Why is hand lotion always synonymous with masturbation in hollywood films?
Why is hand lotion always synonymous with masturbation in hollywood films?
Burgers don't have foreskin so they can't jack it any other way.
americanos need to pay a licence fee in the form of hand lotion to wank
oh fuck. i wonder how much the lotion companies are making if every male in the country has to keep buying lotion just to fap
Amerifats had their dicks mutilated at birth for no reason
I also never understood the toilet paper sticking to your penis thing. But I guess that's if you can't cum normally and just wipe the foreskin.
Shitty toilet paper falls apart easily and cum is super sticky.
I jerk it without lotion and im cut. In the small chance you arent memeing.
you dont need to clean your cum with a towel if you still have a foreskin. you can just fold up your foreskin and trap the cum like nothing ever happened
Circumcision was invented by hand lotion companies in order to sell more hand lotion; product placement of 'Hand-Lotion needed to Masturbate' is part of the scheme.