5 worst presidents and why

5 worst presidents and why

Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Barack Obama

Because he's fucking shit

Barack Obama
George W. Bush
George Bush Sr
Ronald Reagan
Richard Nixon

except George didn't do 9/11
it happened without him to ruin the republican party and secure the dems place

>trip nigger
>thinks its opinion about decades-old politics on the other side of the globe matters

No (you)'s for (you) today


1. Woodrow WIlson
2. FDR
3. Clinton
4. Obama
5. Carter

are you me?

holy fuck


I'd swap 3 and 4.

I agree with 1. None of this fuckery would be possible without the inception of the federal income tax.

>Ronald Reagan
I thought he was one of the best actually

Clinton was not worse than Obama or Carter.


they are also the best because they are the only ones i know

A lot of people see Reagan as the beginning of the end times for the middle east. All other presidents after him were just a continuation, including Bush(s), Obama, and Clinton.

He was supposed to be the hero we needed. He ended up being a total puppet.

3 should be Teddy. That fucking wide-grinned nigger is the reason for progressivism.

Clinton did some good things, still shit though.

Antichrist Obongo of Kenya
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Bush jr and Bush sr

All of them illuminati/globalist degenerates.

He's black

Bill the rapist
Bill the rapist

Woodrow Wilsom
Lyndon B Johnson

>5 worst presidents
>Hillary Clinton

You guys are just naming the latests presidents because you were alive at their time. I'm sure there have been worse ones.

You would say that given how you replaced all the Stalin statues with Regan statues.

>more than half the statues in Poland are of Ronald Regan

1. Barack Obama, because he is a cultural marxist
2. George W. Bush, 9/11 and the Iraq war
3. Woodrow Wilson the was responsable for the Federal Reserve creation
4. Eisenhower, he killed 9-15 millon germans in his "Eisenhower death camps"
5. The fifth place is shared by Nixon, Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman

He supported bombing Yugoslavia which was the start of our fucked relations with Russia.

OMFG I'd didn't expect to see that


Dumb nigger
Lyndon Johnson is by far the worst

To be fair, Carter isn't a bad guy. His Carter Center does truly charitable work. I think had good intentions.

He was just really fucking stupid.

Reaganomics is built off the incarceration system. Search the Iran-Contra Affair.

this. This thread basically underscores how fucking underage Sup Forums is as a whole.


Not really, the office of the presidency continues to get worse each tine

Reagan - handed everything over to corps
Wilson - Total lack of empathy for soldiers he doomed to die in a needless war
Bush Jr. - let his vice run roughshod over him
Obama - bungled foreign so bad it'll take a decade for america to regain our reputation, completely ignored his advisers when they warned of withdrawing from iraq and hesitating on libya.
Carter - not big picture enough, obsessed with the idea that government can solve problems it clearly cannot

>Ronald Reagan
>Barrack Obama
>George Bush Jr.
>Bill Clinton

Globalist scum, the lot of them.

I seriously hope you're joking. I don't believe Bush did 9/11, but it certainly was a heavensent occurrence for him. People forget how much Bush was hated before 9/11 and how it not only boosted his popularity to win him another term, but allowed him to act on all the Middle-Eastern conquests Dick Cheney and Kissinger had ever dreamed of.

Obama, Wilson, Carter, Dubya, Reagan

Wilson (caused WW2)
George Washington (started the Seven Years War)
George W Bush (did 9/11)

Reagan was far worse than Carter.


>Truman Doctrine got us involved in multiple conflicts costing the US time, money, and men for no real gain, just international dick flexing.
>Divided the country and caused the first and only civil war with his decisions
>Executive orders, scandals, abuse of power, and trusted the kikes
>The Fed, WW1, Treaty of Versailles, etc.
>(Un)Affordable Healthcare, racial division, international relations, muh Syria, muh guns, lying under oath, etc.

illegally invaded the south
ruined state rights

the fed
income tax
let women vote

invented welfare
packed the courts to shit on state rights even more

fucked up in vietnam
even more welfare

come on

>muh state rights
States' rights are a meme for pseudo-libertarians to wank over

Bush Jr
Kennedy (too young and nearly plunged world into WW3, also was a meme completely fabricated by his father thanks to whom he got elected)
Nixon (?)

