Movies you watched in school


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Finding Nemo too many times
The Patriot


Watched Twister and Dantes Peak in geography.

based English teacher


>watching non-documentary movies
>American (((education)))

In 4th grade

fucking spanish class

That spic one full of spics with "how do I reach these keedz" and "I can count to three, one two three".

I saw this when I was 14 with my sister and mum. When Leo died, all the women in the theater started crying.

I was sitting there, in a theater, surrounded by crying females. Most horrifying thing I've ever witnessed.

*(((AMERICAN))) education


Had to write a report on this back in 5th grade.

you don't have lazy teacher in Yurop? Somehow I doubt that

stand and deliver

what ever happund to yer dad?

6th grade

Shown by an overweight teach no less

Run Lola Run (1998)
>Everyone in the class hated it
>And i thought it was brilliant

>be in high school
>11th grade AP Music Theory class
>class is hard as fuck, learning about inverted chords, root chords and intervals
>everyone in the class is barely passing
>halfway through the year our teacher tells us he accepted job at better school next year
>doesn't give a fuck any more
>stops grading
>gives us the answers on tests
>last month of school
>he just lets us watch music based movies
>shows us Amadeus
>it's a fucking 10/10 film

This teacher was absolutely based and singlehandedly saved my GPA that year and introduced me to a great film at the same time.

He was even "checking his email" during the nude scene so everyone accidentally got to see Costanze's huge tits

This, they bussed us 35 minutes to the nearest theater in Iowa to watch this. I thought it was weird at the time, now I know why.

Can't believe this bullshit.

I rewatched this recently and holy shit I did not realize as a kid what a steaming pile of trash this movie is

Your class must of been filled with a bunch of plebs.


I was rooting for the Nazis the whole time and thought their uniforms were so badass.

It’s true. It was for my Earth science class (I use the term “class” very loosely) and we say this tripe. Gore just complained about how he lost the 2000 election for a huge part of the movie. Pretty pathetic, but he made his millions

watched this in grade 9 english class


>tfw you were "that kid"

How's yor life going now mate?

In my film class I watched:
>City Lights (1931)
>Out of Sight (1998)
>Cinema Paradiso (1988)

It's amazing how many Holocaust deniers there are on this website. I expect it from Sup Forums, but even seemingly normal boards seem to have a great many idiots who ignore the photos, testimonies, and records of the Holocaust in favor for a retarded Jewish conspiracy that has zero evidence going for it.

My history teacher was absolutely based for showing this in class.

>he watched the director's cut

Actual kino

It’s all satire my dood

nice try kike
this is the only (You) you'll be getting from me and my Sup Forumsros

b2r kike


There's nothing wrong with the directors cut. That film still wouldve been perfect if it was 5 hours long

Junior year of Highschool and I purposefully chose this.

It was hell to get the school to show it, but it worked out in the end

At one point it really was. Then poe's law took over.

Watched this shit in Sunday School once when I was a teenager.

including the every sperm is sacred bit?

Don't get them started please

That sounds great. Best movie i got to see was Kingdom of Heaven. 10/10 also Saving Private Ryan.

The Holocaust didn't happen but it should have.

Your dad didn't pull out, but he should have.

>an event that is well documented to have happened that I personally wished happened didn't happen because muh conspiracy

your mom gay


>watched this in 8th grade history class, uncensored
Burger education, everybody

back the fuck off!?!?


same, also pic related

Watched alien during science as part of a mini space/posibilty of alien unit was one of the only non shit things I remember in school

We discussed it at length and the teacher had us write essays about it and I failed because my essay was about how Radio Raheem didn't deserve to die, but he WAS a shithead who deserved to get his radio smashed and how Mookie was in the wrong for starting the riot, when the teacher had previously tried to make sure the only message we got was the whitey is evil.
Like, why get high school seniors to write a critical analysis of something if you just want them all to hand in the same canned response you conditioned them to give?

Berkley university reporting in

>put on the first movie for the first time in years
>can't even make it past the fucking Pikachu's Vacation segment
>call my mother and apologize for that years ago
>she remembers the fucking Pikachu's Vacation segment too and how it dragged on forever
I wonder how many parents got PTSD from this film, I'm really thankful to my parents for putting up with all my shit as a kid.



