Am I a nutter if I believe the stuff Alex Jones says about feminizing chemicals in the water supply?
Cooper Wilson
Better King George than Queen Hillary.
Joshua Reed
never liked those spanish
Chase Morgan
is spain still upset about their armada?
Carson Wright
Help Lads
Aaron Murphy
I don't why you cunts like us. You yanks are nothing but cunts to us on here.
Jason Brooks
Drumpf WILL lose!!!
Isaac Wright
>can't handle yanks You're not British are you?
Angel Martin
It's nothing big lad. I've called people niggers and called for gassing kikes on facebook and I haven't been reported to the police. No one really cares except you're a sandnigger who wants to bomb a stadium.
Andrew Wood
I can handle them, but I don't like them and I'd rather they just shut up.
Fuck that's scary. One thing the yanks really got right was their bill of rights.
Jose Wright
>Hating yanks because they post mean comments online >Not because they dismantled our empire
Samuel Scott
I feel you bro >tfw have to walk past this abomination everyday
Lucas Phillips
How do we solve the scottish problem lads?
Brayden Campbell
Americans don't know what banter is. Sorry lad. Have fun with Clinton.
>Arrested You get fined around that much for silly driving incidents or forgetting your train ticket.
>tfw I hate them more for than just those two things.
Lincoln Howard
Easton Foster
Yep. It genuinely revolts me. I don't know who the fuck you should vote for If you hate the government trampling all over your civil liberties. The Lib Dems? Although I have a feeling they would be just as bad if they ever got power.
Anthony Smith
>it's the D&Cer from the last thread
Justin Phillips
>Call for action to tackle growing ethnic segregation across UK
In leftist speak: Whitey is moving away from non-whites instead of breeding with them, therefore we must find ways to force them together.
And make no mistake, they will do just that. Through social housing, or busing them into White schools and towns, they will force 'diversity' on every last White area of this country. Its pure White genocide in action and they don't even deny it. They openly talk about 'mixing', they want Whites bred out of existence.
Wait until Labour get into power again. they will put in laws and procedures to ensure every last White town has 'diversity' forced upon them.
James Sanders
The Greens obviously.
Jaxon Ross
Jace Sanchez
It should be demolished, so should anything which is national, fire,police and ambulances have been shit since they went national.
Jaxson Miller
Landon Allen
r8 my photoshop skills kunts
Ethan Morgan
Like I said, there's only Britain and the Anglo-Celtic race. This whole notion of the white race or a nationalist movement is stupid and clearly born from America's degenerate cesspit of retardation and degeneracy. Do you really think the Germans, French or Americans care about us? Do you really think they'll stoop down and aid us when we fall, even if we do that to them?
Thomas Brooks
Why do yanks love us so much now? Why couldn`t we always be like this? ;_;
Caleb Price
>No portrait of Thatcher 7/10 tbqh
Jayden Brown
Is that bath abby?
You need to tighten it all together. it's too wide
Easton Turner
You should put his five mogglets in and his wife in a maid's uniform
Andrew Morris
>Say one thing; do the other
Ryder Myers
Being an English nationalist doesn't mean hating other countries you twat.
>A woman who raised more than £300,000 for a mugged disabled pensioner has lost a court case over an unpaid publicity bill.
Stupid bitch. This bit made me chuckle:
>During the hearing it emerged Mr Barnes wrote a cheque for Ms Barber in October for the full amount owed but she refused to cash it because she felt he had been pressured. The PR consultant said: "Alan Barnes felt tremendously pressurised, he has also been trolled."
Jacob Butler
Very good lad. Very good. It's unfortunate that Moggy isn't as understanding of the world as Enoch in that he supports a candidate that would be good for America, but not for Britain.
No - being a British nationalist means making sure Britain gets the best outcome. Unfortunately, that means making sure America gets the worst outcome since its inevitable for them to interfere in our plans and deliberately hurt us, and possibly the world.
Brayden Ward
Also our drunk tourists. We go a bit off the rails in hot weather, which of course explains Australians.
