Why are YOU voting Trump? Specifically?

Why are YOU voting Trump? Specifically?

Is it because you hate Hillary, Liberals, PC culture?

Or do you actually believe Trump will be great for our country? Do you believe he is an outsider and has the people's interest in mind over any politician possibly could?

Personally I lean towards the latter while also hating the PC culture but not enough for that to dictate my vote.


This video is great, and really sums up why I'm voting Trump next week. I hope he wins.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm voting Trump because I feel like he'll be less damaging to the country.

I'm voting Trump because despite the character he plays for politics and what the media would have you believe, he's not a sexist pig or a racist.

I'm voting Trump because while he may or may not be a butt, Hillary is pure evil.

I'm voting Trump because I want jobs brought back to our shores, I'm sick of PC culture and safe places, I don't think politicians should be allowed to be in office for life, I want illegal immigration slowed down, I don't want our country flooded with refugees, I don't want Sharia Law in this country.

I am curious about this alleged rape case. I've heard literally nothing about it and then I see one thing about it from a super Liberal friend who doesn't even know if it's factual or not.

He's talking about jobs, Hillary isn't. I'm pretty much a one issue voter, America needs jobs to get back on track. Trump being substantially less likely to kick off WW3 over Syria is a nice cherry on top, though.

I'm voting for Trump because as a mentally ill adult who cannot work in retail or food (due to mental illness) I need factory jobs back, big league.

I'm voting for Trump because I agree with his stances on just about everything.

I'm voting for Trump because he wants to #DrainTheSwamp and return power to the American People.

I'm voting for Trump because it pisses of SJWfascists, and they are enemy.

Because Hilary will get a new AWB passed. I was always for Cruz but Trump won the primary so I gotta support him regardless.

I'm a lifelong democrat who voted for Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Obama

Hillary is a pathological liar and a psychopathic maniac. She is one of the most evil people ever to run for high office. I truly believe that she is a tremendous threat to the safety and security of our nation.

I also believe that you cannot believe in God and justice and still support Clinton. You can't call yourself a good person and still support Hillary

I'm voting for Trump because it's time to end having puppet-presidents to the oligarchs in office.

I'm voting for Trump because if Hillary gets in, we are FUCKED.

I'm voting for Trump because I'd like to see someone tell Israel to go get someone else to do their killing and dying for them.

To me this election represents the fate of humanity. I dont hate anyone but its obvious that any chance of our world becoming anything but a volatile war zone is utterly gone. If Hillary wins anyone that is remotely serious will continue to be obliterated into a type of appalling idiocracy. On the other hand if Trump does win the question arises of what he will do. He isnt going to be able to make peace of this mess, it is not just a temporary circumstance. He would have to be stupid to not turn ruthless and violent. Im not sure he has it in him. If we're lucky we may see some real annoyance and trolling, if we're really lucky we'll see these politically correct types put in their place.. Its a damn drop in a bucket either way. We've cucked into oblivion.. This all should have happened a long time ago.

WW3 feels inevitable, but Trump is war against the global elite, Hillary is war for the global elite.

As a non-American I am flabbergasted that people can actually consider Trump GOOD. Better than Hillary, sure, but that does not make Trump a good candidate.
The lesser of two evils so to speak.

I'm more favorable towards admittedly because of my utter contempt towards Shillary. But I feel like running the country like a business could turn the economy around for the better, and he understands that the last thing we need to do is to let refugees in by the thousands a la Europe.

>WW3 feels inevitable
That's because you spend way, way, way too long in habbiding threads.

I dont think anybody really considers Trump good but there are alot of people who are discontent and it isnt by choice. When one lives in a near communist/fascist environment their discontentment sobers them up. When one is content they have safety and security, yet it is false. They have their head in the sand. The world is burning to the ground. It is so superficial that a person who is remotely serious is ostracized and winds up without a way to survive. You can be content while you are being genocided but without any kind of responsibility you will be killed. We are now groomed to think that this lack of response to the crisis of life is intelligent and all else is bourgeois... Thats how the communists thought. Communism is tyranny, that is not just opinion. The kind of power involved in our society which give more power and priority over one person than another just because they accept the social order is evil. We're going backwards just because the lowest common denominator wasnt intelligent enough to understand life.

