Elisa Maza

How the fuck does someone get promoted to a second class detective in the NYPD in when their only 26 years old??? What strings did Elisa have to pull to get such a good position at a maximum of 6 years into her police career (if she applied at 18, plus the 2 year probation)

Not to mention she barely did her fucking job for 3 years straight when she was too busy doing fantasy shit with the Gargoyles and boning Goliath all night.

She single handedly caught the hash slinging slasher.

Were those the same rules in 1994?

all the test from Goliath's Gargoyle seed really made her WORK for the three hours a day when she had time

Dunno, ask her AU counterpart.

Being hot and wearing inappropriate clothing for a police detective could be a part of it.

This is like trying to analyze witchblade.

By being in a TV show.

Her dad's a former cop/detective, right?

Just saying.

Nepotism, she comes from a family of cops

What did he mean by this horribly constructed sentience?

>horribly constructed sentience
are you talking about Coldstone? or just AI in general?

fucking cartoon privilege

It's been a long time since I've seen this show. But AI in general is a terrible idea. Making something that thinks thousands, if not more, times faster than you and making it a lifeform is hilariously stupid.

I hope it loves this species for some illogical reason. Or at least me for a while.

Why are you trying to apply realism to a kid's show for babies?

>a kid's show for babies

We ran out of Friends episodes to watch?

Probably this. But seriously, someone ought to just ask Greg, he probably knows, or will just say "I didn't think it through."

So is the legendary barneyfag?

what I don't understand is, if gargoyles live twice as long as humans does that mean that their stone sleep like state is in reality a form of cryogenesis, would they need to sleep on top of that, would they dedicate one of the days( by that i mean nights) to sleep?

also Im going to make this show come back no matter what it takes

Even better question, if a gargoyle lives for twice as long as a human, do they live for 200 years or 400 years? (100 awake, 100 in stone sleep or 200 awake, 200 in stone sleep)

Actually I just realized the canon answers this. Since the Manhattan clan was asleep for 1000 years and they didn't age a bit, that must mean they live for 400 years.

I don't get that logic,
they spend half of the're time in stone state where they don't age so that would mean 200 years

I forget the mathematical term, but gargoyles age at a rate where 40 human years is only 20 for them. This is why when Brooklyn gets swept into the timestream by the phoenix gate and winds up going through 40-50 years of events, he's only about 20-25 years older looking than when he vanished.

What's the point of making him next in line for leader of the clan and Goliath's successor if they take him out of time and make him the same age as Goliath?

didn't get that far when i watched the series, was that retconned?

I think its bullshit that one character has such a major development and the other characters are like eh?

anyway is that because of the stone sleep why they age slower?

Its in the comics, which were pretty bad because Disney wasn't their to stop Greg's autism from talking over the series.

its so hard to start a gargoyels thread, Im glad this one exists

lets hope steve doesn't show up

Well he was only gone for like a minute. Plus, age usually grants wisdom.

The comics were just fine, same as the show. It's not like that horseshit third season

storytime? any of them?

But suddenly they're the same age

And Brooklyn wouldn't fall in line behind Goliath anymore and one of them presumably goes off to start one of the other clans like New Wyvern in Scotland

And either way Goliath has to choose another successor.

Actually, I think Brook is still a bit younger, though not by nearly as much as before. Even then, he still has purpose as the second-in-command/back-up whenever Goliath has to step out. Even with his new family, he's still needed around the castle.

she fucked her way to the top and then threatened the careers of anyone who tried to stop her.

According to the wiki Goliath was hatched in 938
And Brooklyn was hatched in 958

So in Gargoyle years, Brooklyn should be older than Goliath now

i've never seen the third season, all I hear about how bad it is, can anyone tell me?

I know that broadway starts his own cooking show from the nostalgia critic, thats where I discovered the show in general,

They basically turned it into a generic episodic-fest.
>Today, Goliath goes to court to prove he's not a monster
>On a special episode, I don't know, some kind of cancer allegory with the clones turning into stone for good
>Also, totally-not klansmen running amok every episode

Shame I think its an interesting concept or arc for the gargoyles to reveal themselves to the humans, the whole world would have to adapt to the fact that there is another sentient species living among them.

Well they were exposed in the second season finale, but the comics play it more steady and less of an X-men knockoff.

snout or beak?

supposed to be a beak, shaped like a beak, but it acts a lot more like a snout.

snout that looks kinda like a beak, kinda like a platypus in that regard

Did they ever fuck? I vaguely remember they had some sort of sexual tension between them.

I think Greg said that probably would...no kids tho. Not compatable.