Why is she in charge of the story?

Why is she in charge of the story?
She's a big hollywood producer, not an imaginative creative mind like Lucas.
What the fuck are they thinking?

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Do you understand the difference between a big movie studio, and an independent filmmaker? I'm guessing you don't.

She's not even a producer, doesn't have any degree. She was just an underqualified SECRETARY, her job was cataloguing some producer's weapons. She caught the attention of Spielberg because that's producer's desk impressed him....He made her his assistant, then Frank Marshall made her associate producer. She's a GOOG FOR NOTHING parasite.

Because fuck you.

Give us your money.

Are you attempting to imply that a college degree is important in the entertainment industry?

But user, didn't you know? She's one of the greatest dramatists in our age...
>and that's a good thing

Most producers have an MBA, yeah that's the basics. At least you should have done something that got you there like being a successful artist. She is just a WHORE

She was a secretary, promoted to an assistant and went from there. You sound a bit salty.

Poor boy, how's your degree treating you?

Exactly. This used to be how people her age climbed the ladder of success. Pretty similar to starting in the mail room and working your way up to an executive position. People on Sup Forums are literally so fucking butthurt that they don't understand basic concepts anymore.

Doesn't change the undeniable fact that she's a shit producer and Star Wars is making far less than it could have with someone talented in charge of the story.

No this happen in the span of a couple of months. Name me a secretary described as bad is promoted to producer just like that. Read this article and you'll understand.

That article describes her as an excellent secretary.

So I guess her track record of amazingly successful films don't count?

she had nothing to do with the success of those films


She's only in the position to fuck over the OT and get rid of the neckbeard fanbase so Disney can rebuild the brand. She'll be gone after ep9; mission accomplished.

You didn't think she was an accident, did you?

>Kennedy’s role as Spielberg’s indispensable producing sidekick was sealed. “She and Steven were almost the same person,”

I don't know what to believe. It seems like "getting rid of the neckbeard fanbase" is completely unnecessary. A safe, inoffensive trilogy could have accomplished the same goal of rebuilding the brand without leaving all those neckbeard shekels on the table.

Also, the Star Wars brand did not need to be rebuilt. It was absolutely fine as it was.

>She didn’t last long as the legendary director’s note taker—mainly because she wasn’t taking any notes. “She was supposed to take minutes at meetings but would spend most of the time talking,” says Spielberg. “I was wondering if this was the protocol for secretaries in Hollywood.”
You have poor reading comprehension I guess. And btw, why aren't Hollywood studios hiring secretaries to helm their studios? That would save them a lot of money.


>Getting rid of your fanbase
Now that's a trick. I actually believe it's an accident, Disney and George Lucas actually thought she was a capable woman looking at her track record. In fact all those movies were produced by her husband and most of them directed by Spielberg, she just put her name on the credits, also she seems to have not learned one single thing during her 30 years ride over the shoulders of giants.

Try to pay attention for a second. You listening? Good.
If, as you say, she had nothing to do with the success of those other films, then she has nothing to do with the "failures" of these new films.

What exactly is offensive about the new trilogy?

Guess that's why he promoted her. Because she was a shit secretary.

> Spielberg recalls during a recent phone interview. “I was watching how Kathy handled all of his incoming requests, and I said, ‘Since I’m directing this movie, shouldn’t I have a top-notch secretary?’”

Then that would qualify me to run Lucasfilm.

>If, as you say, she had nothing to do with the success of those other films, then she has nothing to do with the "failures" of these new films.
no, because now she is the main figurehead for the whole franchise
whereas before she was just a name, another inputless "producer" who was spreading her varicose veins for spielberg and laundering his child porn money

He promoted her because she was cute as hell. Just look at her.

wow dude you should really calm down

Ah, so you're not familiar with corporate SJWism. The SJW stuff is a smokescreen for hiring allies in corruption. An SJW cabal is looting the Disney corporation. They have to signal that they're dedicated to the social justice agenda, and they have to occupy positions they can't competently perform in. They can't just come out and say, "We're hiring our friends and pushing out competent people, so we can all get far more money than we would have in a merit-hiring environment." though this is exactly what they're doing.