I'm voting for Trump because despite me not being a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic deplorable person, I do side with him on many issues. I am against the Affordable Care Act. I am against the onslaught of illegal immigration that takes money out of my paycheck and endangers my children. I am for peace in the middle east, and not for war with russia for literally no reason. I am against outsourcing without consequence. I am FOR jobs in America. I am against political corruption, cronyism, and pathological lying (specifically to Congress).

And yes, I'm against the PC culture. I don't care if they want to protest; they have the right. But when I went to college, the main goal was to challenge myself and my beliefs, not to create a safe space with padded walls and pacifiers, but to get angry against the establishment. Now it seems like they're all WITH the establishment that does little for them.

I also think socialism is the heart of evil. I think if we entrust our government with our paychecks, we make the same mistakes as our German and Russian friends in the early 20th century. I am pro-Constitution (having practiced Constitutional law before getting a real job), pro-gun rights, pro free speech, and a conservative Constitutionalist. I think the media and politicians could be better regulated, with laws that can be created to address blatant conflicts of interest.

I talk too much and am passionate about it all. That's why I'm voting for Trump. He's just like me: outspoken, conservative, and down-to-earth.

Foreign policy, we're morons for fighting any and everywhere. If russia is a threat, let europe deal with it, isn't italy about as rich as russia? How on earth do they always need our help?

I don't care for Trumps entitlements, but they're strictly smarter than Clinton's, so she made that easy.

And if he can actually overturn roe v wade, abortion can go back to the states, and we can throw that wedge issue right into the trash where it belongs wen it comes to electing the commander of our military. Seriously, why the fuck are we talking about abortion when we elect a military commander? Is that seriously the state of our bloated ass government?

As a non-american Trump to me seems like one that can give hope to his country
He seems like a real leader, someone that in anchient times maybe you could have considered a king so to speak

I made this video yesterday about him, I suck at editing but I tried. youtube.com/watch?v=qatEzFZf3mQ

For guns.
For a pure nation.
For masculinity.

I think Trump is hilarious. He also said some stuff that I really understood geo-politically and economically.

Dicksucks who think Donald Trump is a "bad man" speak the vague word-salad of the mentally ill. Compared to who is Donald Trump bad? Other politicians? Compared to the dimwits in government jobs (and that's their least offensive personality trait) Donald Trump is a saint. A man who got power by giving the consumer what they wanted.

You hate Trump because you're afraid of strong male role models. I understand that your dad had no cock, and your mom emasculated him all throughout your childhood, but you don't have to color your politics because of it.

Accept the fact that white male identity is returning to America. Accept the fact that liberal culture is on the down, and conservative, traditional values are on the rise. Or don't. You don't have to accept it. Keep crying, because it's fun bathing in liberal tears.


Trump will win this election!

As a hypothetical American I'd say.

"Because I don't want to spend the rest of my career serving coffee to eventually get drafted in some shitty war Hillary and her war hawk friends start".

Got dual citizenship, absentee voting in California.

Mainly because I hate PC culture, the endless wars in the Middle East, and I think he'll always remind the world that GOD, GUNS AND FREEDOM are the American way.

The one thing that irks me about the foreign policy is his stance on the TPPA. I'm almost certain it'll be beneficial for everyone involved (unlike NAFTA) and the only real opponents are far leftists who oppose any form of trade whatsoever.

I'm a spic voting for Trump because I want to be able to race mix to an extent and get to see America at a nice 90% white

I'm voting for Trump because I don't want America to go down the same path as western Europe. A vote for Trump is a vote against the policies that killed Europe;policies that Hillary is chomping at the bit to enact.

