>tired nigger
>sassy gay guy
>recent MTF
>tired nigger
>sassy gay guy
>recent MTF
Shuddup bitch
Scar Jo used to be a 10/10 all time world class babe
>Rogers...the vibranium the Wakandans used to heal us...it gave us AIDS. Vibranium is concentrated AIDS.
She was. She'll definitively get worst as time goes by.
I think the movie which she was the most beautiful in was The Island. Horrible movie, but she was beautiful there.
Scarlett Johannsen looks more and more like Kate McKinnon
She's looking a little older these days. You can see it around her eyes.
Welcome to middle-age you sexy firecracker.
Does Don Cheadle have the sickness?
"black dont crack" my ass
What is even the point of using them? If Thor and Hulk can't beat Thanos, what the fuck are these bozos going to do?
jesus christ she's only 33 years old, I thought she was like 40 or something. is she a heavy smoker? how the hell did somebody as hot as she was, only a few years ago in her 20s, get JUST'd so damn fast?
Why do they always cast actresses as superheroes who are way past their prime? Next time they're casting for a cinematic universe they should stick to women in their early 20s so they'll look good the whole way through.
Trump broke her
Ptttfff weak ass white boi begging for help from the superior Wakanda
*blocks your path*
holy shit don cheadle looks old
This always confused me. Especially considering that these days superhero films imply many sequels and cross overs. You want a window where you can give the character some arc and have the actress retain physical appeal. Why pick someone on the tail end of youth?
>black don't crac-
She’s white
>recent MTF
> cast an woman for a position solely based on looking good
> she accepts role and money
> they get arrogant and later refuse to do anything to even look passably attractive
I wish I could get a nosejob like Scarlett Johansson did. My nose looks like a peepee.
*fires 9mm bullets at invading aliens*
> jew gets nose job and dyes hair blonde for life in order to make anti-white propaganda life long.
Its so familiar as to be comfy.
What do her tactical friendship bracelets do?
Don't the electrify her gloves or something?
Did she ever really have breasts or was it all jewish CGI magic?
This capeshit stuff is getting dumber by the day.
That movie was so fucking awful. How THE FUCK did the handful of Avengers with their powersets fucking keep an ALIEN ARMADA from killing a 1000s of people? It's not as if the cops and civilians got a warning ahead of time to get the fuck out.
Soo what?you all gonna see that the grape dick is superior
LOL turn your brain off guy
is it so hard to have her put on some mascara and fake eyelashes and some bra pads?
Aw fuck of with the stupid questions...Just say you dont like the movie and stop make retarded question that already got answers
What's the answer?
Time's up. Youdon't get to dexide what's attractive any more.
Don Cheadles face could use so CGI
It's shit and no one has an answer other that uhhhh...
Clearly she wont even dye her hair red anymore, no chance she pads out her costume.
Remember when idiots claimed he wasn't a hack?
They have dead eyes ...doll's eyes
Is there a point to Iron Man's half-sidekick getting his legs/spine hurt?
>Scar Jo used to be a 10/10 all time world class babe
1. she's a jew
2. it's called THE WALL. it's a well documented phenomenon
White my asshole, shes a jew whos had alot of plastic surgery
Small khazar milkers from memory
Is there a WALL for men?
because it's her turn
generally when women are hitting THE WALL a remotely established/responsible man is hitting the beginning of his PEAK marketability (the idea being 30s is the age in which you are beginning to become established in the ways that are valued)
desirable women progressively lose value after 30, desirable men progressively gain value
>being soo brainled that cant figure it out capeshit
Civil War cleary tells people died in New York,as for how they stoped the armada....watch the movie dumbfuck
They did kill a bunch of people if the movie's ending is any indication--with all the memorial sites and people talking about all the lives lost.
There was even that whole scene where the rescue services were panicked and overwhelmed so Captain America has the heroes with actual superpowers go fight a bunch of aliens while he and the other no-power heroes help with coordinating emergency services.