They get in with threats of lawsuits and boycotts and PR disasters: accusations of discrimination, claims of sexual harassment, sexual assault blackmail, etc. and by recruiting people who are already employees, who are in danger of being fired or who have poor prospects for promotion. Once they're in, they're far better positioned to make such threats. So you let in one, soon you've got two, then it's four, then it's eight, then they've got a vice president, then they've taken over and are just brazenly producing garbage product and looting the company's assets.

Even if that were true, she had still worked on Raiders, E.T., Gremlins, Temple of Doom, Back to the Future, The Goonies and An American Tail before marrying her husband. All rather significant movies.

Shit she actually was fucking cute

>shows zero respect for story or characters from OT
>shows zero respect for conventions of the setting.
>Jake Skywalker
>Ham-fisted "let the past die" messaging and deconstruction of the Jedi.
>Blatant and biased inclusion of political messaging about arms dealers.
>Mutiny subplot featuring halo-wearing female icon vs. toxic flyboy. Female wins because deus ex machina.

She was producer in the Kennedy Marshall company which is her husband's. Now for the first time she is on her own, and it's a disaster. Can you imagine any producer launching a trilogy without even having a proper script for the whole saga? No,sje doesn't even hire writers, it's the directors that writes and directs this BS.

stop screaming and take a deep breath
are you OK?
take care and be safe
please stop being irrational and upset

>Be a ver bad secretary, don't take notes, be talking all the time instead
>Spielberg makes her associate producer instead of firing her for failing at her simple job which was taking notes
That makes sense for a brainlet

By the way I'm not saying you have to be offended by those things. Just that if your goal is to make a safe inoffensive trilogy you should recognize that all of that shit has to go.

Poor character development and character arches. I don't have a problem with new characters but Disney has fumbled around like a retarded midget trying to juggle. It's hot garbage. Meanwhile the CGI team is slaving away making awesome space battles that isn't held up by a compelling story.

I mean dude, just sit back, rub your chin and contemplate it; you know it to be true.

>it's a disaster
List her commercial failures.

it's going to be ok buddy.
want a glass of water?
i didn't mean to rustle you so badly

On Raiders she was still a secretary, it's only when Spielberg made ET that Frank Marshall gave her producer credit and he was dating her in secret so nobody accuses him of doing it because he was fucking her which was the actual reason she became producer.

The whole point was to get girls into the demographic for Star Wars. That's why The Last Jedi is written more like a YA movie than a Star Wars movie

It's not monetary for fans, bro. It's the content, and it sucks. Rattle off all the billions Disney has made with Star Wars and any fan will still sit back and say it sucks because it does.

Not going to read this thread but I'll tell you right now, 'she is a woman and you are a fucking bigot for this fucking bullshit'

She was a shit secretary. Spielberg promoted her because of some dodgy backroom shenanigans. Could have been fucking, could have been blackmail, could have been she was someone's favorite niece.

i want you to know i will pray for you and people like you user
good luck in life
i hope you discover love sweetie

Here we go again, guess why Disney paid $4.5 billions for the SW brand? Because it's an instant money maker. Even the dogshit pull by JJ Abrams made $2 billions, it's only thanks to brand recognition, now TLJ did $700 millions less than TFA. That's a lot of money and future is bleak. Han Solo has been a production disaster, a lot of ppl will boycott episode 9. You think Disney is happy about that?

Disliking those things and getting offended about them are two very different things. If somebody gets offended about that, they are literal children. Even then, I believe most of that can be attributed to Rian and J.J.. Kennedy is good friends with Lucas, I doubt she would willingly butcher his creations.

Maybe she had something worthwhile to say then, considering he didn't just fire her.

Any source on the Marshall thing?

Any source on that?

Are you under the impression that Executive Producers give a shit about fans? If the movie makes money, it is a success in their eyes.

Not only are the characters arcs and background awful but the actors are all shit too. It's absolutely crazy to be so casual with the casting. They're neither handsome, charismatic or decent actors, they're just bad on all these departments.

lol I can't top that one. GG user.