I'm voting Trump because we need to purge washington of the kind of corruption that Hillary had

Trump has more good points and fewer bad points than Clinton, that's for sure. Eg. caring about jobs, wanting to make friends with Russia. I know he is flawed by American president standards but he's the lesser of two evils.

But the most important reason people vote for him is because he's the voice for people who have been forcibly silenced by liberals, by daring to speak out, by not being politically correct. People have been getting really tired of political correctness these days, and it shows. It's stifling the freedom that has been the whole point of America.

He may not be a good politician, but maybe a good politician is just what the people don't need or want right now.

somewhat RARE

I would like to start my own business and Trump wants to lower corporate taxes and destroy obamacare.

Seriously guys.. We can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes.

Can somebody tell me why Obama care fucks things up for businesses?

I know it's really more a form of corporatism (you have to buy insurance) than socialized medicine.

Disenfranchised Bernie cuck here. At least Trump's campaign was sympathetic to us after the rigged DNC primary; Hillary did nothing to integrate the Bernie voters after being crowned the "victor" of the primary. Stein and Johnson did, but they are both gigantic idiots. MAGA

The first thing that pointed me in his direction was when he first proposed a wall.
Anyone that owns a fence or locks their doors can agree with this, too me is the same thing.
The reaction on the left was one of pure foolishness. It was then that I realized I can never agree with the left. They ignore obviously smart ideas so they sound nicer.
The presidency isn't a competition to see who can sound the nicest.

Also, my company built a pant in Mexico for no reason other than cheaper labor. NAFTA had increased trade, but was the cost worth it?

I'd like to avoid a world war in a few years. Once Europe starts burning, it won't take much to set another one off, and about the only way to prevent that is if Russia and the US work together to sort out the mess in the middle east and put pressure on the EU to get its act together. The costs of a world war are such that all other issues (even if he had bad positions on them) fade to relative insignificance. Mostly that and a few other long-term things his presidency would be better at setting up (e.g. nationalism now is preferable to fascism later both here and abroad). Some decent policy proposals are mostly icing on the cake, and he seems capable enough to avoid an unreasonable mess as he rampages around.

Voted for him because I feel lobbying and corporate influence are the biggest problems with our government. I don't think corporations are "evil" but they certainly don't have their nation's interest in mind and that is fine. They shouldn't be able to buy preferential treatment, subsidies, etc.

He's not dependent on donors, like literally ever other politician.

I believe Trump will do great things for this country. America is the big brother that other countries hide behind when they are getting bullied right now. We need to focus on rebuilding from 8 years of Niggercare


1. 2nd amendment has already been corroded too far
2. Murdering babies is never ok
3. She is probably the most corrupt candidate in our history.

Trump scares the shit out of me but slightly less so than the thought of 7 liberals on the Supreme Court for the next 40 years does. I don't want to live in Germany, Sweden, or Canada for the rest of my adult life.

>Is it because you hate Hillary, Liberals, PC culture?

Mostly. The left, and Hillary in particular, have become blatantly anti-white, so as a white person I have to oppose them.

I also like Trump's foreign policy positions.

Because OP is a faggot.


Fucker asks people for donations via emails and shit. Runing for president is costly as fuck and has no where near the amount of money to pay for all that shit himself. If he did he wouldn't have to send misleading electoral maps to people to trick his supporters into donating cash to him.

I am voting for Trump because democrat states are retarded and I can fly into Washington in three days and vote with a work ID which my uncle will give me.

Fuck the american democratic party.

I am tired of the left.

They are being cunts.

And I am well within draft age and don't feel like shooting Ivan or getting shot at for the global elite.

I'm tired of PC culture and SJWs, and I'm also tired of the establishment, not to mention Hillary's just corrupt.

Also Trump has made more promises to the working class, Hillary hasn't, other than acknowledge them, but Trump actually stated solutions. And let's face it, Hillary would never actually acknowledge half the god damn issues had her opponent not bring them up.

He makes me want to be a better American

He really does.

When I am at work and I catch snippets of him at rallies or debates he give me energy to work harder.