Out of all the things that movie did that were stupid, that really wasn't one of them.
>you will never be chris evans
>ywn need to get hairplugs
I've got my fingers cautiously crossed
Do i have low standarts if I think that's a 10? I don't even like Johansson
>People that forgot to turn your brain ON after watching capeshit
to be fair it started to look awful on him. But a guy like Fassbender pulls it off very well
have evans and scarlett fucked?
I'd rather be Chris Pratt, AKA Best Chris.
Does Don Cheadle have AIDS?
You'd rather betray your wife and son? That's not a bad idea. Maybe your son would have to fill in daddy's shoes and be intimate with old Anna Faris instead of being a KHV.
Im saying this since avengers 1
he left his wife? To be fair his son looks nothing like him he might not be his own
no but his british accent is great
Men can hit the wall as early as their teens. The difference is that they have the ability to break the wall and keep on going with no worries. It can take a long time for Women to hit the wall, but once they do, there's no breaking through it because there's usually other women more pretty than them for men to go to. Why go for a used up prune when you can go for a ripe fruit?
Look no further than Zyzz as an example of a guy that hit the wall early but broke through it. He was a guy that was a pencil necked geek that hit the wall but after he lifted and got swole, he broke through it and became a chick magnet.
Hell, look at Hugh Hefner. The guy was still banging chicks well into his old age. You think that someone like Scarjo is gonna be attracting young studs once she hits her 60s? Nah, look at Anjelica Huston. Once she was a prime babe that everyone wanted to bang. Now she looks like a fucking female Jabba the Hut. You think any chads want some of Anjelica now? Nah.
They could call Legion.
Yes he has sickle cell you racist
>costumes are getting progressively darker
>eventually everyone will be wearing black
I guess he couldn't outrun AIDS
Hutu piece of shit
You are an underrated man in general
Surely you meant Hemsworth.
>"just stop thinking man"
Dance with me reddit, you and me.
you're just desperate, at this point you'd fuck anything with a moist, warm hole
She's adorable. Looks like girl next door here. 99% of Sup Forums will never even interact with a girl half as cute as this.
She should definitely grow out her hair though, short dyke hair makes her look like an old divorcee with a half black son.
They did this with spooderman but all the main actresses look like shit.
Marissa tomei looks better than all of them
can confirm
Why did I bust out laughing?
>She's adorable. Looks like girl next door here.
You must live in a trailer park.
one might think you'd be able to just turn your brain off bro :^)
If you would have posted a picture of the used up whore Anjelica, you would have got more replys.
why the fuck didn't they just kill rhody, God that guy sucks.
You laughed at Black Panther before
Look at its box office now
Cap's outfit being darker fits perfectly though because he's forfeiting the title of captain america. After civil war he's lost hope in the country and people so ripping off the silver star and more washed out colors works for the theme.
Crack does that, exes dad was like 40 and he was ragged because heavy use in the 90s.
Evans looks so young compared to the other two
and exactly how would that help don cheadle?
I wish scar jo had a dick
>captain "america"
>betrays his own country and escapes to live in the jungle with a bunch of niggers
She first appeared as Black Widow in 2010
Don Cheadle looks like he got AIDS. Nigga witherin away faster than your balls in ice water. Goddamn!
>. is she a heavy smoker? how the hell did somebody as hot as she was, only a few years ago in her 20s, get JUST'd so damn fast?
It is Hollywood. These actresses suddenly get into the money and get hooked on the "scene". So they party with fat producers and other 'in'-crowd, using:
- Drugs
- excessive alcohol
- smoking
- Extreme parties
- Tanning etc
All this has a huge effect on the body. An 10/10 women at 25 will still look very good at 35/40 if she takes care of her body, eats well and not being a complete degenerate.
Lacey Chabert still looks hot as fuck
What? Legion isn't in the MCU, he's a mutant
>fa/tv/irgins trying to pretend Chris Evans isn't 100 times more masculine than they'll ever be
Disney owns all of FOX's properties, we mutants now