>Maybe she had something worthwhile to say then, considering he didn't just fire her.
Yeah it was between her legs, on her chest and mouth

The future is only bleak to people like you.
I will never get tired of the seething, boiling, scalding butthurt from people like you who think the Star Wars franchise is "failing."

No I'm not hand waving this. I'm saying the movies suck. Obviously the production companies and EP's are going to say it's fine because it made money. But lets be honest, the Solo movie will prove we're all watching a sinking ship.

Mistresses don't get that far.

You should probably take an interest in something related to real life. You seem a little to close to this issue. It isn't healthy.

>a lot of ppl will boycott episode 9
I'll believe it when I see it. People grumble about the films online and swear they're done with the franchise, but you can bet they'll haul their ads to the movie anyways, if only to be able to participate in the next round of shitting on the franchise online.

>Said the guy on Sup Forums.

Tell that to Disney shreholders you little fag. I'm pretty sure Kathleen Kennedy has already been stripped from her executive producer status. Disney is only looking for the right moment to get rid of her. She is a divisive hack who ruined the franchise. I have no idea how they can recover from there

This is a cop-out excuse. Don't take a risk recruiting a new, unproven demographic if it costs you the core, proven demographic.

Also, the main things that are offensive about the new trilogy (see ) are NOT elements that are essential for recruiting girls. The Holdo/Dameron subplot in The Last Jedi, for example, is not something that particularly appeals to girls.

Likes this subplot:
>Feminist cunts.
>Fanboys in denial

Doesn't get what the fuss is about:
>Normie with no standards who likes everything. (This includes most girls who see Star Wars)

People who hate this subplot:
>Anyone with a brain
>Anyone with a pair of functioning testicles

This is a weak fucking retort. You are intentionally missing the point of what I said, which only reinforces my statement.

Disney went too far in episode 8, far enough to alienate the most casual fanboys who think TFA was a masterpiece

You are imagining this.

Wait, he is what?

>breaking news! people age!
>you heard it first on Sup Forums!

Damn, powerful stuff.

>She's a big hollywood producer
for you

Opportunity cost you utter spastic

I've been a Star Wars fan my whole life. I think the prequels are bad but I still own all of them on DVD.

I enjoyed TFA, but it gave me an uneasy feeling I considered TFA to be a very poor foundation for a new Star Wars setting and trilogy. I decided to only see TLJ if it looked like it was going to fix JJs mess and turn Star Wars back into something that interested me. When reviews for TLJ started coming out, I read between the lines of all the vapid positivity and correctly guessed that the movie had no substance and was not going to be satisfying to me, so I skipped it.

Of course, I didn't realize just how bad it was until the honest critiques started surfacing. At this point, I have no plans at all to see IX. I admit a part of me is curious to see what will become of this trainwreck of a story, but I think I can resist seeing it in the theater at least.

>The future is only bleak to people like you.
people with at least average intelligence?

you miss the point
all the image is saying that they look alike

I can admit that Kennedy is able to ship a movie. Her problem is that she doesn't understand Star Wars and doesn't understand that she doesn't understand and so doesn't hire someone who does to handle the big picture story and characters.

Something definitely is wrong with how SW is being managed, but I don't think its fair to state that all of her career was a fluke.

>Any source on the Marshall thing?
>Kennedy and her husband, producer Frank Marshall, initially kept their relationship secret. Why? Spielberg, who had known Marshall for years, had tapped Kennedy to co-produce E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial in the early 1980s. Marshall didn’t want anyone to think that his romantic involvement with Kennedy had anything to do with her getting the job. They were eventually “outed” by none other than Lucasfilm founder George Lucas, who ran into them together at an oyster bar in Palm Springs.

because she's a woman

I will say that arebactually does have talent and an eye for quality control for everything purpose of the story itself.

But I'm not bring facetious or trolling when I say that she actually needs a man to keep her in check.

Me personnaly thinks she is useless at best, toxic at worst, I have no doubt none of the movie she produced would be different without her. She's been out of her husband's company since 2012? it doesn't seem like he had any trouble pushing movies like Bourne and Jurrassic Park sequels that made afortune during her absence.

Arms dealers are bad desu. I agree with everything else.