Inside Out Thread

It's currently playing on Disney Channel, what were your thoughts on it?

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Even for Pixar standards, it's breathtaking

Surprisingly uncreative in all aspects.

Nothing outstanding. The writing was kind of shit, but Disgust and Sadness porn made up for it.

#1 for cucks

>coming of age story about emotions
>no lust
I didn't even bother to watch it.
If you won't have lust either make her older or make her younger.

Get the girl some Prozac.

Pretty boring to be honest. Pixar hasn't made a great movie since WALL-E

>Toy Story 3
Come on, user.

>not boring
Pixar is just shit, give me 2d Disney any day

why ask MY thoughts

Surprisingly good for a psychology-based movie, though it could be more creative.
I'm ashamed that it had an effect on my view on emotions and emotional intelligence.

I love it. But I did get something in my eye right around when Bing Bong sacrificed himself.

I get an urge to chew tripledent gum for some reason.

Think it's probably the worst Pixar movie besides Cars 2 and A Bugs Life, even the Good Dinosaur is better than it. Think it would be more interesting if Joy and Sadness hadn't left the control room and the emotions helping Riley adjusting to the new town was the main focus, none of that gotta get back home journey through the subconscious stuff

The theme for the movie is beautiful and probably the only reason why it left me feeling sappy. To me, that music made or broke the difference between why the sentimental parts totally sold me while Up's did not.

Why didn't Joy use the tubes to transport the core memories to the headquarters? The job would have been halfway done.

>check disney channel
>this movie is not there
Fuck you wasting my fucking time fucknut.

Criminally overrated.
They had a really amazing concept and they came up short in almost every way; the imagination was all in the concept and there was none left for the execution, apparently.
There's enough material for 10 fucking movies!!
>look inside mom and dad heads
>they're mom and dad versions of Riley's emotions
What's wrong Pixar? Can't come up with more than 5 original fucking characters? Is this the same company that came up with a whole fucking roster of a cast of fucking characters with different fucking personalities for Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc and so on?

Lazy. Pathetic.
No wonder you're going to shit Pixar.

And that's just one example btw

Fear is my waifu.

Because her coworkers were incompetent.

>prozac for going through regular puberty

Recorded it on my DVR this morning, just like when it was in theaters I have zero interest in it, just didn't appeal to me.

Figure I'll watch it some time this week.

No they weren't they just weren't suited to deal with the situations she was going through.
That's like saying a hammer is a terrible tool because you can't use it to cut wood you dumbass.

Riley's probably not the most mentally stable child if moving to another state almost depressed her to the point of no return in the span of two/three days.

To be fair when you're prepubescent it's the worst time to move and it hurts because you spent some time developing friends and a home and suddenly you move away in a time when you're trying to figure shit out
It's not something that should scar you psychologically but it still sucks

Sounds pretty boring, desu.

So Joy made the right choice, knowing the others werent suited for the task. She was the leader for a reason.
It's too bad your mom didnt crack your skull with a hammer when you popped out of her rotton, loose snatch you fucking failed abortion.


No you fucking stupid piece of shit sadness was the on who needed to handle it so Joy was still wrong

When something happens like your fucking dog dies sadness needs to take over to let it out. Joy trying to wrestle control away results in denial, rage can take over too but that's not the healthiest response.
You don't understand the fucking point of this movie you fuckwit so I won't spend any more time trying to explain

I want to fondle disgust tiny green butt cheeks, drink her sweet transpiration and break her bitch expression with my penis.

We're talking about why Joy didnt use the tubes for the core memories not why Sadness had to fix the panel you fucking tard.





what a fucking obnoxious watermark



>brendan coris

Never seen it, but it has some pretty good smut.

Decent ,but nothing memorable. Pixar's recent obsession with "saaad" is getting on my nerves.

> let me tell you what's normal for teenage kids based on my own experiences
Let me shove a broken bottle up your asshole as a mnemonic device

>She was the leader for a reason.
Literally only because she was the first one to emerge but you'd know this IF YOU WATCHED THE FUCKING MOVIE

>the Good Dinosaur is better than it

Glad I'm not the only one saying this. But I say it because I really liked The Good Dinosaur

Only my senile old Mother likes The GD.

Mom! Get off the Internet! Remember what happened when you looked up the lemon party.


>the art

bad. whatever opinion i was feeling towards it was completely and absolutely trashed when joy found the plot convenient tube that would just take them back to the mind HQ all of a sudden at the tail end of the movie. It had to be disney. The mouse must have ruined them. when they re-negotiated they must have made them give them some of their idea people and that left PIXAR wanting thats the only way I can explain it. TS3 was the end of the second Renaissance.

i liked the good dinosaur too and everyone hated it because it wasn't a fucking poppy wacky girl and platonic male hero friend movie.