I am a classical liberal, not to be confused with a regressive liberal.

I am voting Trump because he will drain the swamp.

Actually a decent opinion Australia

I'm voting trump cause fuck white people

Hilary is a joke. I don't think Trump is perfect, but he has some hard nosed polices I can get behind. The Democrats are just too damn soft.

Let's hold hands around the campfire after we fix our problems.

At first it was a hatred for liberals and PC culture during the primaries.
Then as his campaign went on, his speeches became more inspiring. It was gradually revealed just how dire the situation was going to be as the opposition proved how corrupt it could be in the primaries.

Donald rose to accept the demeanor of a president, just in time to beat his remaining opposition. He began the election as a joke, a meme candidate, but he's become so much more! He's a symbol of hope for Americans who are underrepresented by Washington and their increasingly international agenda.

The country is incredibly divided on all manner of politics, and Donald Trump is about to have greatness thrust upon him.

I've never honestly understood this. Trump isn't perfect (no one is), but he is truly showing what it is to be American.

He's a billionaire of his own making starting with what his dad gave him, law abiding citizen, and after all the years of fun times he's had ... he finally decided after years of talking about not WANTING to run for President, but seeing our country be run into the ground stood up and became the voice the every day America.

He is approachable and very kind hearted, just VERY forthright and there is nothing wrong with that. Biggest one is he's not a politician. He's one of us, just way more wealthy.

He embodies the American Dream that was talked about so long ago. The reason my grandmother came here through Ellis Island legally. He has integrity, he has balls, he loves this country and he loves the people in it. No other candidate in my lifetime of being able to vote other than maybe Reagan, has made me feel ... wow I'm truly proud to be an American!

All of that plus, I agree with pretty much all his policies. I was very nonchalant when the primaries were going on, but as time went on he just won me over. His rallies are like nothing you've ever experienced either, better than any concert cause of the happiness, hope and love in the room of fellow Americans who you never knew were out there thinking the same thing.

t. martin

1) Immigration
2) Less chance of getting involved in foreign wars/rigging elections
3) Endless tears of libcucks, media, and elite
4) Trump is essentially a hand grenade thrown into the establishment
5) Smaller government

Asking individuals through e-mails and accepting what are more likely many small donations from individuals isn't the same as accepting extremely large sums from corporations or foreign governments. (Like Hillary).

In my opinion, small donations show support without the ability to ask favors. Accepting large donations basically means they own you (Hillary).

I wish i could vote for him because he is one of the few politicans that dares to say something like that. And this is all i needed.

1) Immigration/H1B visa stance.

2) 2nd amendment stance.

3) PC culture and white guilt is fucking bullshit, stupid motherfuckers think every white person inherited a plantation and a million dollars.

4) No smart man truly listens to women which is most other world leaders.

5) Because Fuck You.

Biggest thing is foreign policy. Being a pacifist/non-interventionist is the strongest conviction I hold and Trump is the first openly anti-war nominee since Al Gore. I think Jill Stein has the best foreign policy but she falls behind on other issues that Trump is really good in.

His outsider status is also vital.

I voted for trump, because he was the best out of three options. I was orginally going to vote for johnson since I am more of a libertarian but when He chose William Weld, that did it for me. I did not like how William Weld is not a libertarian and how he is a damp rag to say none the less. While I am at it I actually supported alot of Trumps positions and as such I voted for Trump. Also I am a Florida voter in Miami Dade county.

I'm voting for Trump because I have an actual attachment to this nation and want it to succeed.

I refuse to view America as a teat who's only fit to feed multinational corporations. We are a unique people wwould deserve to prosper, not cogs in a machine who's only purpose is to make business entities who fancy themselves as above our government rich.

Fuck h1b holders, illegal immigrants, religious extremists, and open borders cucks. Fuck people whos attachment to this country is purely gibs. Fuck the politicians who enable them to erase our identity, and fuck the (((people))) who benefit from treating this great country as a fucking piggy bank.

