The Americans Thread
The Final season is coming up and I was wondering what you are hoping for?
The Americans Thread
The Final season is coming up and I was wondering what you are hoping for?
>The Final season is coming up and I was wondering what you are hoping for?
An ice-cold bottle of Miller High Lifeā¢ to enjoy the final episodes with
Paige finally getting laid
>there are posters RIGHT NOW that aren't hoping for a qt pajeet-slav hybrid gf
For shame Sup Forums
> Paige fucked Matthew!
> Beer?
more of this
yfw no jailbait gf
>[Only You] intensifies
> jail bait intensives
I VOLUNTEER!!! old is she?
Oh. Well in that case.......... got amy webm.
plenty in the show user. Guess you gotta watch it .
me opening the door
should have waited longer faggo.
>me in the trunk
worst wig coming through
me getting on the floor
season 5 was a fucking disaster and makes question the whole show as a whole
>spend half of the season with philip son traveling to america only for him to come back to russia,
>spend the rest of the half with dumb paige dumb cunt
the writing was really piss poor in season 5. if season 6 is not pure fucking kino the show is not gonna have a lasting legacy.
jesus fucking christ
I think that they blew such a huge load during season 4 they didn't know where to go without finishing the show. I expect season 6 to be tight as a drum.
Is that Kate Walsh?