Clinton is dodgier than a Somali 2nd hand car salesman ... but "muh first woman president" or "muh fee fees were hurt by trump's mean words" is what wins out in the end.

why do you need to lie? In my country it is a showing of respect to not ask people about who they want to vote for or have voted for, even ones from your family. You should be able to refrain from giving your opinion. If I were you however, in a country as cucked as yours, I would lie and act as a Clinton supporter, but only to redpill nu-males.

> I hate trump, but you would still be able to go to America legally.

Luckily in Bulgaria no one cares who you support, so even acquaintances of mine who think Trump should be in jail for being racist, are easily swayed just by me being overenthusiastic about trump's victories and clinton's failures. Most of them get used to the memes and laugh about them. You can give it a shot with that 5% pure danish white.

Går du til pistolskydning? Jeg har overvejet at starte i Dalum.

I'm a shut in loner.
>teacher talking about how trump wanted muslims to get killed
>all the muslims in my class get angry when hearing this
>then the teacher ask me for my opinion
>would be pretty awkward to say that i support trump after all that


Stay there and fight. Trump will win and so will rest of Europe to vote right wing.

Trump is great motivator

If you move here. you are cowarded to my eyes.

F.U.C.K. the Liberal arts. Fuck University, and FUCK LIBERALS!!!!!!

So this fat, slut at my college campus made a joke and got called a racist jokingly right? she then spends the next 2 hours having a bitchy breakdown "dont call me waycist" me (black guy) joking ly say "everything is racist nowadays so the words lost all meaning" where she proceeds to say "Yeah but i hate bigots, call me anything else"

Not even 3 mins later she's saying "MOST DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTERS are racist.... the liberal bitch whos probably never even bothered talking (or listening) to one.

says her grandpa, a LEGAL immigrant may get deported.

I cannot wait for Trump to get elected, watching this fat, manipulative bitch - and all others like her kill herself will be fucking golden.

Like what can you even say when they do NOTHING but spout off the BS they heard from facebook posts, theyre so entranced in BS and never bother to look up the truth. a pal of mine did those privilege gymnastics where being gay makes you a lesser privilege and therefore trump wants to destroy him. You literally have to destroy everything they say all the time.

These same (((intellectuals))) cant even leave a building thats on fire (Happened on Friday) because a fucking sign at the first floor said "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY: ALARM WILL SOUND" so they got off on the scond floor and ran to the main steps.


Used to be incredibly pro-Clinton here too.
That shit has changed.
Even a biased media can only sway opinion for so long.


And to clarify on that fire, yes they literally got off the back steps at the scond floor ran through the building and jammed up the main steps because they didnt want to set off an alarm IN A FUCKING FIRE SITUATION. Lucky it was just a fog machine that tripped the alarm because me and many others WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED.

BTW the worst part, it was mostly the professors who did it. I walked through the doors myself and people were like "oh shit you can do that" like what are the guards gonna do? yell at you for getting out of an emergency ext in an emergency

the sheer level of outright stupidity displayed by liberals on a daily fucking basis. I cant even be impartial anymore. Ive yet to meet ONE liberal who's ideas are consistent, and good. it's literally always

"bro the system is bullshit, why is that syste there system,"

They seriously tried to argue against AP classess, because it "hurts peoples feeling"



>not just doing online HF

baka desu senpai i'm literally sitting on my fat ass reaping in those neetbux while i spend 20 minutes a day writing some ongo bongo tier hard english assignments