This was actually bretty gud

This was actually bretty gud

is it already out?

Yeh just today I think. Watching it now

Is that Reviewbrah?

holy fuck it has 10% on RottenTomatoes

is this gonna be another case of Bright? his performance is actually good

I don't understand the negative reviews. Really not that bad so far. Nothing special but pretty enjoyable

It's a movie where white autists can self insert as the protag and that's a bad thing

>Can a Gaijan ever be trusted?
Yh this is Bright tier race politics probably
mixed with leto hate for suicide squad
and the "current" political climate similar to the
critics for Death Wish

does it have any nudity in it?
i wanna watch it in my living room right now

Yes it has titty dancers and titty ballwashers.

reminder that this was once a Takashi Miike film that had Tom Hardy attached to star

>For a gaijin, a catchall term referring to anyone not of Asian descent, he’s pretty committed. But the film containing him may be better described with the newer invention of weeaboo, pejorative slang for white people with an off-putting, superficial attachment to the far east.
>Indeed, the film has a fetishistic relationship to Japanese elements that could have only come from someone who sees them as exotic, rather than intuitively understanding their place in society.

The guardian

>here's another excuse to hate white males
>and that's a good thing

mike did the A.V club review

this is definitely political crap

Into the trash.

Jesus this is ridiculous. They literally hate it because it stars a white male in a foreign setting

It's actually not bad

If the actor was black it would be 100% of rotten tomatoes

They don't even know Yasuke existed

Watching it rn. 15 minutes in. Well shot and acted, not boring at all so far

>Getting owned on your own comment section
Fucking hilarious. Sad that Pitchfork stole all the decent AV Club writers. I mean that place was always a lefty shithole but they were lefties who could review television and films.

the guardian review of this is the first time I have seen the word weeaboo anywhere outside of Sup Forums.

>it's a netflix exclusive
>bad reviews from (((critics)))
mmmmm I've seen this episode too many times

>Has black portag
>Get bad reviews

>White protag this time
>Still get bad reviews

what the fuck these critics want?

Hollywood money.

I thought for sure the waifu would die.

>Jared Leto
I'd rather not thanks

Well this is depressing

Imagine if people complained like that in the 70s.

Or 2003.