Bush(both at the same time)
Obongo again

In what universe are any of those worse than Bush Jr.? Only Obama comes even close.

Why is everyone giving Carter a pass?

Because he was a pretty good president

He was. Massive economic growth, massive military growth, restored pride in America and the presidency after Vietnam, Nixon, and Carter, broke the Soviet Union.

The only real criticisms of him are that he misunderstood radical Islam and underestimated the degeneracy of wetbacks.


Jimmy Carter
Barack Obama
Bill Clinton
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Lyndon B. Johnson

>People posting Obama or Bush

How to spot the underage

In no particular order:

>in what universe are the things that directly led to the crumbling of our republic bad

country was clearly already divided with lincoln.

600,000 ded

worst ever

1. Buchanan
2. Carter
3. Obama
4. Wilson
5. Bush Sr.

>bush sr worse than bush jr
No way jose

these clowns right here. Driving USA in the ditch and then trying to convince us that they are driver material is not cool.

What century?


So many white soldiers died over such a pointless war. No need to explain why liberals love him so much!


>all these butthurt southerners putting Lincoln on their lists

Liberals (mostly gays and their ilk) also hate Reagan because they believe he initially and deliberately stonewalled most financial/medical aid and media coverage for the AIDS epidemic.

They come to the conclusion that he is Satan and hates gay people. So according to them, he initially saw AIDS as a possible way to kill off the gays.

Of course all of this is conspiracy theory. I know, right wingers are the only ones who are supposed to be doing that....

So Reaganomics and the War on Drugs was a GOOD thing? Shut the fuck up, Pollock.

Lying son of a bitch Johnson

I´ve got this hypothesis that you can measure how bad a local economy is by looking into the amount of conspiracy theories that erupt.

Get Reagan off that list cunt

9/11 was in the works way before GWB. Remember the bombing of the WTC in the 90s? Yeah, who was president then? Clinton.

Bush Sr.
Bush Jr.

Carter wasnt a Satanist take him off

Reagan is the first to come to mind when you hear shitty president.

Bill Clinton blamed Saddam for the bombing on the WTC back in 1993. Then when he left office in 2001, 9/11 happens and it's all Bush's fault that we go to Iraq? Too coincidental. Bill laid the foundation and Bush built the structure. If only they known then what they know now.

See Bohemian Grove.,.


Most of the people incarcerated in the United States are there because of Nancy Reagan and her stupid fucking War on Drugs that caused many people to get charged with petty little drug charges that land them in prison.

Check the statistics, pal. It's fucking true. How many people are in prison on drug charges? And how many are there just on marijuana charges? Whether it be either possession or delivery. Fucking kiss ass.

What did carter do? or dindu? Redpill me

he was essentially the american version of jeremy corbyn. antisemitic, 60's lefty, pro-immigration and expected citizens to accept and even embrace shittier living standards.

This month, I claim my life back.

Woodrow Wilson has to be #1 for a variety of reasons. Read about him sometime. A truly terrible person and President, did incredible lasting damage to this country, maybe even irreparable long term damage. We are certainly still suffering from his presidency, a hundred years later.

I would put Clinton up there with the worst, believe it or not. He institutionalized naked political corruption as the standard for the executive branch, as evidenced further by Bush Jr. and Obama, and now his scumbag wife.

I would then include both James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson among the worst. Buchanan for the horrible mess that forced this country into Civil War, and Johnson for the horrible way that he handled the aftermath of that war. 90% of America's race related problems today were caused by his stupidity. Lincoln was right, they should have been repatriated.

Tough call on the end of this list. The Bushes for handing our foreign policy over to Israel and Saudi Arabia beyond all doubt, FDR for selling Europe out to the commies, Harding for just generally being a huge turd, JFK for Vietnam, letting Cuba go red...

but no, it has to be LBJ. Killed his predecessor, escalated Vietnam and totally screwed our nation with the Great Society.

We've had some terrible presidents. I think Obama has been real bad, but unless something new comes to light with these rumored leaks that never seem to appear, I can't put him in the bottom 5. Bottom 10, probably.

