Why do liberals love muslims so much?

Why do liberals love muslims so much?

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It's not that we love Muslims, particularly. We just believe in treating everyone equally, whatever race or religion they are. This is also why we're generally against extremism and bigotry.

They never have to live near the ones they insist on importing and get to look virtuous.

they vote left

quite a "shocker" you are getting the sunni muslims. gods forbid you got the nice ones

>We just believe in treating everyone equally, whatever race or religion they are.
but this is wrong
muslims want to kill or convert you

Because they're told to.

>We just believe in treating everyone equally, whatever race or religion they are.
Religion is a set of ideas. The set of ideas known as Islam are a lot of violent and bigoted ideas. These violent and bigoted ideas are still heavily practiced in the Islamic world.

Loving Islam because you hate bigotry is literally the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

i bet he beleives we should treat our enemies equally during war time

As for Liberals themselves, because they're puppets and useful idiots. Also usually never had hard lives.

For Politicians, E\expanding the liberal voter base to the point that it's insurmountable and you can secure power for decades, election after election.

Import people>give """free""" shit to them>secure votes>repeat

Bonus Round: the resulting Civil War gives you a pretext to make your nation a police state.

A small but vocal minority does. Kinda like the small but vocal minority of Christians who want to do the same.

Like I said, we're opposed to extremism, whatever beliefs it's based on.

"We treat everyone equally that is why we are against bigots, even tho protect islams who enslave women and want to kill gays and other races, it's really only white bigots we care about"


>We just believe in treating everyone equally, whatever race or religion they are.

>Fights for niggers to get superior treatment
>Ignores crime statistics and makes excuses
>Muh white patriarchy tho
>Religion of Peace, lol
>Dindu nuffin

Fuck off and kill yourself.

Because they're cucks or they don't know any snackbars personally.

Get out of here faggot. Their proxy troops are killing Christians and allawites in Syria and Obama only cares about Muslims.

If you actually talked to a liberal once in awhile, you might discover how much of this is utter horseshit.

>bitching about only 13k when your native population is well above 300 million



Liberals hate themselves and at their core they are suicidal

They know muzzies want to destroy the west and that's why they love them. Same reason they love niggers

>We just believe in treating everyone equally, whatever race or religion they are.
What is this shit even based on? Why do you believe that people deserve to be treated equally?

Yeah, some of them hate and want to kill Christians. And some of you Christians hate and want to kill Muslims. Meanwhile, we liberals think both of you are full of shit and could coexist happily if you would just try.

Instead of risking our own citizens by bringing these """refugees""" into our nation, why don't we just secure a region in Syria and let all the refugees live there? Surely the combined might of the US and the EU could secure a place for them until their war is over?

This like complaining that you've got a little bit of aids vs a lot of aids.

Either way you're infected.


Um, because they're human beings.

Remember that thing in the Declaration of Independence about all men being created equal and endowed with inalienable rights? Well, we liberals actually take that shit seriously.

>treat everyone equally by giving people handouts
it's a lie and you know it


>thinking those 300 million are white

Someone being a human being doenst justify them being treated equally. There is human trash and there are actually valuable individuals. Every human is worth a different amount, especially in regards to advancing mankind which can be accomplished by doing something as simply as not bringing chaos to the advanced societies.

If you'd argue skin color, fine. Not much a person can do about it. But Muslims are religious people. Religion is a choice. If they choose to follow their backwards ideals then they are in position to demand equal treatment. They chose to be human trash, birth didnt determine that for them.

Those "handouts" you complain about are available to everyone who needs them. It's a way of ensuring social stability by making sure people don't get too desperate.

Frankly, I don't know why anyone is against helping people have a minimum of food, shelter, and services. If nothing else, it holds off the pitchforks.

Isn't it spooky that they bring them in by night and as quietly as possible, that even governors don't even know they're entering their states.

They don't want anyone knowing about it. Wonder why?

>It's a way of ensuring social stability by making sure people don't get too desperate.
it's also a way of keeping people just outside of poverty so they have no reason to improve themselves
most people on welfare try and find ways to get more welfare

Because Muslims hate white people.

Actually, a person's religion is pretty much universally determined by the people and culture that they're born into.

And the fact that you automatically equate "Muslim" with "human trash" just reveals your bigotry.

"Improving yourself" is kinda hard when there are no jobs because rich assholes moved them all to China.

See, the other thing liberals recognize is that not everything that happens to a person is their own fault. Right-wingers almost never admit that, because they don't want to do anything to fix it.

No you don't you value Muslims higher. Otherwise you wouldn't being Isis in faggot.

See, there you go again assuming that all Muslims are like ISIS. Does the Westboro Baptist Church represent all Christians?

They literally believe that anything but complete indifference to Islamic terrorism is proof that the terrorists have won. It's not that they love Islam, they are just the embodiment of the logical conclusion of 'turn the other cheek' pacifist faggotry.

