Laugh of the day


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I just got autism

same man, worse than autism to be honest

I'm now moving back and forth making retarded humming noises.


It's like saying "Would you drop napalm in the jungles?"

You shitheads deserve to be nuked.

Graves are moved for constructions, yes

>that flag

as a welder i wouldn't have a problem putting a pipe line in either of those places as long as im getting $120/h with bonuses.


put under ground. plant trees, put teepee back. lol

Fuck the teepee niggers

I would if I could, fuck you.

everything is sacred to the injuns and these savages don't even mark their graves so they claim everything is one of their burial grounds. fucking alcoholic fucks

>Cuba in the American's basket




That fucking picture.......


What have Indians ever done for society besides become drunkards and drug addicts?

Calm down, Marco


You are comparing apples and oranges.
They think the entire land is "sacred" it isn't their specific place of worship. And you can move a church. It doesn't matter where it is at.

Degenerate leaf detected.

This. Prarieniggers can move their tents.

Kill yourself

Oil pipelines leaks. They all leak.

>the Vatican
Shows how much these people know.
Worse yet, this shit is probably an argument aimed at protestants

>A Basilica
>took decades of work and hard labor
>I don't care if we already sign agreements!

Doesn't a church need plumbing?

filthy dumb anglo scum

it's all your fault they're breeding like cockroaches now

Not the ones that are stuck with the castros.

No one needs to make fun of or insult protestants. Their sects are enough of a joke to begin with.

>Muh Bible study group
>Muh one true religion started 1600 years after Christ

This isn't about cultural imperialism or who's better or worse.

It's about rich oligarchs wanting to run a pipe through unspoiled nature and ruin it for generations to come.

You would have to be a complete total wagecuck to defend this.

>would you put a pipeline where there is already something there no then don't put a pipeline where there is not already something there ok?

No I mean, the dumb libcucks are sending these images to people who likely want to blow up the Vatican anyway

The argument moght work on an emotional level with Catholics, but there's no chance in hell of it working with Protestants, since one of the big points is not giving significance to anything besides Jesus. Technically not even Jesus' place of burial would be considered holy.

So yeah, that "meme" completely backfires, because the answer is that Christians aren't spear-chucking savages who consider random shit to be holy.

and who is the guy carrying the Asians supposed to be?

>implying Protestants wouldn't level the Basilica because of their greed for shekels
>implying they wouldn't do it for free just out of their hatred for everything that is beautiful

You live on what used to be unspoiled nature, you retard.
Kill yourself, and arrange for your body to be disposed of in an organic manner

im saying the creation of st. peters bascillica takes much more human ingenuity than whatever the fuck the indians did

He got a point tho....

Probably us or russia

>red coat
it's obviously britain you retarded leaf

i thought the guy in the back was was supposed to be us

tnx btw

It's a british man obviously

A based leaf . Likewise, want shit done, just pay.


What's the story behind this? I thought the government was trespassing on native land again?

Super old out of use cemetaries are repurposed all the time
eventually those bodies break down, the dead people there are forgotten, and it just becomes empty space. Natives are the only ones who kick up a retarded stink about it even though their traditions have been dead for hundreds of years, drowned in cheap booze and mouthwash

How do you trespass on land you conquered centuries ago?

mark pls

It's John Bull you children

It's Mexican land now, Hakim

kangz mayne

>implying that a building is sacred

If this is supposed to move protestants, it completely failed.

The only sacred thing is Christ, and by extension the Word of God. See:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."
John 1:1-5 NKJV

Since neither of these things constitutes a location, a pipeline could be placed literally anywhere and it wouldn't violate anything sacred in the mind of a protestant. If a protestant doesn't see a Christian building as sacred, why the hell would they care about some woods?

There are better arguments to be made about the pipeline (possibility of accidents), so why would anyone use this?


>Those lands were sacred to the Dakota in a way you can't imagine.
>You know what? You throw a stick in the air around here it falls on some sacred fern, for Christ's sake!

I was in Rome just recently with my wife. I went into St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel.
I'm not a religious man, but the experience almost brought me to tears.
Even recalling the grandeur of that moment now gives me chills. I tried to imagine the human ingenuity and hard labor that must be behind such magnificent constructions, and wondered about the extent of what humanity is capable of creating, should we put our best minds to the task.

