Sup Forums, Rita has escaped

Sup Forums, Rita has escaped.

Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude.

>kick ass guitar solo


Team prettyboy.

Why not a team of well trained fighters? Why even just a team, why not an army?




Kamala here, kicking it and ready for action

Don't worry, I caught her.

Only the young, firm bodies of teenagers and their in-your-face attitude can defeat Rita.

If Zordon wanted teenagers with attitude, why didn't he recruit Bulk and Skull?

No, we're going with teenagers.

I mean the Original Power Rangers were buff stuntmen who are apparently Black Belts in multiple martial arts.

You fool, she can clearly fit through the gap between the bars!

Skull was dyslexic to the point of punishment and Bulk and Skull were out of shape slackers.


Yeah, why not a team of lolis instead

Why not both?



Way to doom the planet, Uncle Fester.

Can they already be superheroes?

>Uhuhuhu, check it out Beavis, my robot has a schlong while your's is my masterbation hand uhuhuhu.

no, it's this rita

How would zordon feel about the first trans ranger?

cross dressing =/= trans

Fine, the first cross dressing ranger. But his suit better have a dress

>Why not a team of well trained fighters?
they need to be tenns, Rita hates teens,they the psychology advantage
>Why even just a team, why not an army?
because there's only 5 power coins, du

>because there's only 5 power coins, du
What about green and white?

They were also ancient warrior royalty from an advanced pre-historic civilisation.

Finister!! Bring out Uncle Ruckus and his job applications!!


found one

Kaworu was hot

Isn't that just Shezow, basically?


Hey fellow teenagers. Lets suit up

>Not superior Carrie

done. they even know martial arts so we dont have to train em

Sixth Ranger from the future.

Not gonna lie. The N.W.A. as. The power rangers would be pretty funny

>TMNT Power Rangers
I'd watch that actually.

Next Mutation had a crossover with In Space
Hoping after JL/PR, Boom will do something with IDW to get a TMNT/Power Rangers comic.
That or go to Lion Forge and do Voltron/Power Rangers



I can confirm that Rita isn't pregnant


well she's got plenty of attitude(and already knows how to use guns), not sure if her hair and tits will fit in the suit though...


*7 power coins.

A cute robot with attitude for the yellow ranger the adults'll love him


We don't need a demolitions expert.

How do they make power coins? Just get a shitload.


Too much attitude.

Why does Bulk look like Zordon

Clearly Zordon's not going to risk sending his own son off to die.



Think he has got rheae boys