The best thing in 2000AD most of the time it appears, Fall of Deadworld is a grotesquely gorgeous horror adventure exploring what really happened when Judge Death exterminated every living thing in his home dimension. Let's read it!

That's one thing, is Deadworld entirely dead down to plants and microbes?

Devlin Waugh storytime:

Previous Judge Death focused comics like Boyhood of a Superfiend and The Wilderness Days played down the horror for the camp. Fall of Deadworld does the opposite.


I say 'Judge Death focused' but the man himself has only just appeared in a preview this week. But that got me so hype I had to come storytime the whole thing.


He was actually scary there.

Hard to say. There were some one-shots about the ennui of the Dark Judges in which Judge Mortis made wine out of fungus and corpses, so I'm guessing there is microbial activity.

Does sort of make sense... all that lives is rot.

He fucking was! Judge Fear too, formerly mainly of GAZE INTO THE FIST OF DREDD fame, is a scary motherfucker in this one.

It's done a good job in rehabilitating the Dark Judges as threatening.

I really am too in love with this strip. Everything in it just rings out perfectly for me. I also think it's one of the best-paced strips 2000AD has running. Kendall and Kek-W do serious work in their half-a-dozen pages a week.

I think a good interpretation could be that this is the Dark Judges' A game - so far they've just been fucking around, gone a bit soft.


Looks like Palpatine in that fifth panel.





I like this bike.



Byke only gets better.















I didnt like how abruptly this ended.

It seemed like just as it was getting good, it was over.

felt like it had a few loose ends regarding whatsisname, the Judge main character, and the girl



It's still going on. Part 3 starts up in a few weeks.


oh was that what happened? just went on hiatus?

that explains a lot


Yeah. 2000AD doesn't run anything other than Judge Dredd continuously. There are usually breaks between arcs.




Mom being Cassandra is significant if you're a Dreddhead. There are a few other hints here and there that this is going to play into one of Dredd's most famous older stories.



That can label's actually pretty damn scary itself.




End of Part 1.

Part 2.



























Reconnecting to the cloud? There's a trouble brewin'.


Man I would be talking more about the comic here but I flag hard on storytimes after a while.


I'm not too sold on the Huichol stuff here thematically but it is an extant religion, it's not like "Aw we'll just throw some Native American shit in"

And having an indigenous presence in the resistance makes sense even beyond all the fucked-up murderworld shit when you see the kind of America (or Amerika) Deadworld is.


I do love the idea of Fairfax being more or less vulnerable to psychic intrusion based on what drugs he's hopped up on.

I've always loved Kendall's art since I first saw it in MTG back when Coldsnap came out.
This comic is perfect for his art.


Is this like an alternate universe of Dredd? I have only read up to Cursed Earth. I'm lost as fuck.

This is a gud issue right here. This comic uses both horizontal and vertical space so well.



It's a different dimension, a parallel world. This is where Judge Death came from.

Yes. The Dark Judges were from another reality before they invaded Dredd's, this was their home dimension.

So about 600 progs after Cursed Earth, you get Necropolis where Mega-City One is invaded by the Dark Judges and the Sisters of Death and about 60 million citizens are killed.

The Dark Judges come from an alternate dimension - Deadworld - where they murdered literally everyone. This is Deadworld. Now, it could also be more complex than that because this might not be the *same* Deadworld we've seen before but I don't give too much weight to that theory yet.

These are the only spoken words in this issue and of course it is already terribly, terribly too late.