Idiot, the WBC has killed ZERO people, Islam has killed a grand total of 270 million. But you liberals are so morally bankrupt, you think that "hurting feewings" is somehow worse than murder, rape, child abuse - things with which Pisslam is saturated. People SHOULD be bigoted against a hate ideology that has spread death & destruction everywhere it goes 100% of the time.

I don't know what makes you think that liberals are indifferent to terrorism.

It was us who took out Osama bin Laden, after all--and that after Dubya tried, failed, and then went and invaded the wrong fucking country.

Wow, liberals took out Osama? Tell me more

Isis by capita represents significantly more Muslims than wbc per capita.

Mommy and Daddy issues.
Literally nothing else,
Liberals view Christianity as the status quo and anything that goes against Christianity as a good thing.
It's like those faggots preaching about anarchy, but than use shill technology on a daily basis.

>muh atheism
>christianity is worst omg dark ages

According to Pew 92% of Saudi Arabia citizens think that ISIS represent islamic values.

Okay, then, what about the Army of God? They HAVE killed people, and they're proud of it. So should we ban all Christians from the country?

Or should we maybe acknowledge that terrorism itself is the enemy, regardless of the religious belief used to justify it?

They have a shared interest in hating sane people from the west.

>only 24 Shias
Sunnis confirmed for being the biggest pussies

Exactly this

>Treats the invaders as equals
>Gets extinction of his own kind
>What went wrong?
Oh boi i wonder what is going on in their heads

>bitching about a centimeter wide hole in the dam when it's a BIG dam

dont you have a dick to suck

Ignore the religion, ignore the cause. Of course, you're probably a Sanders cockgobbler who thinks ISIS flourishes primarily because of global warming, right?

Actually, I voted for Clinton in both the primary and the general. Because I'm not insane.

Look at this faggot.
Liberals really do think they know everything. God damn sanctimonious pricks
Life doesn't work the way your (((indoctrination))) tells you it does.
Life is brutal and people ARE unequal
>one race the human race!
Lurk moar if you truly believe that marxist feel-good bullshit.

>small and vocal minority does
Small and vocal minority actually sets out to kill or convert you. The majority of the ones that remain, the so called "moderate muslims", agree with the former and won't lift a finger to stop them.

I see what you did there with the parentheses. Please note that racism and bigotry do nothing to help your credibility.

ITT @v7elnkol roleplays a college liberal and gets a poor (You) return.

you WERE asking for a race war, weren't you? they read Sup Forums you know.

Extremists muslims are the ones throwing people off the rooftops, moderate muslims are the ones watching in the crowd
But reality hurts liberal fee-fees so gl getting any to process logic like that

88% of Muslims worldwide think being gay is morally impermissable.

Such tolerance.

By that logic, then, all Christians agree with the so-called "pro-life" murderers in the Army of God, and therefore we should immediately ban all Christians from the country.

Consistency. It's a bitch, ain't it?

cause they get paid to... libs will do anything for a dollar and shit...

Ok well played, you b8 me good.
8/8 m8

Killing abortion providers is perfectly okay though.

>Army of God

Literally who?

Not bait. I meant exactly that. Since your bias is so obvious, there's no reason for me to take seriously anything you say.

The only reason I'm even bothering with you is for amusement. There's no point in trying to convince you, because we're coming at the argument from completely incompatible assumptions.


Can you back up your statement with numbers? Because I can easily back up my statement.

Here's data regarding Muslim's support for suicide attacks. There are many more regarding adultery, homosexuality, isis.


Yeah, The declaration applies to American citizens only, so shut the fuck up.

If I'm wrong, I should be right.

daily reminder why the number of Muslim refugees is so high

Muslims are a liberal people , your time in the sun is over conservashits . You got guns? OOoooOOooOOooooOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo. LOL. we've got jihadis shitlord!

Isis kills more people in a week, than all these organisations in their lifetimes.

I'm left wing and think you are talking bollocks mate.

If any other group were as bigoted and intolerant as Muslims are you'd be having a right spack out but for some reason you're willing to throw women, gays, atheists, jews, and middle eastern christians under the bus to defend them.

liberals hate christians (in my experience, specially catholics) so you can figure out why they like muslims so much

Muslims are highest on the progressive stack despite their being two billion muslims on earth and at least two Islamic nuclear powers, because the core of "progressivism" is the destruction of western civilization.

They don't.

One of the single most important things that you can ever understand about progressives is this- they believe that all religions, when properly followed, are ultimately just progressivism.

They don't care about the religion of Islam- they care about their own religion, which is progressivism. To ask them to admit that it might not be all powerful, they it might not be universal, and that it might be incomplete is like asking a Christian to conclude that their god isn't omnipotent. Progressivism cannot fail to turn Muslims into progressives, because that would be admitting that god can fail, and god cannot fail.

