Is it possible to be as mentally ill as Lars?

Is it possible to be as mentally ill as Lars?

No. People like that doesnt exist IRL.

I dont understand how he can last not having sex with someone for so long, it's been 1 week and I'm starting to lose my mind

Yes i am literally Lars irl


Yes. Google for Pamperchu


Are the people in the framed picture who he sees himself as with his plastic doll?

no its his brother and his wife, he's sitting in their house on a visit
he lives in the toolshed on the garden

I have the same aversion for physical contact as Lars, not quite pain but almost

/r9k/, Sup Forums, old Sup Forums, /x/, current Sup Forums

Me on the left

>microwave used diapers and jack off in them
>get canceraids


So he's trying to emulate that then, right?

>living the dream

Emulate what

the movie is about a damaged normal being nursed back to normiedom with an artificial surrogate for human contact. Because lol who can even imagine not wanting to human contact lmao?? he must have trauma that causes him to be afraid of something everyone wants lmao

So no, he's not trying to emulate them, he built a delusion of a real person around his realdoll and as he gets out in the world that delusion fades away and breaks and he becomes normal again!

no. haha


he's just 2nextlvl4thisworld

Where do you think you are.jpg

wait wat dis

Hey buys the real doll himself dumbass
Did you even watch the movie?

didn't he get cancer

>tfw no old chinese dude to change your diapers

fuck, why did I come here.

have you heard about this thing called masturbation?

microwaving used diapers is the best