Post Facial Hair Kino
Post Facial Hair Kino
Mustache: Impossible 6 – Fallout
So apparently this beard was, not a prop, but like a wig of sorts.. I don't know.
My question is, how is one able to tell?
Anything from the 70s and 80s really
Stop watching capeshit
This movie was shit though
Wish I could grow a beard :^(
stop eating soy and being underaged
didn't beards became part of the soycore?
>6'4'', large skull, big hands, mean look
>the only hair on my chest is on my nipples
No, just the hipsters that try to trim it to perfection like its a mosaic or some shit.
The Naked Prey
>No, just the hipsters that try to trim it to perfection like its a mosaic or some shit.
That's not it at all. Have you even seen the images?
What're you talking about? it was fine. Solid acting, top notch visuals and music, and the story was okay.
Best part of the movie right here
Beards are one of the biggest signs of masculinity, retard.
sure thing, buddy
I can;t but I also enjoy shaving. My facial hair on my cheeks grows in blonde and on my chin it grows in dark. Its fucked up
t. seething beardlet
Michael Fassbearder
sort of channelling the dude from Mastodon
Sorry, beards have been ruined. A clean shave and full head of hair are the anti-soy.
Is the stach making a comeback?
the mustache that sunk a franchise
Only if you don't twirl the ends or put wax/oil in it.
>large skull
What do you mean by this?
Honestly, the chin bald spot is a soyboy marker. Jessie Cox has one too
It’s been back
There's something seriously upsetting about this guy. He just grosses me the fuck out for some reason.
Sam Elliot tho
literally the facial hair GOAT
was this kino?
Undeniably so
just rewatched mr baseball the other day
good movie
Jake is Kino in human body form.
>can grow goatee of sorts
>beard just not happening
marked his total transition as well, the first few episodes compared to the last few episodes were like completely different shows
Mel went from a boy to a man between Mad Max 1 and 2
My nigger
Are early 30s the most kino years for a male actor?
The beard and thick frames are such a strong look
im working on my homeless beard atm
From this
To this
Only place I can grow on my face is on my neck, where it comes in so thick that if I don't shave for a couple of days it looks like a full on neck beard.
Any Oliver Reed facial hair, really.
Robert Redford in Jeremiah Johnson.
>forces DC to spend millions doing a botched job of CGI-ing over his mustache for one movie instead of just shaving and wearing a fake mustache for the other one
it's like he was trying to destroy DC
is he sick of capeshit already?