What was the best meal he cooked? How would Will have tasted?

What was the best meal he cooked? How would Will have tasted?
Also why is Abigail the best girl?

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Unironically the breakfast he cooks Will

The ortolan would be really interesting to try but it probably tastes pretty meh.

The roasted thigh looks really good.

I have the cookbook of the show and there are fine dishes in there.

smoked leg of eddie izzard with the candy canes in it
i wouldt even give a shit it's human it looked so tasty

I dunno, I feel like if I was to ever eat a human, I wouldn't want them to be an ugly person.


How did Chilton reach immortality?

you just know

>hurr durr they must fuck each other

Fuck off homo

In seasons one and two you'd still have a leg to stand on