Why can't this faggot write a conclusive ending?


I dunno OP, why can't you make a good thread?

Everything he writes is conclusively. You're just a redditor who wants everything tidied up.

Nolan doesn't understand the basic concepts of writing stories or characters, nor has he ever cared. Style over substance.


I've concluded inside your mom on a number of occasions, OP.

t. Nolan

He is incapable of writing coherent stories. I get the feeling he confuses himself and just gives up trying to make sense of his own bullshit

Give me one example of a non conclusive story by him.
His real problem is the fact that he explain EVERYTHING to the viewer, he doesn't let the film talk about the situation, there is always someone who make clearness by voice.

its more arty that way.

He's too consciously lowbrow, which is slightly pretentious.

Endings that leave room for discussion are objectively better. OP is 15 years old.

>you and girl exchange numbers at a party
>she doesnt msg you back

endings that leave room for discussion are objectively better XDD


Are you 12 years old or just mentally challenged?

are you so lacking in intellect you rely on age shaming to bolster your insults?

yea LOTR would be so much better if the screen just fades to black with frodo and sam on the slopes of mount doom....not

>comparing a dumb party interaction with closure in a narrative medium
>usage of words like "msg" or "KYS"
>line spacing
It's perfectly valid to assume you are either a 12 year old vidya discord user or an actual mentally challenged manchild if you unironically give retarded statements like that thinking like they are arguments of any kind.

When does anything like that happen in any Nolan film?

Its a woman wearing moonman stuff?

LOTR is not the kind of story most Nolan movies are. Nolan movies tend to ask philosophical questions, JRR was vocal about his dislike for allegory, so he wrote adventure novels, which are good in their own regard. Still, the ending is the least memorable part of any LOTR movie.

>he thinks line spacing is a legit criticism

go back to red dit

Why the homophobia?

This spacing on this post is wrong, by the way.

You didn't exactly say no either, kiddo.

in creative writing the ending comes from the conclusion of the conflict at hand.

the endings happened preciely when they were meant to because
1)nothing more could be said about the story
2)the main conflict had resolved

this happens in everyone of his movies.
he isn't seeking "closure" to an entire universe. He seeks an end to one story that takes place in his universe(s).

Lord of the rings wouldn't have ended when sam and frodo were at mount doom. Simply because Lord of the Rings took the canterburry route.
i.e. adding a bunch of "simultaneous" narratives within the authors universe and mash them together to make an epic tale about the fate of said universe.

> faggot
He's probably straightest guy in Hollywood, wtf are you talking about.

Except that Nolan never leave room for interpretation
>The prestige
You know what happened because he tells you with a fast recap at the end.
It's a stupid ending, "is this a dream?" don't leave space for discussions, it's just a piece of information that the director chose to not show you. It's not that the protagonist is uncapable of know about his fate, is you, the viewer, that are cut out and that's an hack.
It explains everything, they chose to explain black holes to the frigging pilot, just for the audience, when if it was the pilot talking to his daughter explaining it, it would have made perfectly sense.
At the end it try to explain everything again about the "five" dimensions etc...
His best film explains everything, there is nothing to discuss here.

>make 3 different plot points
>try to wrap them up simultaneously during the last 30 minutes

literally all his movies

> the endings happened precisely when they were meant to because
> he reached the time cap for a two hours film

Doesn't his Brother write his movies

The ending to all 3 Batman movies is fine too

>It's a stupid ending, "is this a dream?" don't leave space for discussions
Are you retarded? Genuinely curious. The point is that it doesn't matter if it's a dream or reality because he gets to finally be happy.

Batman trilogy has one of the most satisfying endings of all time.