What was the best meal he cooked? How would Will have tasted?

What was the best meal he cooked? How would Will have tasted?
Also why is Abigail the best girl?

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Unironically the breakfast he cooks Will

The ortolan would be really interesting to try but it probably tastes pretty meh.

The roasted thigh looks really good.

I have the cookbook of the show and there are fine dishes in there.

smoked leg of eddie izzard with the candy canes in it
i wouldt even give a shit it's human it looked so tasty

I dunno, I feel like if I was to ever eat a human, I wouldn't want them to be an ugly person.


How did Chilton reach immortality?

you just know

>hurr durr they must fuck each other

Fuck off homo

In seasons one and two you'd still have a leg to stand on

it made him sick though

I started this a few days ago and i'm on the 10th episode of the first season, why does people say S2 and 3 are bad? they seems to have better ratings than the first one. Also my favorite meal so far is the meal he made out of a heart

Most people say S2 is the best, for me S2 is the best season of television ever made I don't give a fuck what anyone says. S3 feels really sluggish until the tooth fairy is introduced.



S2 is great with one of the best final episodes ever, with S3 Fuller stopped giving a shit and decided to make it almost incomprehensible.

Would you try it if it was you he was making?

Did iZombie take their meal preparation sequences from this show?


What choice would I have?

I'd love to taste his cooking though.

>Why is Abigail the best girl?
Totally de-spooked

S3 isn't bad but the first arc is pretty farcical and sort of a tonal shift


>Chateau Blanc

Fuck me I lost....

>how humoreaux
every time

I think this show had a bad problem with not killing off characters who really should have died. Like if they made a season 4 are we supposed to believe that Will and Hannibal both survived being stabbed to shit and jumping off a cliff. Why is everyone on this show damn near invincible.

Is it worth watching? Aside from based Mads.

Yeah, season one was kind of weak but it gets a lot better.

The blood chocolate dessert looks great