Dumbing of age. Doa

Tonight's strip.
Slipshines: volafile org r dzcfn78w

Sal's got a point: Nobody in this comic has anything honestly interesting about them.

Wait, so Malaya was just kicking a box containing a live animal down the hallway?

>Your coolness is such a paper-thin persona I'm not surprised you have any real interests


I don't know why this seems so awkward but it does. You'd think with the emotion she's showing she'd throw out a "goddamn"

Sal better watch out, last time she grabbed Malaya she caught the hands.

When will Mike fuck Ethan?


the fuck is up their asses? thats an outright fucking fistfight

anyway when do they fuck

Never, Mike only exists to further the Ethan/Danny ship, which seems to be popular with his readers, and Mike is an unpopular character. Having him fuck Ethan would piss off too many of his fans.

There's a QC panel that is ripe for this kind of edit but I don't think anyone's done a DoA version.

I tuned out of this comic after Ruth got hospitalized for attempted suicide (or something, it was a while back). Is it worth getting into again, or is it just all downhill from there??

>Shots Fired.png

Malaya is garbage, just like any other character in this comic.

Knee to crotch is surprisingly painful as a girl.

Malaya is crap. Sal is crap. That's about all there is to it.

Kick to the Cunt hurts quite a lot, it's pretty close to getting kicked in the balls as a dude. Nerve endings

So what, both these characters are just like, white trash garbage?

>College Students
>can't buy beer


Yes. But Malaya's slightly less white.

Gotta be 21 to drink in the US. Freshmen and sophomores are usually between 18 and 20 years old.

Everyone else is just an asshole. Sticking your pet in a box then kicking down a hallway is next level. Something about the way Willis writes Malaya sets me off; everyone in the strip is a shitty person but it's cartoonish in how it plays out, Malaya seems like the kind of garbage person you could easily find in real life.

Also it will never not crack me up that Willis thinks four college kids couldn't easily cover the cost of a 24 pack.

>Everyone else is just an asshole. Sticking your pet in a box then kicking down a hallway is next level.
Yeah, I'd kinda forgotten that she'd done that. What a piece of human trash.

Malaya does feel real in a terrifying way. She's one of those people you can't avoid, but you'd really like to because of how actively terrible she is. Definitely reminds me of at least one person I know from where I went to college. But even she wouldn't kick an animal.

She's written fairly explicitly as an abusive person. She openly insults and gaslights Lucy without provocation and even though she has a legitimate beef with Sal she doesn't address Sal's actual reason for acting like a shithead, possessiveness of Marcie, and instead fabricates a reason and attacks that.

If David Williams has to have a billion characters shitting around in my head I wish they were in fuckin space or 9th century baghdad that they would go on go kart rides or experience life differentially from the lens of the google streetview camera. boo shitty dorm drama!! boo

I'd still fuck the stupid out of her

I used to read Roomies and It's Walky and kinda liked them both, but every time I see this comic posted here on Sup Forums it's just horrendous.

What the hell happened? Aren't writers supposed to improve with practice? Did Willis go off the deep end? Or was he always a moron and I was just too young to realize?

>What the hell happened? Aren't writers supposed to improve with practice? Did Willis go off the deep end? Or was he always a moron and I was just too young to realize?

He is fully conscious that he is selling a soap opera.

>was he always a moron and I was just too young to realize?

It all goes way, way, way, way back to Shortpacked, and the Drama Tab

Since then it's been a downward spiral into aweful

2006 was over 10 years ago

Yeah, don't sjws love animals especially those quirky exotic ones?

Malaya hates everything and everyone. She's no SJW. I wonder if Willis realizes what kind of backlash this will have.