
Ok, Sup Forums. I'm really drunk and mostly rambling nonsense, but I also think I have some kind of point and if you don't think so then you're apart of the problem and should kill yourself.

One of my favorite movies is jacob's ladder, only because one of my favorite video game series is silent hill and i know they took some ideas from the movie for the game.
I saw on metacritic that jacob's ladder got a 3.7 in user reviews...how the fuck does that happen?
but comic book movies/nigger festivals get a 6.8?
jacob's ladder isn't the best movie by all means, but the thought that went into that movie and the ideas and that was just in 1990 got a 3.7 review from audience vs some fucking cgi nigger battlefest like black panthers?
now I don't want to compare it to just black panthers, but mostly comic book movies in general and also not just comic book movies in general, but other movies that are "newish" being released.
it's all so shit compared to a movie like jacob's ladder or any other kind of older movie.
this got me to think that people are actually more dumbed down than I thought was possible. how could human intelligence be wiped down to such a low state in such a fast pace? you compare 90's to now, that's what? 25 years? That's kind of fucking rapid. I'm so tired of this world and the people. The ideas, the liberals. The niggers and the nigger loving whores. I'm even tired of the whites because they're so brainwashed and numb that they think on the nigger level.

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Drink more

Don't worry, I'm sure the all-black remake by David Rosenthal, the director of "The Perfect Guy", will redeem it with a better score. This is not a meme, btw.

didn't read all that shit but the vietnam stuff was retarded and ruined the movie

this is what I mean by dumb people.
the vietnam scene was the whole fucking point of the movie.
he died in vietnam.

Yeah. I remember that. They weirdest thing was that they wanted to turn it into an action thriller about two black brothers. WTF. Supposedly the film has been completed but I kind of doubt it will get released.

yea man the whole point of the movie was that he took some steroids and died in Vietnam of roid rage

are you really that fucking stupid?

Holy shit theres a remake coming out?

all that happened op is a movie that you like a lot got a bad score on the internetz.
that is all there is. The rest is just your weaponized alcoholism/autism.

goddamn, are you trolling right now?
it wasn't steroids, it was hallucinogens. a drug from the gov't used on the americans to fight themselves. he was shot and killed by another american. the rest of the movie is his experience while fighting fever and death at a hospital back still back in vietnam, where he dies. did you even watch the fucking movie you ignorant pleb fuck?


Please end your life.

no, i can't believe that. there's more at play here. A LOT more. my alcoholism actually makes me see everything fucking clear. just like now I know you're a fucking idiot.

how is your life more important than mine that you're not the pathetic one? because you gave in? you have no idea wtf goes on in my head and I know for a fact what goes on in yours. I know you're just a fucking insect.


Listen to yourself.

That is how.

the point is that the Vietnam stuff was completely pointless

he could have just been some guy dying from anything, instead the introduce the Vietnam rage drug for no reason whatsoever

the main character could have been a plumber with no change in the plot

>pathetic soyboy has a few beers in his bedroom, fantasizes about being a depressed alcoholic and proceeds to make him self mad at the fact a very average flick got a low score on a movie rating website

Go home, son.

Listen up you fucking faggot, do you want to know why some older movies have worse ratings than newer movies? It's because the type of retards that actually give high ratings to films like Thor or Black Panther or whatever you are triggered over DON'T actually watch or review those films. There are people who only watch whatever's new and the only movies they watch from different eras are classics like Rambo or Terminator or Godfather.

So why does it have low ratings? Because people who actually watch a lot of films, "patricians", the non-plebians, the film connoisseurs, the contrarians, are the ones being overly critical and giving it shit reviews.
Basically any film that isn't a blockbuster that is over 20 years old will be hard-pressed to get mostly positive reviews unless it's actual kino because everyone watching it is a fucking Armond-tier retard that thinks they're the next Roger Ebert.

So just stop it. Stop fucking bitching about old, obscure, or cult classics not getting positive reviews while Black Panther gets rave reviews because the object of your anger isn't even the capefags, it's people like (YOU).

I never review films, but seeing as how some movie with an original idea vs something from a fucking comic book and the comic book gets better reviews should show you that the general population is fucking ignorant and destroyed. Fuck you for making it seem otherwise.

>waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

Just another person thinking their opinion is higher than mine when only using buzzwords from their echochamber that theyve heard thousands of times over.
Fuck you.

How do you even pitch a project like that?

this can prove my fucking point exactly, no rebuttal. just green text fucking insults like a child. you fucking invalid.

If anything I figured it'd be the opposite. People aren't going to remember some average movie from the 90s just give it a poor or realistic review, they're gonna go online and give really good reviews to their favourite old movies and ignore the rest.

Either high quality bait or op is a faggot of the highest order

Sweet blog faggot.

How can one OP be so retarded?

here we go again with the ignorance.
"either high quality bait or.." i'm just too fucking stupid and far gone to understand OPs point. enjoy your superheros and rehashed ideas you fucking imbecile

Everyone in this threads opinion is greater than yours.

Aggregate scores are almost completely useless user. They tell you nothing about decisive/difficult movies. One critic loves it, one hates it: you get 5/10. No use whatsoever.

>rip off Slaughterhouse V
>change it to Vietnam
>pseuds think it's brilliant

>y u no liek ma movie

>y u liek black panthers

>imma very smarts u dumdum

>le wrong generrational

Oh no, you poor delicate flower. Fuck off you stupid pussy. Not your blog, go cry on whatever shithole you migrated from.

how is slaughterhouse v being a book a ripoff from what jacob's ladder did?
that's like calling every fucking movie coming out now a ripoff.
you fucking moron

great rebuttals
is that all you stupid fucking sheep can muster? you sound like fucking feminists and retards in parades holding signs.

