Who would win in a real fight, Sup Forums?

Who would win in a real fight, Sup Forums?

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Mind Tricks only work against the weak minded and Magneto has more attributed to him in terms of raw power.

>Darth Vader does force choke on magneto's throat
>Magneto starts crushing Vader's throat because metal suit components
This sounds like someone's idea of sex

Magneto's helmet is anti-psi but he is not immune to TK. On the other hand he could one-shot Vader effortlessly due to all the cybernetics. Whoever gets in the first shot probably wins.

I could see them both collapsing each other's helmets at the same time.

I mean it was just a fight for fun no research. The force choke/Body control battle was actually really well done as was the whole fight.

At full power Magneto would probably stomp, but a random encounter? I could see Darth sneaking in a win

Magneto moved the fucking MOON.
And he did it to tweak it's position with earth's magnetic field to make himself more powerful.
Also Darth Vader has a lot of metal bits that he kinda needs to keep him alive.

Magneto doesn't need his helmet, Vader needs his lifesupport

It'll probably end up like some western showdown, quickest to the draw wins.

>Vader needs his lifesupport
and his hands
and his feet
and his lightsaber

Nah, the only thing Vader can even do here is force choke, and that takes too long to stop Magneto from separating Vader into his component parts. The lightsaber beam won't get through Mags's force field (nor will any random background objects force-thrown at him), mind tricks won't work, etc. Vader's pretty much helpless here unless he gets preptime.

Since Mags controls his chainmail outfit magnetically (it's how he flies), and has an anti-psi helmet it's force choke or nothing all right. And he can crush Vader in a second. Unless Vader has the element of surprise this one is all Mags.


Woodoo hide isn't metallic. Vader wins.

We've seen the wires and servos inside of SW cybernetics. They are metal. Mags wins this easily.

>Since Mags controls his chainmail outfit magnetically (it's how he flies)

Okay, for once I learned something from this thread.

The ability to have the x gene is insignificant next to the power of the force.

>Quickest to draw
Then it's Vader. Force users are precogs, to the point where they can deflect laser blasts by knowing where they'll shoot and moving the blast to the right position before the shot is fired. That's some Spiderman level of bullshit

How often does Vader snap necks like twigs? Magneto would have time to fight back if Vader choked him like he does in the movies.

>Magneto controls Vader's entire metal body, can easily crush him
>Vader can use the force completely without bodily movement or using his flesh arm if need be and crush Magneto

Close but Vader wins.

Magneto causes a massive tidal wave for some reason, then Vaders dies from something like getting hit by a truck or Luke eating him I dunno.

Vader chokes people when he's interrogating them, or making a point and delivering a speech, not to effectively dispatch them.

What the fuck? Can anyone else not see this post? Like, I know it's there, I can see the preview, but it's not physically there.

Each can easily kill the other so I'll give it to the precog/clairvoyant.

Oh gee I don't know OP, the master of Magnetism or a fucking jelly of a man in a metal suit.

Not all metal is magnetic. Wires would be copper and most prosthetics use aluminum for weight and to prevent corrosion.

that's not true, he can fly using earth magnetism or some shit, also i think that's a regular suit, not chainmail armor, also magneto regularly flies outside his alleged chainmail suit ( as in normal clothes, partially naked and so on)

Still think vader has this, magneto has way more brute force, but it can't beat force plot armour and precognition.

>Magneto's helmet is anti-psi
It might not work against force-based mind powers. The force is mysticism/magic.

it's just non-magnatized. All you have to do is shift the electrons and you magnatize it. Magneto can do that and has been shown to move things that are not magnatized, he can effect electrons and thus all matter

>welcome to die

hah. I got that reference

The fact both of them went straight for the Choke Crush is hilarious and in character for both of them.

for the purposes of a death battle, the helmet works against all mind manipulation unless explicitly stated otherwise

I think DV could win if we could use Dark Side Anakin. That is, Episode III Anakin between getting his Sith name (thus it's still technically "Darth Vader") and before losing on Mustafar.

Force caps at abeloth

This. Comes down to first strike capabilities between the two.

Magneto would simply tear out all of Vader's cybernetics. Vader would die so easily.