Jayden Garcia
yank women crave english cock its a way of life for them
ty lad but trump would be good for Britain and the world Clinton and obongo have already fucked us off with their brexit jewing its the only
David Robinson
tim farron
Jayden Williams
Where did things go so wrong?
Austin Young
Obongo could do nothing to stop Brexit - what makes you think Clinton can do any better? Clinton may try to side with the EU, but ultimately she'll weaken America - and in the long term I think that's beneficial for us. As for trade deals - we don't need them: trade deals is a meme.
Isaiah Campbell
Those comments are pretty based though lel.
Isaiah Green
Making sure Britain gets the best outcome does *not* mean making sure America or any other country gets the worst outcome. This quote sums up the essence of nationalism, which you have evidently completely failed to understand.
What exactly is the problem with diversity? Do you not want your children and your children's children to be strong and outbred genetically?
Xavier Nelson
So you would rather have someone siding with the EU other us? Also trade deals are nice and not having another obngo stabbing us in the back in nice
Alexander Sanchez
Fuck im too tired to spell
Michael Garcia
Fucking yank spelling I can't do anything right...
Tyler Bennett
reminder that the irish are the niggers of the white race.
Nicholas Torres
Christopher Lewis
Brayden Barnes
i swear on me nans grave starter pack
Colton Cook
>A G E D >B Y >W A R
Landon Butler
Dont worry guys Maybe if we keep bringing in more refugees they can use their skills as rocket scientists, teachers and doctors to help theses kids If not we need to work harder and give them benefits. We owe it to them for being racist colonials I love Sturgeon Can't wait to get rid of the racist English lads
Cameron Barnes
So are slavs.
Nathan Carter
Happy Teacake Merchant desu
Nathaniel Carter
Teacakes are haram
Ethan Martin
Lads I really want to make an oil painting lamenting the fall of white culture in britain, and I asked yesterday for some suggestions, one was a bunch of shitskins leaving a mosque going past a sad looking white man, which was good, I'm looking for others though - ideas?
Henry Baker
Friendly reminder: Poles are BASED.
Jackson Taylor
>Slav reveals itself
Dominic Thomas
Regardless of what they are like as people they are not English so they do not belong here.
James Jackson
Yeah poles are pretty based, but the problem is the dirty skinned eastern europeans that have no manners, you know the ones I am talking about.
Ryder Cruz
Just made this lads what do you think?
Chase Wilson
You have to go back
Jose Long
Does it need to be 1890 by 1417
Jaxson Torres
You have to make it in the style of the old masters-look at their depictions of Romans for inspiration.
Jeremiah Scott
Good idea, mediocre execution.
Samuel Turner
no they are welfare leeching scum
Mabye somewhere like a harbour in London or Bristol in the early 1900's now showing the shitholes of multiculturalism they are know idk just something showing comparison
Daniel Gonzalez
6 D A Y S
Jason Turner
>Hungry >Don't have the energy to cook So this is how it ends. Avenge me lads.
Nolan Bailey
Yeah that's the plan senpai.
Isaac Morris
As an independent bystander to this issue. I can say no, they're not.
Gabriel Cruz
Reminder that this happened
Nicholas Turner
Order food you bum.
Hudson Williams
Sorry lad here's a smaller version
Lucas Rivera
>millions of chavs and neds on benefits not working >Poles come over to work and do the jobs your scum won't do >WTF POLES ARE LEECHES WE MUST STOP THIS XD
Lucas Ramirez
The house of commons where the only white face is the speaker, in his robes While the seats are packed with shitskins in all manner of crazy (((ethnic))) clothes
Zachary Scott
How could I improve it lad?
Jonathan Roberts
I never said chavs were and better pavel but keep ignoring the fact poles are slavscum
Jose Barnes
Just posting this picture of Monty Don holding some flowers lads.
Josiah Lee
You can't deport chavs, you can deport poles. >do the jobs your scum won't do nice meme