Oasis (2002)
>A korean film about a mentally handicapped guy falling in love and stalking a girl with cerebral palsy

Beau Travail
>A film about the french foreign legion, authority and jealousy

Soy Cuba
>Soviet film following the cuban revolution, better and more innovative than citizen Kane

Birth of a nation
>You already know what it is

I feel like this happens a lot. We watched Roots and read Uncle Tom's Cabin and had "discussion groups" where the teacher gave us very obvious primer questions designed to coax brain dead "slavery wuz bad" answers out of us.

That's the meaning of life.

We watched the Zeffirelli Romeo & Juliet on an old VHS tape. The tracking on the breast shot was all fucked, probably from the scene being fast forwarded over and over and we asked the teacher if it was because he watched the scene on repeat at home and he said yes.

a teacher like that wouldn't be allowed today because he cared more about their education than their feelings.

Sup Forums is shitting uo Sup Forums for over two years now. were you in a coma?

Our music teacher in the 6th grade was special. It was the first time i heard Pink Floyd and the animations were kinda cool.

No one else watched Apollo 13?

my 9th grade English teacher had us listen to Animals, by Pink Floyd and contrast it's themes to lord of the flies

and he wouldn't waste an entire day showing a movie.

An Inconvenient Truth is more factual then Supersize Me.

Animals is a solid album.


i was 14, it was 9:30 at night (some school event shit), and everyone was bored

>Show """documentary""" that can easily be disproven by extremely simple arithmetic, literally nothing above a 2nd grade level
>in a school

Had to compare it thematically to Frankenstein

Dark side of the moon > The Wall > Wish you were here > Animals > shit > anything with Sid

I think my history teacher during this class just taught shit he thought was cool because he made watch us this, “Glory” and did a unit on The Beatles.


Came here to post this. Great film.
>hurr durr America is stupid
Ok cool film is actually 8/10

Fuck man, I know that feeling

>Get essay on To Kill a Mockingbird
>in a nutshell I say that yes, the dudes deserved to die, but the black guy was still guilty of murder and thus should have been convicted - the whole system falls apart if people are allowed to take justice into their own hands and this court case would set a fucking horrifying precedent in real life
>parents get called in and I have to explain my work
>teacher just goes on about how I am blind to racial injustices blah blah blah
>my mother says she's very disappointed and that she and my dad will have a very stern talking to me about how to be more sensitive to racial issues and systematic racism
>get in the car
>Dad and mother both burst out laughing and say my teacher's a nutcase but to just write what she wants because it's not worth tanking my grades over a lunatic's opinion
>get straight As from then on by basically just writing WHITEY EVUL over and over

And it just gets even worse when you get to college

Manmade man running around causing a rukus


Good idea user. Calling my mother now.

I recall everyone hating mcdonalds after watching this film. Except for one kid, the tallest skinniest kid in class. I still regret not standing up for for him due to the ridicule he got for not falling in line, instead saying he didn't care about the film and would still eat there. I just never said anything, didn't understand why I knew the movie was bullshit at the time.

How did Morgan Spurlock consume more than 5000 calories per day on a McDonalds-only diet?

Even if his 3 meal day was:
-Sausage egg cheese mcgriddle, large orange juice + hashbrown
-Big Mac, Supersize Fries, Supersize Coke
-Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Supersize Fries, Supersize Coke

That comes to 4270 calories. with TWO supersizes (he claimed he only supersized 9 times total all month) and basically the most calorie-intensive foods possible (he said he'd have everything on the menu at least once)

In basically the worst case scenario possible, he was still 730 calories away from what he said he was eating EVERY DAY

Never heard this movie mentioned by anyone before or since.

Jesus you can stop licking my people's balls already.

But the black guy never killed anybody...

I fucken love this movie.

I didn't say it was bad (although I'd give it a 6/10) but what exactly are we supposed to learn from a glorified Mel Gibson action movie. I think our teacher was just lazy

Fuck, you're right, it was A Time to Kill, not To Kill A Mockingbird


>Costanze's huge tits

In senior year English we talked a lot about the boom years. We watched Hair and Across the Universe.

> tfw sodomy cunnilingus song

I wouldn't want to share watching that with my high school peers