Learn to handle your drink, queerhawk.

No you fucking read for babbling this stupid shit you retarded queer. This isn't critic reviews, this is user scores, if you honestly believe they are "patricians" and "connoisseurs" you are a moron. Anyone can bomb a movie with a 0 because "It's boring" or a 10 because "It's good!" They don't hold any value but still affect the score, fuck off

bitch, i got a handle of JD in me right now and i'm fucking wasting you. come at me.

>rebutting an incoherent mess of a post from a drunk rambling spastic

Go watch some anime and calm down champ. I recommend yurucamp.


No one cares, OP. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

I liked jacobs ladder

i don't watch cartoons. I can actually handle myself and my liqour and my opinions unlike some of you faggot degenerates. i like great ideas and great ideas put into films and when those films get wrecked because people now are too fucking dumb to comprehend them makes me rage out of my mind. not because i'm in love with the film, but because humanity is fucking lost and this thread proves it, most of Sup Forums proves it.
coming to this website now is like watching a fucking episode of barney or tellitubbies, it's so fucking dumb, but you watch it just so you can feel something, some rage because deep down you can't feel anything because you already know all is lost.

>samefagging in an attempt to stop your incoming lynching

>One of my favorite movies is jacob's ladder, only because
kill yourself

i don't get the low ratings either it's a good movie. Only like 2 that gave it a low rating actually wrote a review.

what a fucking loser haha

>complaining about anime on an anim website
>on the board for anons who like anime but also have a secondary interest in other movies and shows
You really don’t belong fuck off retard.

if you think everyone here enjoys fucking anime you're an idiot.
i was introduced to this site in 2005 and i've never watched fucking anime, but i stayed.

alcoholics and autists are the best posters on Sup Forums and have contributed more positively to this site than you.
take your "everyone has to be respectful, logical, cool normal dudes and follow the group consensus" back to where it belongs.

also, i didn't complain about fucking anime, did I?
I said I didn't watch the shit.
another point in how most users here are fucking idiots.

>tired of the whites
what race are you?

>what is reading comprehension.
I didn’t say you have to like it, but to complain about it when it’s the main draw of the site is fucking stupid. it’s certainly more important than capeshit, or vidya gaems, politics, sports, etc.

Why do you even care about the userscore you giant baby

what's your reading comprehension you fucking moron? I just stated I didn't complain about it, I just didn't watch it. You or whatever else fucking lose who posted mentioning anime are the ones who brought it up like it was the main fuck focus point of this site. I'm saying it isn't.

Fuck you. I make 84 grand nnually as a burger artisan at a fresh never frozen, Wendy’s establishment. I will have you licking my boots and washing my Subaru Forester you fucking parasite.

I'm white.

Every since The Last Jedi RT userscore has become the definitive rating system of Sup Forums™ users.

op why do you seem so cute to me? Please tell me your other favorite movies.

>brought it up like it was the main fuck focus point of this site. I'm saying it isn't.
That’s where you are wrong kiddo.

i wasn't complaining about the user score, specifically, if that's what my post read like. I was complaining about how a film with original ideas is voted so low compared to the rehashed stupid shit that comes out now.
i did say jacob's ladder was one of my favorite films and it is, but I'm not complaining about ITs score, but the score compared to the shit thats coming out now.
I only sound a bit racist in my rant, because I am.

My wife Ayano is cute.

>I'm going to say nigger on the internet
>Man, I'm so badass and cool

jacobs ladder (which i already posted)
lilja 4-ever
das boot
no country for old men
before the devil knows youre dead

>Jacob's Ladder
>film with original ideas

again, just another fucking faggot idiot green texting with a meme pic to debate me.

So what you're saying is you're an ass-fractured Mutt who hates being reminded that your joke of a military got it's ass hollowed out by rice-farmers, and then the government shat on every poor fucker who got their lives ruined by it?

How would a plumber get exposed to an experimental nerve agent designed to turn men into mindless berzerkers? Would his flashbacks take him back to the horrors of welding a tap underneath a sink? What about his feelings of displacement after returning from Nam? Would they substitute that with his return from Walmart?

Fucking neck yourself.

I love you user, you're destroying reddit's bottled meme responses and pathetic arguments (or lack thereof).
never change.

User scores aren't really reliable because 80% of people have awful taste. Of course critics aren't really much better in that regard.

Basically, just watch what seems interesting to you and come to your own conclusion.

>Gets a near perfect score by Ebert
>Above average ratings everywhere else
I'd say it gets the praise it deserves. The important thing is what you think about it

>such plebeian tastes

Educate yourself, cracker.

This. Also Metacritic is a shit site

OP here
this isn't even my response, but i want to give credit to whoever posted it because you made that made whoever you were replying out to just another fucking idiot in the box that I was exactly talking about.

>One of my favorite movies is jacob's ladder
Decent film
>only because one of my favorite video game series is silent hill
Wow oh no it turned out OP was retarded
>I'm so tired of this world and the people
Sounds like you're the one who should kill yourself?

To sum up; a bad post, by a bad poster

>Would they substitute that with his return from Walmart
Busted out laughing

17th post best post
OP btfo

>reading comprehension

You lack it.

To be fair:
a) Black Panther's rating is largely politically motivated, and even if it wasn't: New releases are always overrated.
b) Quality is not a matter of democracy. The majority of people do not care about good movies and will rate them badly, while rating highly whatever shlock they enjoy. IMDB or metacritic ratings say nothing about the quality of a film.