Actually, I didn't mind the story but what I found was that the characters looked too garish against the incredible cgi generated vistas. In fact, I'd declare the natural scenery an order of magnitude better that what appeared in 'Moana'. But that's my take on it. And that triceratops looked creepy as fuck for some reason. Hair on the back of my neck actually stood up.

Welcome to America, Bitch!

>this tbqh

Nice little last gasp of the old Pixar.

that triceratops tops was literally a crazy hobo and was disturbing but a lot of it was supposed to be. The movie was trying to show that life and the outside world is raw and harsh, and you need to be tough to over come it

Loved it.
Sadness is my favorite.
Movie itself was fun, they could have done some more things, but I think the main topic they focused on was fine.
I think it would make for a fun cartoon/short series.

Also I have way too much sadness merchandise than one should.

Joy is the sprinkles on my donut of Life.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: for an animation about the inner psyche it was starkly lacking in imagination. I wanted to see some Psychonauts shit, not this rainbow Unicorn and Coulrophobia shit.

The Sadness plush was the best one of them all. Joy is my favorite (Disgust 2nd) but the plushes looked like something from a kids meal at Raunchy Ronnies.

>so sad that she moved that she cried on her first day of new school
No, get that kid some fucking pills.

Sadness is fucking THICC

Imagine being this retarded

Riley was hot and built for sex.

I’d cry too if I had to live in San Francisco.

I am not shure if it is even legal.


I love how GD is brutal, if only Disney had same balls, we'd have a much better,darker Zootopia instead of some cute animals throwing "racist" insults at each other.


imagine spending most of your life ignored, until this very post.

>second renaissance

if anything TS3 was end of the best Pixar, then Brave and sequelitis ordered by Disney came.
I do agree revival era is over, Moana was basically its last movie. Soon we're getting WiR 2, Frozen 2 and probably more sequels in the 20s.
(I don't have to remind about the live action/cgi remakes)

I remember seeing it in theaters with a friend and being really into it. I thought it was a neat premise with a lot of heart.

And then they went and did a "gotta get back to HQ gonna be a buddy road trip" and all my enthusiasm went out the window. Everything in the second half felt hackneyed and way too by the numbers.

I have that plush in the picture.
Though some merch did awful for sure.
and some I'm glad I got the sadness mug from the disney store I got for 13. It's going for 60+ on ebay now.
Makes me sad because I wanted the whole set, I only have fear and sadness.

Most recent Disney and Pixar movies ate like that It's nearly always two characters( that are polar opposities) trying to understand and help each other, the documentary spoiled everything, no mystery, no magic in these movies anymore. Just some formula common audience eats up.




It was all an allegory for what Riley was going through rather than actual physical stuff happening, you stupid fuck.
You literally didn't get the point of the movie.

I liked it too, but I find it nowhere near IO in my opinion. IO was more creative and had the best moral lesson I've ever seen represented on a cartoon.

So it looks like the pedos are back.

Go check out his stuff, he's great.


It's an absolutely garbage movie that only a retard would like. Nothing original about it at all.

Maybe core memories can't get threw this tube.
I mean it's still supposed to be a real brain

>toy story 3

Up is great, but ts3 is just a repackaged ts2

Bullshit it's overrated.

Riley was the best part of the movie

It's the typical Disney formula.
Two characters who hate each other are forced to go on adventures together, and then become best friends.

It's funny, given how Joy kinda looks like Ellen

It worked well, didn't it.

Shame about her ugly noise, she had potential.


If anything this is Pixar formula; always two characters who don't really understand each other, not hate.Joy just didn't knew what was the purpose of sadness.
The closest pair that you could say they hated each other was Wilde and Hopps from the apartheid-like unfinished Zootopia movie. It was going be a movie's theme "even sworn enemies can become best friends" (which is bullshit).

>bland designs
>bland worldbuilding
>bland characters
>bland story
>set inside someone's fucking mind
It's almost an achievement.

The creators said that was added later for the gum joke and is a huge plot hole

>I've seen the other half of this.
For those who haven't seen it The other half of the picture features Riely naked,
tied up, and dripping semen, heavily implying rape. If I recall correctly, there were bricks on the walls, thus implying she had been kidnapped and stored within the basement,
kept there like a person keeps prized mementos in an attic.
No, I'm not posting it.

her nose is cute

I liked it. riley is hot

>The closest pair that you could say they hated each other was Wilde and Hopps
>forgetting fucking Woody and Buzz

I know Woody was afraid Buzz was going to take his place. But did he really hate him ? And Buzz was oblivious.Even in the early versions of the story.

Joy is pure.
The other emotions are not for sexual purposes.
Do whatever the hell you'd like with Riley.