Make America Great Again

t. mussolini supporter

You're a good man and a good American

Are you new to pol or something? He's been /ourguy/ since the very beginning. I was interested the first time he talked about building the wall. I was committed after he called John McCain a faggot and didn't apologize.

He's 100% on point in regards to the economy and foreign policy, and god dammit, he doesn't loathe this country or its success.

I voted for Donald because out of the candidates; Hillary is the only one that has to have this job to survive. If she doesn't close the deal and become prez, her debtors are going to come to collect.

If I could vote for Trump it's because I agree with his policies and I like his as a person. I think he'd make an excellent president who would clean up the toiler you call a government.

He is against illegal immigration and he wants to send back the ''refugees''. That's huge. That's enough reason to vote for Trump alone.

I like the guy. He is a great person. I like how he handles people and doesn't care for political correctness. He is basically the kid in Emperor's New Clothes who dares to say that the Emperor has no clothes.
Electing him is a huge victory for normal people who know what their gender is and aren't brainwashed by really bad Frankfurt School type of public education.

A Trump victory is better than Brexit. With Brexit there are some downsides and it's not going to be easy to recovered, but with Trump there are no downsides. He will start protecting borders, he is going to turn back ''refugees'', he will appoint better judges, he is going to get better people to examine and re-negotiate deals with other countries.
I think it's fucked that my country isn't paying it's fair share for NATO.

There's just too many reasons to support Trump. Just the fact that if he doesn't win Hillary is going to win. The fact that globalists and media hate him. All the SJWs screeching at everyone who likes Trump. It's insane.
If Lincoln or John F Kennedy came back to life I'd still be rooting for Trump. He has already become my favorite US president, and he isn't even the president yet.

I made this thread before falling asleep, great responses people!

I agree with this. I was also a democrat for life but I cannot bring myself to vote for HIllary. I was trying my best to find reasons to vote for her but her faults overshadow any kind of positive trait I can find.

He had me at wall.

Seriously, I want a family more than anything else in the world. My career is so over saturated with illegals that it's impossible for me to make a decent wage and still have kids.

What the fuck is your flag?

Mystery flag apparently. I am in Kansas but for the last few days my posts have had that weird romexico flag when I post from my phone


We've imposed tariffs at key times in this country and it has helped.

Also, he is not Clinton. That bitch is toxic.

its moldova

Kek what? That weird

I downloaded opera mini the other day, I wonder if it comes with a hidden shitposting proxy feature or something.

>I was always for Cruz

his dad murdered JFK

If I could vote for him, I'd do it in a heart beat. Really fun to see the look on peoples faces when an unusual candidate gets elected. Take our current president for example.

Though I feel that if he becomes president, prepare yourselves for an assload of news about illegal immigrants being deported and whatnot just as how casualties on the war against drugs suddenly gets overdramatized when the mayor turned into a president. He's talked about a lot here in my country, both for and against.

I'd rather have trump win than hillary, it'll be interesting to see what he could do in his term and what hey may achieve. I feel that the man will accomplish great things. Do note that him winning may cause a great divide among the american people between conservatives and liberals, like it'll be more severe than the state it is now. I look forward to another american civil war so you guys could root out all the cucks and sjws and finally stomp out those femenists. Hopefully his attitude against illegal immigrants influences europe to do the same; close down their borders and get those rapefugees out of their countries.

If he wins I hope it will end all that dumb white guilt and pc nonsense, it's just an excuse for criminals and assholes to break the law. If those people really did care about their race, they'd be helping out their own communities as well as encouraging them to become better citizens and not whine all day. The sjw culture here in my country is just concentrated to just a few college campuses, and hopefully it stays that way. forever.

Make America Great Again not for just America, but for the whole world

Hillary is pure corruption, that simple. Plus the Don is prophesied to win.

Agreed. Fuck people who sell this country and people out for profit.
Fuck foreign wars for profiteering.

I think Opera Mini beams the sites you access through a server to cut down unnecessary data and then beams it to your device and vice versa. In short, it's an accidental proxy.