What is the greatest fantasy film of all time?

If not pic related, then what?

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came here to post this





Donkey Skin



it is the best, objectively speaking

Someone post the ready player one edit

you were close user

Fellowship is far more complete than RotK.

The fact that the Academy decided to spurn Fellowship as they didn't want a dominant trilogy over 3 years of Oscars and then give it all to RotK which wasn't even the best of the trilogy just proves how stupid it is.

I watched the extendo edition 3 times already. I finally got a 5.1.2 system and I heard Lotr had great lfe. Should I watch it again for the 4th time?

>Long, drawn out and has the absolute bare minimum of tension for one of these movies.

It is utterly fantastic in almost every regard and it deserved all those oscars, but Fellowship and Two Towers are just objectivly better.

YES. this guy gets it. Reality

Seconding this. My favorite movie of all time

You posted it. Objectively the peak of fantasy films.

Fellowship > Two Towers > Return Kings

Utter tedium.

There are barely any good fantasy films to begin with. 99% of them are direct to dvd garbage.

The only fantasy movies that even rank as genuinely great films (and not just 'good for fantasy') are

Conan the Barbarian
Fellowship of the Ring
Hard to be a God

>Hard to be a God
wut dis

ROTK was leagues better than the Two Towers. Fuck off.

Problem with TT is that it is the middle of the trilogy and lacks any catharsis like ROTK had.

I'd rate TT above RotK simply because of Helm's Deep.


this is a very stupid post

ROTK already had better battles than Helm's Deep.

This. Two Towers is a good movie, but it's mostly held up by Helms Deep. It's the worst film in the trilogy with the best battle scene.

Thanks for proving my point.

You posted it.

ROTK has better battle speeches, but Helms Deep was still better.

Step aside you faggots and plebs

Consider for a second that maybe to him, the battle was so marvellous it massively improved the whole film.

Definitely Fellowship, and it's not even close. Films like Excalibur and Conan are great, but Fellowship is on another level.

>Seventh Son sucked
>The Hobbit sucked
>Warcraft sucked
Why can't fantasy ever catch a break

Because it's an overblown, uninteresting over-CGI'd inhuman trash genre
Just like Horror

That is literally what I just said. Are you illiterate?

You forgot to mention King Author too

Never Ending Story is bretty good.

He didn’t mention it because it didn’t suck

It was ok at best. The action scenes were so godawful.


Lord of the Rings pretty much is

FP2BP. As in, first post, second best post. Black Panther works as a fantasy film about a technologically advanced African civilization with nanotechnology powered by a magic metal.

>Conan the Barbarian
It is a fantasy movie, but always felt it was more of an arthouse movie. I blame the lack of effects at the time

Sorry, should have been clearer. I meant that that single battle could have elevated the film above ROTK.

This. LoTR is fucking boring.

Dark Crystal.

>Black Panther works as a fantasy film about
niggers being civilized.

No, you're an overblown, uninteresting over-CGI'd inhuman trash genre. Faggot.

Sometimes you just have to look at the type of people who hold the same opinion to determine the validity of said opinion

The type of people who hold the same opinion on Larp of the Retards are all fat, middle aged, daiper fetishists who go to Friday Night Magic with twelve year old kids. If that doesn't speak volumes about the validity of positive opinions about LOTR then I don't know what does.


i'll catharsis your mom

>lacks any catharsis like ROTK had.



Instead of looking for the "greates" we should look for "great" fantasy films. Like pic related

>greatest fantasy movie

It's ok I got you senpai

>literally the only true cyclopskino that exists currently

Ultimate bro.

So they know when they're going to die right. So did he mentally break the Beasts curse when he chose to go back to them since he kept saying it wasn't his time to die as he was crushed?

Maybe he did. Always felt the movie needed a bit of a longer ending

i like this movie (director's cut), but it was too small in scale and the fight scenes were hackish

>If not pic related, then what?

The Hobbit Trilogy.

Lucio Fulci's Conquest

Yes. Most of us watch it once a year. I've probably seen it over -20 times now and it just keeps on getting better, especially since I've watched the behind the scenes docs and read the books.

Forgetting the Princess Bride are we?

i love krull, i wish a competent studio/director would remake it with a proper script and budget

Naw. Fellowship is a fantasy adventure with great character arcs. It was very close to the books (timeline, tom bombadil aside) and it really created a magical world. It went from cozy shire to Moria. Great stuff.

ROTK is a monster smash flick with completely over-the-top moments, which could have been toned down. Personally the battle of the Pelennor fields was the moment I kinda lost interest in the film. It felt so bad, compared to the book. In the book its a massive battle with non-stop fighting inside and outside of Minas Tirith AND THEN Rohan shows up, the Oliphants were already fighting al long. Finally the battle ends, becaus HUMANS fight to victory. The army of the dead felt like a bullshit deus ex machina.

Instead they went for almost like rock paper scissors, which was so boring.

>Minas Tirith gets rekt by Orcs
>Orcs get rekt by Rohirim
>Rohirim get rekt by Oliphants
>Oliphants get rekt by the Ghost army
>Ghost army wins GG

willow is a fantastic movie, how the fuck no one thought of making a franchise out of it? it's basically a better hobbit. in modern cinema high fantasy is accepted and the movie would make bank.

Being THIS retarded. Helms deep is objectively the greatest movie battle scene of all time.

this was one of biggest heap of shit I've ever seen

only a dumb shit lke you could like such a autistic arthur and a massive steelhead dick merlin

top fantasy kino. they both still hold up well.
i'll add pic related to the list.
LotR is still the best though.

>pic related
kurwa forgot pic

I get the feeling that the ghost army was used to wrap things up so abruptly because they mismanaged their running time and possibly didnt have much budget to spare

Pure speculation of course, but those seem like the most plausible reasons for such a hamfisted end to that story

>Krull remake

You shut your whore mouth. It'd be ass and you know it.

You would never find a more Based Mad Martigan.

Sadly Hackson has devalued even this film because by making the Hobbit movies he associated shit with his style of shooting.

Not sure if posting this to troll people or saying that black people achieving anything is fantasy

Sandler? My. my

like what, they can't even write their own fantasies

>tfw parts of this were filmed near my house
Fucking great movie, my dad told me he met Schwarzenegger in a bar in Avila and had him autograph a napkin which he lost the same night, probably bullshit but I believe it.

There's a screening of the extended cut of Fellowship in a theater near me tonight. Wish I could go but I don't have a driver's license.

Hah! Crom laughs at your four Hobbits!

Why I come to this board