Fire Nation did nothing wr-

>Fire Nation did nothing wr-

I thought it was funny


You're right, they did do nothing wrong

Because ordering the genocide of the Air Nomads just wasn't enough to make it clear that he was evil.

Soozen sounds like a fairly reasonable person. Same sex couples are known for an significantly increased probably of being gay.



So who made same-sex relationships legal again? Azulon, Ozai, Zuko, Izumi?

Those Damned Neutral bastards had it coming.

No one. They are still illegal. They just do it more quietly and efficiently now.

just give Avatar to Netflix already, holy shit. it's one thing to be preachy, but to take a shit on what little worldbuilding the series has for 'muh message' is just idiocy. fuck Bryke and fuck Nick.

Right? People should be more annoyed with how Korra's response is something from a NOH8 poster rather from a woman who is learning she might face prejudice because of who she's dating.

>be Sozin
>Fire nation forced to live in two goddamn islands
>Earth mudslimes have the entire goddamn continent
>ice niggers got two poles
>even air kikes got more land
>Decided that's wrong, took land that the earth kingdom wasn't even using and that was just randomly declared as theirs
>Earth attacks, starts the war
>Fire nation expected that, defended so good earth nation got butt blasted
>knew the Literal God was in the air temples, attacked there because knew he would get involved
>didn't find literal God there, time to go to the water tribes
>can't find the little shit anywhere, losing soldiers on all fronts
>forbids fruitcakes because you need more soldiers
>retarded avatar calls you the worst.

Air kikes lied. They race-mixed into the population. Where do you think all those airbenders "appeared" from?

>Air kikes


did azula write this post

So pretty much like real life?

Apparently, the artist admitted to wanting to put blacks and latinos in the comic...

Azula did nothing wrong.

This, I'm just gonna keep pretending she ended up single

or with Mako

My problem was that it was so fucking forced.

>Fire Nation is traditionally OK with same sex relationships.
>Sozin, a traditionalist, bans them.

>Little to no proof that a genocide ever took place
>what to say the fact that it's nearly Impossible to wipe all the people from a race, and doing so involves too much time and resources
>Aang had no actual job and basically lived out of government support
>years later, RC for some reason has an Airbender at their council when they shouldnt have any political power if they were really wiped out (who is he even representing?)
>After he lost his position in the council he had no other job to support paying taxes for his own goddamn Island
>Probrably tenzin got government support as well, backed by the avatar
>Suddenly, Airbenders started to appear when the world was in chaos and they could make a profit dealing with spirits
Yeah, they are basically the jews of Avatar. All we need os proof of their involvement in slavery.

Gee, I have to admit I was pretty on the fence about Sozin, but now I'm sorry to say I just can't support him anymore.

>and killed off the race of the previous avatar, but i'm not really worried about that part

I'd love to see Korra actually fuck her girlfriend confirming she's her girlfriend and bloody fights involving elemental manipulation.

What, can't swallow baby's first fire pill?

Same-sex relationships are a crime against nature. Sozin is completely in the right.

Well, you rule a nation that relies on its military power and you can't afford gays coming along and not having children as that means less soldiers.

Yeah, I think Sozin making those kind of laws against sexuality, free speech, art that doesn't glorify the state, and etc makes sense in wartime, especially considering the abnormal length of the war.

it's just that instead of using it as an interesting bit of worldbuilding and a point that could be examined from several angles, it's used as a cheap shot against homophobes. that's the problem with these SJW non-writers who keep getting jobs. not only are they ignorant of the craft, but they trample over whatever good ideas or plot points they come up with just to make a statement. shit is infuriating.

>too stupid to realize homosexual acts occur naturally and frequently in most mammal species and many reptiles as well

in today's climate nobody is going to find homophobia an interesting piece of world building

>that's the problem with these SJW non-writers who keep getting jobs
the comic's written by mike

>the comic's written by mike
who is a SJW non-writer

is that sokka supposed to be 15?

Sup Forums leave or we'll fuse you with /mlp/ again

>Implying it wasn't the greatest few days ever
All the shills and cuckposters disappeared overnight. I even saved the board mascot just to remind myself of those days.

SJWs will literally condone any and every crime except (perceived) bigotry.

Mako did nothing wrong.

Fuck liberal propaganda.

wtf I love Sozin now

>fuse you with /mlp/ again
Oh please, anything but that, please oh PLEASE don't throw me back into the Briar Patch!


and muslims too

And people don’t believe in the gay agenda.

/fitlit/ was still the best.

Mammals often partake in cannibalism and incest too. They also eat shit and piss in their own drinking water.

Nigger get out of her /mlpol/ was pure

>Be me, soldier of the Fire Nation's grand crusade
>assigned to civic duty
>hear of new position
>Thot Control
>assume that we're dealing with Propaganda efforts and some dumbass can't into Coaligraphy
>whatever, I took public speech in cinder school I got this
>head out on the Ostrichcart with the guys
>asked why I'm wearing standard armor
>ask why they're not
>they laugh
>we roll up to some house in the upper district
>men begin stripping down to cloth codpieces
>bust down the door
>naked women
>and fountains and incense and... are they fucking each other
>soldiers bark orders, start scrambling for chicks, fire fights everywhere
>someone's throwing earth
>realize what's going on, my time to fucking shine
>and there she is
>the most delicious thing south of the Tropic of (Fire Pun) I ever saw
>a water tribeswoman
>fighting off hordes of soldiers, one gets her in the shoulder and she can't move her arm
>she looks me in the eye, a unintendedly-seductive hate boils beneath the blue and we dance
>got a cracked rib, frostbite and two broken toes
>but mfw I CHARCOALED up that degenerate thing and got hazard pay and two weeks off for it
Gods I love being a Firebender.

Once again Sozin and the fire nation did nothing wrong...

In all fairness, most of the above listed crimes can be chalked up to self-defense, and ideological issues of trying to do what they perceive to be the right thing. Kevin or whatever that dude's name was was just an asshole, for no real ideological reason, he was just an asshole.

Her relationship with Mako was toxic as fuck, and way more forced than Korrasami.

Mods better give us back /mlp/ when the movie flops and S8 is cancelled.

>doing so involves too much time and resources
Sozins Comet

I forgot Sup Forums is filled with actual MLP watchers. No wonder why I find them so fucking cancerous.


See you in ten years and season twenty of G6,

How the fuck do you threaten to destroy a planet in self defense?

user, Hitler thought the jews were oppressing the germans he was acting in self-defense "better kill em all before the destroy germany" was his rationale. I'd rather have an asshole over a mass murderer.

Ponyfags are often citizens of the whitest countries in the world

because its just like said: SJW will condone any crime except bigotry even up to mass genocide.

Unironically the best thing to happen to Sup Forums in a long time.

Was there anything to salvage from the Korra comics? I mean add this charge to the list belonging to a warmongering, genocidal tyrant seems really petty.

Solid Br'er Rabbit reference.


but the aliens want to go home too. Korra is literally keeping there because she "feels" it will bring balance whatever the fuck that means.

>Tfw you realize the biggest shitposters come from those places as well..

Sounds like a good guy to me

>not FIRED

I thought it implied rape since you know, a hard lump of (char)coal.

>the comic is cringey preaching
I hated korra since it was announced and im glad i never watched it