/sg/ Syria General - KFC edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>new Livemap
>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>East Ghouta OCT 31
>West Aleppo OCT 30
>West Ghouta OCT 30
>Aleppo OCT 29
>North Hama OCT 27
>/sg/ daily event map OCT 26
>Mosul OCT 23

Developments NOV 1
>300 ISIS child soldiers killed in Mosul
>Syrian Army halts jihadist momentum in west Aleppo
>Russian aircraft carrier group arrives in Mediterranean
>Russia hasn’t used warplanes in Syria’s Aleppo for 16 days
>Syrian Army deploys T-90 tanks in the battle for Aleppo
>Russians call for an investigation of US airstrikes against Syrians and Iraqis
>Three Russian submarines head to Syrian waters for Aleppo offensive
>Massive Tiger Forces convoy arrives in Aleppo
>Ankara halts airstrikes over northern Aleppo after Syria vows to ‘down Turkish planes’
>Russians condemn jihadists for use of chemical weapons in Aleppo
>Iraqi Armyenter eastern part of Mosul city

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Death to all roaches

Sg fags who worship assads cock are some of the biggest faggot autismos I've ever seen

3rd for Killary.

Eh, why not. You are better than those favelado neghrino's of Brazil above you.

Getting bored, CTR?

sorry answering someone from 2 threads ago / raising a question for moderate beheaderz

Btw if anyone has more prediacators screencaps memes that's be cool

i'm not an expert but it sounds heretic af.
They're quoting their God who is giving an order (go hijra m8s) and then they give an order to believers, but with no quotation of Allah at all, they don't even follow the logic of what they just quoted.

Russians pls bomb a leppo that leppo has to go


You forgot to change the lenguage of the auto correct from spanish, Carlos Manuel De La Santisima Trinidad Sanchez Perez


The bread-anahilator has struck again:

>More Russian airstrikes. They bombed Atareb destroying a bakery, Saraqib, Urum and several villages in East Idlib.


Have a patience.
SAA and SDF are currently preparing for Al-Bab, and the Desert Hawks are keeping the fronts in W.Aleppo.

South "Still Buttmad About Bosnia" Front claimed the Turks werre building a base south of Al Rai. Can anyone confirm? The subreddit doesnt seem to have anything.

Please video of this in action...

Damn Russians and their bread-seeking technology.



genocide all k*rds

How would you know you never leave your house LMAO

HOW? When?

It coasts... I cant imagine its price. Its a terrible weapon.

Why 2 threads?

Assad the filthy Alawi scum will pay for these strikes on Saraqib today... He is truly the leader of the kafirs, out to destroy ummah.

No peace for Syria until he has answered for all these crimes along with his shiaite dogs and their friends...

OP cannot into Sup Forums and made/linked new thread before even 250 posts

It is when you only fire three missiles

Some dumb argument going on in old bread

I think I might go down to the shop for some crisps lads.

you need to go back

>260 replies on old thread
>literally 3 people posting

Rebel rats are Finger lickin good!

Who teached officers?

Fuck off cunt. You guys made this mess, now we get to watch Russia and Assad fix it. Hang yourself.

t. Saleem Abdur Rahim-Williams

>SAA and SDF are currently preparing for Al-Bab
Source? Also, who are the SDF? I've never heard of them. Pro-Assad?

have your (you), you troll

SDF are the coalition of Kurdish forces (that is mostly YPG) together with a few mixed Kurdish/Arab groups (Jaysh al-Thuwar etc)

They are the group known as the Kurdish militias of northern Syria - the same one the US supports, in fact.

They have been largely neutral to SAA (especially those in the Aleppo Kurdish district and the northwestern Afrin area), with a few exceptions of Kurd chimpouts like in Hasakah

For the purpose of N.Aleppo they have entered into a strategic cooperation against ISIS and Turkish-backed rebels

Syrian Democratic Forces. US created Kurdish-Arab coalition in northern Syria, though most of its soldiers are YPG. Due to Affrin canton's physical separation from the rest of SDF territory, the SDF there co-operate with the Russians rather than the Americans.

Can see that being a problem. The U.S. will soon start funding them and they'll turn on the SAA.
What about this Al-Bab offensive? Where did you hear that?

Long live Rojava

B-But kurds are nationalistic freedom fighters!

Actually the middle east was bound to implode, and the west is just giving it a guiding hand rather than let it go undirected off a cliff.

(SAA convoy with reinforments)
(Reinforments in Kweires airbase, which is basically a SAA fortress)
(SDF advancing towards Al-Bab)


>Crimea same colour as Ukraine

We respect laws

the ones in Rojava are cool. Can't speak for them all


Actually, Iraq was doing just fine before you invaded it. And what happened after that? Oh, that's right, you got tired, withdrew and allowed the rise of ISIS - then, with classic American incompetence, you ended up arming them, just as you did Bin-Laden in the eighties.

The destabilisation of the middle east, along with the rapes, murders and bombings that have occurred on Western soil, are a direct result of your half-assed intervention. Had it not been for you, Iraq would still be a functioning country, ISIS would never even have become a thing and thousands of our soldiers would not have died for nothing. You would understand this basic logic if you were anything other than a fucking retarded American.

After you placed american soldiers you became the target for our rockets

>We respect laws
Ivan pls...

Putin dindu nuffin he a good boi just trying to get his Crimea back

May be youll visit Crimea and ask people?

