Respected British political heavyweight OWEN JONES pleads for Americans to vote Hillary


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pleads. what a fag

After the first 50 seconds I thought he was going to say
"Now the United States must take on the corrupt, globalist elites."


>Owen Jones


Everything that doesn't go his way is a fucking calamity. American posters won't be familiar with it but he throws that word around so fucking much.

thanks owen!


Top kek. This fucking guy again.

>United States of Diversity

I've never even heard of this guy

So according to this fag American values are entirely about resisting the current American culture?

Is this real? Like seriously, can you give me a link?

are we supposed to have any idea who this is

During Brexit he was a lot like Michael Moore i.e. he suddenly realised that the Left was targetting a strawman, took a look at the real numbers, the real discussions going on Right, shat a brick and tried to wrestle with his cognitive dissonance to warn the Left that they were about to lose desipte the rigged game.

He's also the twat who couldn't bring himself to admit it was Islam that killed all the queers at that nightclub, insisting that it was just "homophobia", and then flounced off set on live tv.

If you had to be Owen Jones or Anthony Burch, which one would you be?

>british heavyweight
How many stone is that

wish this cunt would walk off a cliff instead of a television show

>Respected British political heavyweight

Pedophile supporting CTR faggot
You know all those guys that haven't been showing up?
They're turning states evidence to the FEC for deals, there will be no deals for you
enjoy you prison time


Owen 'Storm out of an interview and look like a twat' Jones

looks like a fucking choir boy

Just cuck my shit up.

The fact that cuckoldry even exists astounds me. This is the most pathetic thing I've ever read

Literally who?

IIRC it's an ancient brit/pol/ shoop.

What an actual faggot that had zero understanding of the american election

All i hear is this
Please vote for globalism! We are one!

What a minute... that accent...

Is this real?
Because jesus fucking christ, that's pathetic.


I really dislike Owen. He is a smug little cunt most of the time. But I can at least respect that he usually comes to conclusions based on actual info and not always his emotions. Like with Brexit, he could see it wasn't going the way the Lefties wanted everyone to think it was going.

He knows Trump is going to win and is trying his hardest to prevent that.

Both from Sheffield.

I have no fucking idea who this 10 year old is.

saved as a JUST reaction pic

I think he goes in the Michael Moore box of leftists.
The leftists who've been predicting that the establishment shitting on most everyone for a long time would come to bite them in the ass, but just thought it would be a socialist revolution and non this populist right one.

Why do anglos have those disgusting faces?
Everytime you see a Brit you directly can tell he is one.

And not a single argument was made. All of that crap was simply appeal to emotion or fearmongering. GOOD JOB LEFT WING.

>political heavyweight


i will throw out all the tea again you limey nigger lover


>Owen Jones

She was a MILF though let's be honest lads

What's up with his collar, is he unable to dress himself properly? Shouldn't someone tell him that he looks ridiculous before letting him stand in front of a camera?

>ready steady cuck strikes again



>She was

It's fake unfortunately

its due to the massive extent of racemixing on the island - celtics, romans, germanics

Nigga who?

If Owen Smith says something you should probably believe/do the opposite. No surprises he's pro-Shillary/anti-Trump.

Oh fuck off will you, Owen. Nobody likes you. Smug leftist cocksucker.



I remember that. Such a whiney fag
Brexit plus Trumo would truly mean the great powers of the world have all been uncucked and at last we can dispose of these pathetic "humans"

>But I can at least respect that he usually comes to conclusions based on actual info and not always his emotions
you're right. can't help but respect him even if he irritates the fuck out of me, I even occasionally watch his yt channel desu

You can tell it pains them too
The great working class revolt couldn't give two shits about Marx

>Taking anything Owen 'The Cuck' Jones has to say seriously.

He campaigned for Gordon Brown, Ed miliband, to change to AV and for Britain to stay in the EU. You want him on your side in politics about as much as you want to go to war alongside Italians.

lol who does this piece of shit think he's talking to?

Looks rather weak and low-energy

That real, dawg??

Whoever he is, he can fuck right off. This isn't his goddamn election. I didn't comment on how people should've voted with Brexit. I expect the same respect.

>Listening to Owen "Be a big guy and have a cry" Jones


> Literal communist working in the press
Jesus Christ Britain.

Nice gif

it will be gone within 10 years

Fuck up, tubby. On Nov 8, YOU WILL waddle your fat arse down to your local polling station and YOU WILL vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton. YOU WILL NOT vote for Drumpf under any circumstances, tubby

He's gay dumb cuck, what did you think he was going to say?

oh my god lmao


Nyet, go back to /r/momentum

>Nigga who?

The most cuckiest cuck this side of planet cuckula.


People carried those signs on voting day? If so that is fucked.

Anybody who says "diversity" is strength should be banned from politics. It's a feelings-based argument with no evidence. Diversity in a culture or demographic of a society does not ensure its success.

im surprised when people think actors have any sort of influence out of movies other than being masturbation material

it's fake, but this is a fantastic smearing strategy

I predict in the future, political operatives will be accusing rivals of being cuckolds rather than harassers, it's just so much more of a powerful, guttural attack

>Political heavyweight
>Owen Jones

Pick one and only one

It's not though.

Nothing says 2016 more than this.

always gives me good laugh

So you can satisfy your cuckold fetish?


>literally who


>1 post by this ID

Vaseline arsed poof cunt

What's the opposite of Demagogue? I hate that SJW buzzword, but leftist politicians just do it in reverse, which is just as bad

>Owen Jones

>Respected British political heavyweight OWEN JONES
who are you trying to kid?

It's not fake.

>mfw he says anything


This guy is such a faggot


Didnt he walk out like a child on an interview because someone threaten his safe space?



Then where is the actual article?

Virtually all the guardian commenters hate this cunt.

The comments under his articles are always funny as fuck.

There must be a pepe of Cox

Yes. That pic definitely needs the smug pepe treatment.

It's a book.

He's about on par with a Mexican intellectual.

>still thinking that Brexit was left vs right

Protip: The British Communist Larry backed leaving

>>Owen Jones is a British columnist, author, commentator and political activist with a democratic socialist perspective.

OH NOES! A Limey Socialist doesn't like Trump. I'm BTFO'ed for sure!