> against extremism
> brings in Muslims
Wew lad choose one

You need to check your history. The Declaration says: "to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men". Meaning that EVERYONE has those rights, and government is the tool that people use to protect them. It doesn't just apply to Americans.

It's funny howw yout try to frame this as "muslims vs christians", when really it's "muslims&liberals vs everyone sane".

Racism in not a sin. It is not a crime. It is part of who we are, it is a manifestation of tribalism. Human nature can't be changed, the best you can do is accept it and shape the world to accomodate it.

the love for muslims to come to the west, and they love bombing the shit out of them when a black man is giving the orders. They are virtually the most mentally ill people the world has ever produced

>Remember that thing in the Declaration of Independence about all men being created equal and endowed with inalienable rights? Well, we liberals actually take that shit seriously.

We know, it's why we have to do everything in our power to keep you away from the lives of our children.

So you're saying you're genuinely this retarded?
You really drank the marxist kool aid didn't you? Good goy.
The one thing you gained is an extensive vocabulary to better mask your insane, delusional beliefs.

True. But it doesn't change my point in the slightest.

The r selected mind is truly one of the greatest horrors known to man

liberalism is a suicide cult

Laws and rights only apply to citizens of a given country. Except for human rights, which are cancer, and any international humans rights organizations should be purged by holy fire.

This is bait

What point?

Again, you're not understanding me. My actual argument is "moderates & liberals vs extremists".

And racism and tribalism are the exact thing that's held us back ever since we came down from the trees. Time to leave them in the dust of history where they belong.

>""""Moderate Muslims""""

You're right, the Declararation of Independence is one of the most comically absurd, preposterous, deranged leftist documents to ever be written.

The words "all men are created equal" are pretty stupid- but no where near the most idiotic words ever put to pen in the history of this shitty Whig republic-

"We hold these truths to be self-evident"

The fact that there are "right-wing" people on this board who think the American revolution and French revolution were good things boggles my mind.

Why do you hate America?

>Just a small vocal (and extreme) minority of 15% of 1.2 billion people
>Haha just 100,000,000+ people want to murder you

Kys you fucking retard

This is why liberals shouldn't be able to vote.

You believe in treating a group of people equal who don't believe in treating other people equal. You know what happens when you lose power and they gain the power you fucking retard?

Except Christians tend to be much more secularly minded than their Muslim counterparts. There's a fuck tonne more orthodox Muslims than orthodox Christians. Both religions preach violence to a degree but the problem is that Islam produces a culture of violence and repression whereasthough Christianity generally takes a back seat to secular rule.

Both are death cults.

>And racism and tribalism are the exact thing that's held us back ever since we came down from the trees. Time to leave them in the dust of history where they belong.

That's like, just your opinion man.

Also I didn't misunderstand you at all. Moderates don't take your side either. Maybe moderate muslims do becaue they want to see extremist muslims do the job of converting you, but whatever. Also your argument is not an argument, but hey, maybe one day you will grow up and stop misinterpreting law ^^

I'm done with your worthless ass, which I'm sure is very flat from all the muslim dicking it gets.


Leftism and multiculturalism; refined, weaponized, and exported to every inch of the globe that the sun shines on.

That there are people who think the two similar is alarming.

>quite a "shocker" you are getting the sunni muslims
They're the ones bribing Obama and Hillary.

> gods forbid you got the nice ones
The problem is that they haven't turned their countries into unlivable shitholes. I've spoken to a number of Sunnis and, while they're happy to admit the country they came from is a shithole, they're completely incapable of making the connection that it might be the product of adherence to Islam that made it that way (almost lost me my job in one case).

It's like a guy who drinks enormous amounts of castor oil and ends up destroying his toilet from the incredible volume of shit he produces. Then, he demands to shit in his neighbour's toilet because his is broken. After this, he demands to live in his neighbours home, until this too has a broken toilet and stinks of shit. The stupidity doesn't end there: he also demands that his neighbour drink castor oil too. Eventually, the whole town is drinking castor oil and every toilet is destroyed. Horrified, they start to move to other towns, all the while extolling the virtues of castor oil and violently attacking anyone who questions the castor oil within regions knee-deep in shit while demanding special protection from criticism in regions yet to be fully tainted by their adherence to castor oil.

They feel sorry for all of the ones that they murdered in regime changes.

They might behead him, but at least nobody called him a racist

Why do you libtards always drag Christianity into a fight when it personally suites your argument then throw them under the bus when it doesn't? You faggots do understand that Christians who want to help these sandniggers do this because Jesus says to help the poor but he also says "man shall not lie with another man"

Stop using Christianity as a shield.

That if you insist that ISIS represents all Muslims, then it's just as fair to insist that the Army of God and other violent "pro-life" groups represent all Christians.

Of course, intellectual consistency has never been a strong point with the right wing.