MY 300 lb life

>be so fat i think i broke a rib in the drive thru of wendys
>twisted weird to grab my wallet and felt a sharp pain now it hurts to breath

What are some kinos with this feel? Is this the point of no return? Discuss fat kinos.

Fatties are vile subhumans who deserve nothing but scorn and ridicule.

Hahahha y-yeah right... thanks user

diet you fat fucking fuck

I-i’m not that fat r-right??

Based. I'm currently in the 250s or 260s (I'm around 5'11"), hopefully I too will know your feels soon. Also, let me guess, you won't go to the doctor because youre too embarrassed? I haven't been to the doctor in right around 10 years.

I'm going to need you to gain another 400 lbs before I can recommend you for euthanasia

Youll get to this point sooner than you think user im 305 and same height currently. Yeah I havent been to the doctor in about that long too. No insurance either so why bother. Pay hundreds to have some jew confirm i have type 2 diabetes.

the power of amerimutt """""whites"""" desu

Jokes on you im not even white

Jesus Christ get a grip you worthless fucks

Blacks are just as bad if not worse

Not black try again


Ding ding ding diabetic and asian

Fuark. How many poor puppers needed to die for your BLOATMAX?

I think shows like this are just trash that shows an false correlation between "fatness" and health. Yes undoubtedly these extreme cases are causing health problems but this hides the fact that it is possible to be fat and healthy. I am.

1,180 delicious doggos

nice b8m8

You're still amerimutt though

what did you order?

6'4" 275 here

Every body is different and there is no one "healthy size". And yet Fat people are prejudiced and grossly mistreated by the mainstream Med

I had the current special smokey mushroom cheeseburger large with a smokey mushroom cheesy baked potato unsweetened ice tea and a double stack no onions. I get the tea to delude myself that im cutting calories.

Moo. Have fun with your future health problems moo cow.

Nothing wrong with being chubby but If you reached the point where you're considered fat you are living unhealthy by definition you humongous faggot. Enjoy your heart attack with 35.

How much is 300 lb in kg

sure thing tubby


"Excess body fat is associated with 30% of cases in those of Chinese and Japanese descent, 60–80% of cases in those of European and African descent, and 100% of cases in Pima Indians and Pacific Islanders.[13] Among those who are not obese, a high waist–hip ratio is often present"

You fucked up hard if you're Asian and you got type 2.

You're probably healthier than me. I'm 5'10" 170 pounds but muscular and goes to the gym a lot.

I "look" good, but inside my body is rotting.

Has it gotten to the point where all the fast food joints recognize you? It got that way for me when I was a 1-2 pack a day smoker, and every gas station within a 15 mile radius was like Cheers every time I walked in, because all the clerks recognized me.

Why don’t you go to the gym and improve not only your phisical appearance but also your life

Not enough that they know my order or my name. Ive never gotten a welcome back or anything but usually a few looks of recognition especially at taco bell mostly because theyre the nicest and im always nice to them and ask how they are at the drive thru after they ask me. Luckily though i bounce around to enough fast foods i never eat at the same place more than once every 8-10 days.

not to sound like a SJW or anything, but does My 600lb Life actually serve as anything other than mean-spirited car-crash/voyeurism akin to Victorian-era traveling freakshows?

>its a warning to others

obesity is an ongoing issue yes, but the amount of people who will reach even anywhere close to 600lbs is extremely low and always will be. And we're well aware that even nearing 300 is already extremely unhealthy and disabling

>tfw 280lbs and would be slim in Muttagascar
Lnaoing @ u manlets

>be 300 pounds
>eat wendy's
You need to change your diet

About 135

>does My 600lb Life actually serve as anything other than mean-spirited car-crash/voyeurism akin to Victorian-era traveling freakshows?

That's all TLC has been for years. A shame, considering the channel's origins of being co-founded by NASA.

My BMI is 14 nigra. I feel light as a feather.

Diet my friend (and by that I just mean stop eating so much), it isn't too late for you.