Fook me mate, this telly is unlicensed?

>fook me mate, this telly is unlicensed?
>i'm headed to the off license before the fuzz gets here

Terrifying. Disgusting. Morbid.
How far the bongs have fallen.

Fucking snitches

Nobody except elderly people watch television anymore. It's empty funds for a broken system. They can cry and wail but it's just perpetuating people unplugging and saying "go fuck yourself"

why not just use tax funds to pay for the BBC?

they will just make a Internet licenses so they can fund the BBCO

That will never happen. The uproar would destroy parliment.

There won't be any uproar. Britbongs are all neutered.

>implying Muslims are neutered



there was no uproar after rotherham, theres not gonna be one when they slap another tax on you