Remember when the britbongs helped us destroy iraq? I do

Like in Cosovo

But then why didn't you let Chechens have their own country?

They didnt want it. Chechens fought against terrors.
May be its a surprise for you but its true.

Also we gave you a freedom and after it you lost halp of people and all industry. Clean my toilet labus.

Or like 12% of our land, right :^)? You have never respected referendums and probably never will.

You are proper nigger aren't you. There were no terrorists in Chechnya in 1994

Was there an independence referendum held in 1990-1992?
At least we're not flooded with mudslimes like you are. And we earn twice as much as you do.

I know :(
Actually bothers me, this general shift in policy regarding foreign bases on Norwegian soil.
Their bullshit argument is that the forces are going to be rotating, so that none of them will be there permanently. However the base will be permanent, and probably first step before we end up like Iceland.

We almost got f***'ed up in the 60's because of the U2 incident in Bodo.

Although I assume we already were a target.

You were in alliance with Hitler. If you dont forget.
Because you are piece of shit and even muslims think so.

Self determination is fine, but you're kidding yourself if you think the Crimeans chose freely and democratically.

And also, thank you for liberating us in 45

Those dictatorships would eventually fall regardless of western intervention. I guarantee that the situation would be 10x worse in all these countries if they were left to themselves, because you cam be sure that their people would eventually rebel. Youre just crying because what happened is obviously bad and youre too blind to see that non intervention is much worse. Iraqs inability to govern itself resulted in Isis.

#SRO MAP | FRONTLINE AS LOCAL SOURCES FOR NOV. 1, 2016 - #SDF launching operations for Ta'anah [Aqil entrance] | #Bab | #Syria | #Rojava

Wow, I made you pretty mad there, didn't I? Sorry mate.

I was there you not.
We never had a war against you. We helped you in the hardest periods.
Thank you.

You're kidding yourself if you think that the Ukrainians revolted on their own initiative, and not because the american puppet masters told them to.

I didn't say they did. I'm against both Russian and American imperialism

They were only in the alliance because of the agreement you signed with hitler by which you partitioned europe. And that was before hitler cucked u. So naive as to trust hitler. tut tut.

No you are still a piece of shit living on debts and cleaning toilets.
How does your ports and logistics feel?

Not had a war up to this point, but as I am sure you know we are allied with the us, and as such, present a legitimate military target. Particularly some of our intelligence installations.

NOTE : a #SAA battalion is authorized to stay in academy. Will monitor #IS moves for regime troops. But no cooperation with #SDF (1)


In 1939? That's what they teach you in schools nowadays? Let me tell you something, Vanya, YOU were in allience with Hitler in 39!

How about pic related? Referendums to join Finland were hold both in Rebola and Porosozero 1.8.1918 yet they are still part of Russia.

>by which you partitioned europe.
You are an idiot? Have you read about Munich agreement? May be you read about Poland and Germany divided Chezch?
Ok now we have it.

The logistics sector is doing great with all the transit going through and the port is alright too. The only port in the Baltic States that doesn't freeze in the winter, so it generates a lot of traffic.
And yes, Lithuanians may be cleaning toilets in the UK, but Russians are doing that right here.

>YOU were in allience with Hitler in 39!
Please show me this document.

Speak in english please

>The logistics sector is doing great with all the transit going through and the port is alright too.

And you have a nobel prise and were in space for two times.

IMPORTANT - One year after being proclamed as #Syria'n Democratic Forces, most of its components to become "Federal Army" (1)

Look another rebranding. Now it's the SDF making a play for 'only legitimate'...

For one day we should change the name of /SG. Maybe /GS. We can claim we are completely different and then just keep doing what we do.


>against imperialism
What a wonderful age we live in.

Why should that matter to a nation of three million people?
Russians have some amazing minds, where did I say you didn't?

Sorry but fuck you


And in English please. Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is a fact, not a myth.

Nth for Assad

he'd probably rather britain go back to being the leading imperial power

Er... M-R pact was not an alliance tbqh, but I see what you mean.

1933 - GB FR IT Ger
1934 - Pol Ger
1935 GB GEr
1936 Jap GEr
1938 FR GEr
1939 - Rom Ger
1939 Lit Ger
1939 It Ger
1939 Dan Ger
1939 Est Ger
1939 Lat Ger
1939 USSR Ger

not the full list

Of course its a fact. But it wasnt an alliance

what is von ribbentrop agreement?

Look, batteries didn't run out.

>USA in ID

also you do realise you can be critical of your own government?

No, I don't want any imperial powers or fascism. Sometimes though, fighting can be progressive and justified.

Basically a list of countries that had different pacts with Germany before the USSR did.

Well, it was more of an allience than we (Germany and Finland) had between 1940-1944.

Still, M-R pact is only one example of Soviet-German cooperation before fall '41

don't be like jew a and point fingers at others when we ask you about you. you.


Sigh. Why did you not just keep the Greek alphabet, Russia?

Your letters look like a fake language one invents in 5th grade.

Who is best girl?


Sheesh, of course I do. Why so defensive mr.Colonisator? You want some Africa, huh? You want it, we all know!

You are very cheap idiots. And you always pay for your idiotism. For hundreds years. And you always are fucked up by us or Germany.
This is your fate and fate of your children.
Youll never brake this line because you have no brains and will but you have too many proud.