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I like it, hope she stops shaving her legs and pits.
why do bongs age so shit?
because they're white
pick one
she should grow a beard
Ah yes, the old "intentionally make self less attractive in order to be taken seriously" tactic. A desperate attempt.
they look like shit even when they're young
Whoa Weinstein really broke her
These. I hope she goes full feminist and stops taking care of herself. Let's see if the industry keeps her once nobody is jerking themselves off to her.
holy shit never considered this
does she have any hairy armpit pics?
Looks like Boris Karloff in drag.
I honestly wouldn't
damn mike jagger looks like THAT?
>27 years old in pic
this girl isn't hot and she's wearing plenty of makeup
bongs peak at 12. no joke.
>25 years old in pic
nice goalposts. Its about aging and there are plenty of other less caked pics
too much sun in bongland
I read a rumor saying that she was a lewd child model.
I feel like she needs a septum piercing and some horn rimmed glasses to really seal the look.
What the fuck is she thinking
my dad is big in the music industry and he said that's not true
Because they usually live past their 80s, its a curse and a blessing.
Best to fuck a chav and never marry them...
is emma going full fem? hairy armpits soon?
she's been full fem for a long time already
island folk and inbreeding, you should welcome the polish, indian and arab additions to your gene pool. Maybe May will mandate such measures for the general health of their people
Anyone in any developed nation lives past 80
she shaves her pubes, so no
She doesn't, just old arm hair pics, and she seems to have reduced the arm hair to just fuzz in the meantime.
I would finally start.
Hope so.
'ow do yous know then?
actually nvm, she doesnt shave them
she openly talked about it yesteryear
>open for bizness
rik mayall lives!
Most brits have a serious case of mutant boyface, its kind of freaky
Moon man?
did your grandparents? Most americans dont, namely white and black americans
sure thing m8
UK, 15% of population is non white.
America, nearly 50%
Like are you not actually aware of this? Stop being a fool and just look up statistics from anywhere.
Me on the right
You should look at the most recent stats lol
That doesn't prove anything. 5% of the population being Muslim is perfectly in line with 15% being non white.
those are the most recent stats, your article came about because something like 3/4 of the asian population name their children some variation of muhammad whereas there's much greater variance within the white population
>Blocks your path
>blocks the path of white migrants
>doesn't block the path of brown migrants
Still to much of a pussy to go through with it though
How are any of you going to deport the migrants already there too?
sack the hairstylist
exposes too much forehead
looks like a wig
does no favours to an aging roastie
That girl is ugly, way to post a picture where you can't see her bong teeth.
muslims have a pool of like 3 names, that's why
>once nobody is jerking themselves off to her.
Is anyone still even doing that since 2014?
it's a curse put on them for their many sins
Haha i remember this dumb cunt. She got pissed when Sup Forums called her saying she wanted her "band" to not be a singer and two producers but a real band, then immediately made a music video with her for 3 minutes of it and the other two guys like 5 seconds lmao
So she went on tv to complain because someone here tweeted her a thread, tried to sue him until it was revealed that user was some millionaire GM for some sports team, and said he would counter sue and she pussied out
Sup Forums vs lauren mayberry in google
i remember.
sam hinkie. former gm of the 76ers.
/nba/ still speaks fondly of him, apparently he tripped there for years before someone figured out who he was
Why does she always have that edgy look on her face now? Jesus Christ, the absolute audacity of this cunt.
someone shop the picture of her and weinstein into it and tweet it as a reply
Anglos genes are shit
who /red/ masterrace in here?
the smaller we are the more hole choices we get. faggot in here havent lived if they havent had nostril sex
So this is what the face of the Harvested look like
Somebody tried suggesting her to play a live action Kim Possible in another thread.
Keks were had.
Once her hair grows she'll be a 10/10 again faggots
bet she has a hairy pooter
shes such a qt
She even acted in a fan made Harry Potter musical, but she only had a few lines because she was the worst at acting.
Fake news, spread by ARYAN filth.
This “rare” signed photo of her was selling for $8 on ebay
that isn't even her kek.
I know fora fact that this picture is of a petite model, not of Lynch. I found several sets/videos.
>I feel like she needs a septum piercing and some horn rimmed glasses to really seal the look.
I won't complain.
It doesn't top English baby names though.
Objectively true image. Anglos are evil.
Where's this gif from?
unfortunately she speaks and acts like a bitter old woman
>tfw no bong gf
>he STILL thinks that brexit stopped brown immigration
You're honestly dishonest.
full bong genes are ugly i.e. maisie williams
if you have bong genes mixed with a few other things they look better i.e. nathalie emmanuel
but this meme is just blown overproportion
post tits
source, please?
how did that stop shitskin emigration though?
great teacher onizuka i think
> Would totally put her in a vacubed and make her listen to bimbo hypnosis.
it's like they're is an inverse correlation with IQ data. Interesting. But I have a tiny dick and am clinically retarded so I don't know what to make of this.
>until it was revealed that user was some millionaire GM for some sports team
BS: Brandon is a NEET who always complains about mopeds & mfwnogf
MY CRESTA!!!!!!!
why would asians name their kid mohammad
And Emma is still 10/10 compared to Sophie Turner.