How does an actor with absolutely zero range manage to get a reputation for being a high-brow actor?
How does an actor with absolutely zero range manage to get a reputation for being a high-brow actor?
Brandon Thomas
Aaron Foster
Unironically watch The Last King Of Scotland
Luis Jones
He's black and palatable enough looking for whitey and can memorize lines
Austin Reed
this 2bh
Adrian Gonzalez
>actor with absolutely zero range
He's a great actor.
Colton Clark
he's been riding that all his career
he literally plays the same character role he plays since
Ryan Allen
Yeah but he was really good in it. Sort of like a band having a hit album and then just making that album for the rest of their career.
Adam Miller
Samurai assassin
African dictator
Resistance fighter with the Rebel Alliance
>absolutely zero range
Owen Ross
I mean did you SEE him in Bloodsport?!
Luke Jenkins
panic room
ghost dog
crying game
whats wrong with you