Short story time: Crumb Edition!

Short story time: Crumb Edition!

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Damn timer...



Last panel!

One more. It's just three panels!


Last one!

Enjoy Sup Forums!

Man my daughter is hot

Is this satire or is this dude really a "redpilled?"

Gotta have the companion piece.


Why is there a picture of some guy attached to political pamphlet?


Sounds legit.

Good to see some proper trolling, and from before everyone and their tranny aunt was on the "Internet" too.


got the message? kill yourself whitey

The word goddam makes me think this is satire.

>ay curamba

If you were familiar with Crumb you'd know these are all satirical. The problem is we live in a world where so many people make badly written propaganda that it's hard to have confidence that a creator is being facetious.

Good old-fashioned trolling.

I mean I did kind of realize it was a satire, the first one was obvious enough and I do have some familiarity with his name. It's just like you said, today you really can't tell satire apart from propaganda.

Of course it's goddamn satire

Crumb, you say?




12 panels per page, yet still so much detail






pls do not ban












Crumb really ruined Bakshi's Fritz the Cat.

I think capeshit is more your speed, fella. You can find that easily in another thread

Don't pretend Crumb has literary merit.

grrrr get politics out of muh comics!!

Is Crumb secretly A Wyatt Mann?

I fucking love Crumb

He did Kelly strips satire before it was cool.

The obvious strawmen, false equivalence, exaggeration and generalization should make it clear how big of a satire it is. However, this is word by word one typical Sup Forums post. That's how low the bar is right now.

>that muscular, heroic white man

Someone should post those on racist threads without giving context and see how many are dumb enough to think this is serious.

Plenty of SJWs think it's serious, so I wouldn't be surprised if their counterparts on the other side of the coin think so too.

>Back in the 60s and 70s everyone was DTF and if you wanted an orgy all you had to do was invite your classmates over and provide some booze
>that generation grew up and gave us zero tolerance policies, AIDS, abstinence only education, and now "consent culture" when it was our turn to have a good time

I feel like our generation's been shafted.

To be fair, SJW never liked Crumb that much. But the SJW in the true meaning of it, radical militants, not everyday people asking for common sense. Nowadays just be being okay with diversity, or being down with racism makes you one SJW.
But no, radical groups since day one condemned Crumb use of "black face" draws and Jim Crow stereotypes, based on their ideology against "negative portray"
Crumb always said the point was to show the ugly side of America, putting a mirror in front of society, so creating disgust was his first intention to begin with.
Women also despised some of his works. Crumb himself admittedly said those were nothing but ugliness and sexual repression on his pencil, admitting it was indeed perverted and in bad taste. He, with time, got sick of doing it, and started at least try to explain his case.
Some still calling him sexist, but again, he never denied it...

Shame and repression. Freud explains it all

What makes you predict about what nude-selfies generation will be preaching in their 40's

Crumb is still one of the most respected creator of this medium.

Nude selfies are an understandable rebellion in a culture where not only the conservatives but even the so-called liberals are rabidly anti-sex and anti-fun.

You should try posting these where left-wingers congregate. I'm sure they will have a hearty laugh at this intelligent satire.

Don't pretend to know what you're talking about

Just like hippie culture was one understandable rebellion in a society that started realizing they were nothing but raw meat in front of a grinder.
And yet those people grew up and now condemn drugs, sex and self indulgence, because they feel responsible for everything that happened afterwards.

The tricky part of doing anything wild, or amoral is that in the next day there will be the hangover, and your superego will try to put everything back behind the curtains again.
Many people dream, or really participated in orgies. Few people know how to handle the next day, remembering every single thing you did.
There will be a point where the recent tweens will fell ridiculously ashamed of sending nude photos for their entire class, and their actions over it will be very predicable.

Many had, many don't. There's no such thing as hivemind.
In fact, one of the things that Crumb most pokes fun is the need for a hivemind that political parties need. He participated in many protest and hippie communities, but quit it after realizing it was getting weird and stereotypical. He really hated loud rock music, and people started calling him a squared conservative at the time, just to give one example.

>There will be a point where the recent tweens will fell ridiculously ashamed of sending nude photos for their entire class, and their actions over it will be very predicable.

So the teenagers sending nude selfies 5 years ago are the college-age Puritans insisting that all sex is rape today?

Not quite, 5 years is a short amount of time.
But using your example. Imagine a girl, that back in the day used to send nude photos for everyone he had a crush on. So let's say she's finally going to get married. How do you think she will feel when she realizes that a huge amount of people who already saw her naked is on her wedding?
On the other side, let us say a boy had photos of all girls on his college, knowing all tricks and strategies for doing so. How do you think he will act to his daughter when she reaches the exactly same age?

>SJW never liked Crumb that much
And vice versa.


>To be fair, SJW never liked Crumb that much.
They should.

>not realizing he was making a strawmen of himself

Unlike Dobson, and his teddy-bear fedora abomination, Crumb actually know how to do it.
Like mentioned in the thread, he used to be part of what people nowadays would call "SJW people".
However, some sectors started criticizing him, and painting him as one sexual perverted who could not care less about women.So he started drawing himself even further on the exaggeration, instead of actually explaining himself on reasonable ways. Some people got the joke, some don' the thread show us.

Fun fact : Crumb wife revealed that Crumb likes to get pig rides, and constantly asks her for that.
He defined her as "the dominant one" too.

I bet he's a cuck too.



No, user. He lives the dream. He can write and draw, and he's happily married to the kind of woman he likes to draw.

is he truly /ourguy/

If anything sometimes it sounds like it's Aline the one don't give a shit about him fucking someone else.
Would not get surprised, since both were from hippie generation, and outside of shit LE KEK meme, that kind of relationship can work without major problems.

>pig rides

I'm afraid to hear the answer, but what's that?

figured that out all by yourself, huh

probably means he liked riding around on her back, piggy back rides, dude

I'm relieved it's something so tame.

>applied cock sucking

Reminded me I forgot to post this

Should I read that before or after this book?

look at the man child over her

cant live without your spandex cheesecake fix faggot?


Just play Virtual Cottager

>R-Robert Crumb isn't racist guys!

>You will never have your wife carry in your morning coffee on her massive tits
Why even live

I don't like that he supports wellfare
But I like that he hates liberals

You just made yourself look like a goddamn fool

>Watched the Crumb documentary a few years ago in the beginning of college
>loved it
>found it super interesting, but so strange
>forgot about it
>Had a relationship for a few years
>early 30s now
>look at this photo and remember.
>literally my girlfriend's exact body type
>now a man, i understand

is Fritz the Cat movie worth watching?

>is Fritz the Cat movie worth watching?
Yes, even though Crumb hated it so much that he killed off Fritz.

I'm 5 minutes in, I'll give it a chance

Because this is genuinely how black people act. Take a look at Rhodesia, or South Africa, or Detroit, or Baltimore, or Chicago, and you will see a similar scenario play out. From Mugabe to Obama, black rule over white countries has always ended in disaster.

20 minutes left, had to pause

worth watching for sure, I'm surprised it's pretty much just that story time but stretched out