Bush Dubya
>patriot act, war on terror

>only helped the upper class, was against our comrades in USSR

Andrew Jackson
>racist bigot, anti-bank caused a depression

>watergate, lied about ending vietnam

Jefferson Davis
>ruined the south's great economy

LBJ is pretty damn bad, I'll give you that. But if you think Obama is a fucking altar boy, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

Nixon was actually a pretty good president, Watergate was a minor scandal compared to the shit we have nowadays
I'd vote for Nixon over either of the two clowns in this election

Reagan made one big mistake, and that was amnesty. A huge mistake. Otherwise, Ronald Reagan was a good president.

Young kids don't understand just how bad things got under Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter was a truly awful president. The one thing I will say for Jimmy Carter is that he was just stupid as fuck, but not a bad person. Carter legitimately thought he was doing the right things, he was just an incompetent buffoon.

>Andrew Jackson

Hello Fed (((economist)))

Obama is a bad president. But I can't put him in the bottom 5 with those guys. I blame Bush Jr. and the Clintons for many of the worst things about the Obama presidency.

Obamacare is terrible, but I actually somewhat agree with Scott Adams on that particular topic. He forced the hand of the next president. We WILL get something better than what we had before if Trump wins, and it is only possible because Obama made it so goddamn bad with the ACA.

RE: Nixon. I do agree that he was one of the better presidents of the 20th century. My #1 complaint with Nixon is actually that he destroyed the space program by being fool enough to believe NASA's pie in the sky bullshit about the Space Shuttle.

What about Lincoln? That fucking nigger lover. If it weren't for him, the US might have kept slaves for a longer period of time.

Then fucking LBJ getting rid of peonage was terrible.

It seems like being a cuck was a thing way before we even realized it.

Please explain why carter was bad. He seems like a nice guy that ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time and somehow became president, like in that one movie I forgot.

Carter handled the gas crisis well

Obama is the only president in our history to NOT have a 4% GBP growth during his presidency. How can you explain that? You can't.

You're a shill

>Bush Dubya
He was just a continuation of Reagan. As was the other Bush. And Clinton. And Obongo.

>against our comrades
That whole cluster fuck, which still exists today, is Jimmy Carters fault. read: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

>Andrew Jackson
He was based. Fuck you and fuck the central bank

Ok, I'll give you that. But not because of his scandals. Brenton-Woods

>Jefferson Davis
I'll give you that as well

Woodrow Wilson
Bill Clinton

Get back here user! We need you for the race war when Hilary gets elected.

He created Osama bin Laden. He created the shit show that is the middle east. Though you could argue the sand-nigger/jew fiasco always has been and always will be.

took US off gold standard
wage and price controls

Mr. Capitalism in the kitchen debate
Socialist pos as President

Ronald, six letters.
Wilson, six letters.
Reagan, six letters.
He shut down looney bins across the country, leaving thousands of maniacs and morons homeless. He tried to take credit for bringing the USSR to its knees, something it was already in the process of doing, and was doing a perfectly fine job of collapsing from within. He knew EVERYTHING about Iran Contra, and don't try to kid yourself otherwise. He called his wife Mommy. He was probably suffering the early stages of Alzheimer's during the last part of his presidency.

Richard Nixon was also terrible, moistly because his opening of trade relations with China has led to America losing its place as Worlds Most Powerful Nation to a country that doesn't even have the decency to PRETEND to be benevolent.

>all these people calling obama shit because muh niggers

555 Come On Now

Federal Reserve and dragged us into WWI
(((New Deal))) and dragged us into WWII
Granting amnesty to 5 million illegals, no fault divorce, and AWB
Crashed this economy with no survivors, No Child Left Behind, PATRIOT Act
Carried on Dubya's shit legacy, Obamacare

Found the cuckservatives

>Nixon and Reagan
you're retarded

1) Buchanan- Led the country into the Civil War and died a NEET virgin.
2) Harrison - Can't even defeat the flu, let alone guide a country.
3-5) Carter, Obama & Nixon: All meme-their presidents.

>granting 5 million illegals amnesty
>Assault weapons ban
>arming and funding al queada
>no fault divorce

>Posts a promotion piece to the worst Final Fantasy of the modern era, instead of Barret "Mutha-Fucking Minigun Arm" Wallace

Kids these days.