ITT: Cringiest lines you've ever heard

>"Am I evil?"
>"Worse. You're smart."

If I posted them all Marvel would sue me for making that much of their content available

This is even stupider when you remember that evil is an actual thing that can be measured in Rick and Morty.

>"I read current Marvel comics and like them."

>"Hail Hydra!"

Why is this such a problem for you cunts it's like 100% of Rick's character to say that sort of shit

He beleieves evil is a thing. Remember the episode with the devil?



>I actively keep posting company wars


I was parodying one.

>implying I care about which company is better instead the quality of the story
Go get double teamed by Benis and Slott.

He have cringe here

I mean, not to say it's a good line, but I don't think evil existing is what makes it bad.

By Rick's logic, being smart is bad because it makes you miserable. From where he's standing, he just doesn't really give a fuck about good and evil. He doesn't care about enacting genocide on himself or an entire galaxy(Multiverse?)-spanning government's peoples. To him, if you're just Evil, then the difference between you and Rick is that you might enjoy doing what you do, like the Devil tried to until Rick decided this is an excellent time to shit on his parade.

>Metal is so good guys, based Snyder

>stating an opinion is cringeworthy
I bet you must be an edgy 14 year old


He isn't denying evil he's saying being too smart is WORSE than being evil

I bet you wouldn't say that if I was talking about someone like Bendis

Wait, can't you be both?

>Am I evil?
>Yes I am
>Am I evil?
>I am man