ITT: A Lovecraftian Sup Forumsmic AU

Remember a few months back when we had a huge ass thread about retooling previous characters? Some anons probably remember it, since certain stories have been reposted (Green Arrow in Spain, Spyder_Man and others), but to those of you who do not, you basically had to take an established character and retool their origin completely.

Anyway, someone pitched "Edltritch Hulk" and then others started adding to that AU, to the poitn where we had a mini-U. If you anons are here, I implore you to post again so that we may create a new "Lovecraftian"-U! Last time was Marvel only, but I guess we can mix stuff together!

So, come on Sup Forums, let's have a thread fit for this SPOOPY month!

PS: I used the same pic as last time.

Come on guys, I know you're here!

One more bump...

bumping for slight vague interest in this going somewhere

Thanks for the bump user, but I guess people just don't care. Which is a shame, since there were some legitimately great stuff in that thread.

I would like some kafkaesque comics

How about some Lynchian ones?

You're really going to have to be more specific about what you're looking for, either provide an archive link to the relevant posts or lay down ground rules for the brainstorming. We're doing Marvel I assume, but do you want Lovecraftian or more generic cosmic horror? General mystical AU? Weird fiction? Are scientists playing God and upsetting the normal order of things okay?

>Eldritch Hulk
So Earth 9591 Hulk

Instead of turning into a humanoid with spider powers. Peter finds himself slowly turning into a grotesque monster creature with a taste for blood. He's quickly shunned by society as a monster and is forced to dwell underground in the sewers with other undesirables. In the dark trenches of the sewers, Peter finds more abominations cast out from society (basically twisted version of his rogues gallery. Doc Ock having actual tentacles protruding from his back. Osborns face being contorted to the shape of his goblin mask, ect. ect.) The horrifying creatures living in the sewers feed on the surface dwellers above and quickly welcome the Spider-Man into their fold. Goblin tries to convince Peter that the surface world rejected him and that it's his place to herd them like cattle, attempting to become a father figure to the teen. But when he learns that Goblin was the man who ate his uncle, he turns on the monster tribe, beginning to devour them instead of the surface dwellers, becoming the humans' feared protector. Also, Beauty and the Beast type love drama between him and Mary Jane.

>The Undying Iron Fist

Danny Rand was a dead man. Directed to this mountain by the notes of his researcher father who had been murdered by the cult of the Steel Serpent years prior, who believed it the home of a mythical hidden city, all that awaited him was cold, the wolves and eventually a bitter death. Yet, in the limbo between life and death, at the point where the earth met the sky, where reality and the undreamed of collided, Danny met with something from beyond the universe.

The natives called it 'Shou-Lao', and understood it as an ancient dragon. They were wrong about its form, but somewhat accurate to its nature. Wise, ancient and terrible, It wished something of the earth, and through this battered body that lay before it the means presented itself.

Reborn in iron and thunder, Danny posses a power which the world has only seen in the myths of heroes and fearsome monsters. Directed in part by the eldritch spirit that now shares his consciousness, Danny seeks revenge against those who massacred his family, while the 'dragon' sees this as one part of a larger conflict on scales un-comprehensible between beings with unknowable names. Unable to die and unwilling to stop, Danny brings fire and fury tot he world as the Undying Iron Fist.

Nah, that's Hulked out tumors, not magic.


if we are going this far then it would make sense to make spiderman poison base powers since black widows are poisonous and he was bitten.

>sweat is poisonous
>needs to keep minimum human touch
>blood is dangerous and is like chloroform in a closed area and can kill if left alone for to long but burns up fast in air.
>spiderman use blood like sleep agent
>Spider-Man's healing factor is not from the bite but from the radiation and it heals fast but too much healing leads to mutation childhoods end(book)
>wall crawling came from radiation(mutation)
> Superhuman Strength,speed,Reflexes and others come from radiation and poison blood that keeps his brain working better then a human.
>Spider-Sense is just human brain working harder then a normal human and this makes him smart as fuck.

Well, I figured people are familiar enough with Lovecraft to know what I'm talking about, but the general idea is "(science) guy does something daring and uncovers a world of unspeakable horrors and incomprehensible cosmic beings".

Honestly, I was hoping to atract the same folks from the previous thread, but I guess they're not here. I had it favorited, but it 404'd, so...

That user's pitch was Bruce searching for a cure for his condition (set in th 1800s or so), and through a ritual bodning to an Eldritch Abomination, thus forming the "Hulk".

A bit more "horror monster" than Lovecraftian, but you can incorporate the Spider Totems to make it more like the theme.

I like this. More?

I assume this is the same as the Spider-Monster one above?

I remember a thread on /tg/ some month ago that evolved into discussing an alternate DC universe where characters had more of a horror/supernatural bend but still kept their positive personalities and views.

And a nice drawanon decided to make some art for a couple of the reimagined heroes.

First of we have SuperHorror, a what if Kryptonians were truly alien. He was found by the Kents (think it specifically was a blind and alone Martha) who despite Kals horrible appearance recognised him as a baby that needed care. He grew up unusually fast being raised on Marthas kindness and cartoons, instilling him with a simplistic sense of right and wrong. When Martha died he set out to help people but his appearance caused people to fear him. But rather than detering him he started helping out in secret and so developed an urban myth status, eventually ending up in Metropolis. Lois Lane is reporter from the Daily Planet being given the task of investigating the rumors of a monster, to her great dismay, but she eventually comes across Kal, recognising that he wants to do good. Eventually Kal takes on a more public persona and defends Metropolis and the world under the name of SuperHorror.

BinderBat, a version of Bruce who rather than using his fortune on tech took upon the dark arts.

It was expansion on the idea of Gotham being built ontop of a hellmouth. The founding fathers of the city, including the Waynes, sealed the gateway but with time evil kept seeping through, corrupting the city. It didn't help that the families kept neglecting their duties to keep watch of the seal, something made worse with the deaths of the Waynes before Bruce could be initiated into the secrets. He started training to become Batman and eventually found the caves beneath Wayne Manor the site of many rituals held by the Wayne family. He then went on to study the dark arts, learning how to fight and bind into servitude the horrors and demons that lurked in the dark corners of Gotham.

WonderGolem; Diana if the idea of her being a clay statue was taken to the extreme.

On the island of Themyscera Queen Hippolyta desired a child but was unable to get one. So she carved a statue of her perfect daughter, a perfect warrior woman. Yet it remained just a statue, until the day Hercules came to raid the island. As his men pillaged and he tried to rape Hippolyta the gods showed their anger at this by giving life to the statue and imbued it with great powers. The newly born Diana killed and chased the men of the island but was unable to kill Hercules out of fear of Zeus wrath. From this day forward WonderGolem acted as the defender of the island and later she ventured out into the world to right all wrongs against women.

Other ideas that didn't get as much attention or art.
Aquaman; Staright up a fishperson a la Shadow ver Innsmouth
Martian Manhunter; A heroic version of John Carpenters The Thing
Flash; Barry Allen transformed into living energy, always accelerating and inacapable of slowing down
Green Lantern, The ring acts like a parasite out to use its wearer but Hal Jordan is able to keep his mind due to his strong willpower.

None of those are really creative, in particular Flash is more or less Kingdom Come Flash and Green Lantern is Jessica Cruz when she was Power Ring. Aquaman is easily the most workable, but most of your effort would be need in building Atlantis.

Well these were made by /tg/ who are not as well versed with all the DC stuff but I think they were pretty good even if they are not the most unique creations.


As Jaime Reyes awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a blue beetle.