I was brought back to reality by the incoherent babbling of chinese tourists and the wooping of selfie-taking black women, seemingly ignorant of the insistent remonstrations from the Italian Carabinieri against making noise and taking pictures inside the chapel. Not to mention the blatant disregard for committing literal sacrilege.

I went home from Rome a bit richer, and a whole lot poorer.


Hahahaha lets go back to Vietnam, I wanna burn some villages

>"their hatred for everything that is beautiful"

Oh no. Is the poor Catholic sad because Protestant architecture is superior? Face it, the Vatican could never live up to pic related.

(captcha: select all images with a store front)

>It aint me plays in the distance

Where the fuck did you go to get 120/h?


Have you become a Christian yet?

This is the very same experience for me.

You can be religious, but few are god-conscious.

Sounds like someone wants to get napalmed again

Protestantism is shit in literally all forms of art it proposes.

top KEK


The Indians are full of fucking shit. The planned pipeline doesn't even cross sacred land, it's set to run parallel to an existing pipeline that's under land ADJACENT to their stupid bullshit, but thanks to a long and drawn-out process of consulting with experts on local heritage sites and the army corps of engineers and revising the pipeline route over a hundred times (while the teepee niggers threw tantrums and tried to boycott the process entirely) "muh sacred land" is in fact being left untouched.

The whiny redskinned shits have no leg to stand on other than "we think it's gonna leak onto our land" based on no evidence whatsoever, and SURPRISE SURPRISE the court isn't fucking buying it.

The faggot savages should have spent less time drinking listerine and hand sanitizer and more time participating in the process, and should be grateful to the Great Gay Bear that we were nice enough to make the end result friendly to their interests anyway. No sympathy whatsoever.

I'm not disagreeing. Obviously the mall church post was a joke.

However, could it be that Protestants put out less art/beautiful objects because we're aware that nothing we build here on Earth will last? God will not judge us based on the way our church buildings look, but upon the impact we've had on those around us and the way we've brought them to Christ. When I tithe, I want my money to go towards feeding the widows and orphans who might be saved for eternity, not making a beautiful building that will fall and burn. Obviously not all Protestants are good at this (see Olsteen type pastors and megachurches), but those who truly care about saving the lost put more money towards things that matter than things that will fade.

We also offered them the chance to meet with the corps of engineers and go over the route to ensure their sites weren't being desecrated and they refused like a bunch of whiney cunts.

Wtf seriously?

If it is so sacred then you should have all died defending it.

Ok we can just go around it, buying land is cheaper than paying the royalties.

No, sorry.
Organized religion in Norway are not the most convincing lot. I was drawn to the Catholic and Orthodox denominations of Christianity in my youth, as the Protestant state church were rather... godless as it were. I was quickly discouraged, as I understood that most of the clergy had trouble answering my questions about the faith and instead parroted the same dry phrases. I turned my faith inward, and instead decided to believe in whatever I felt were right.

I'll still take up arms in any upcoming crusade though.


I believe so, I remember reading something on facebook about it with a dick load of sources, I failed to read through the sources however.

i dont get it

why are you stupid fucks shiting on native nationalists to defend some kikes profit?

you have all been jewed again

No, it's about a business using the land that they paid for to further production and contribute to the economy.

John Bull.


Legitimately triggered.

We're cool with Vietnam these days and they are cool with us.

3 foot wide pipeline or railcars running through populated cities. Railcars are less safe and more dangerous to population. Oil gets sent either way.

As 2pac would say, "how do you want it?"

Open pastures that may or may not have had some person walk on them 590 years ago or through smalltown USA?

Also - Jews notoriously not involved in oil business. Mudslimes yes.

Why are there negroids in both baskets?

redskins lost. This is the white man's country now. They can go fuck themselves.

b-b-but you sold all of your land for some shiny beads.

>tfw we go back to Vietnam because of a shitpost


>b-b-but you sold all of your land for some shiny beads.

SACRED shiny beads!



>Vietnam posts
>It Ain't Me starts playing

This is YRYL

It's not even on their fucking land.


> It Ain't Me starts playing
> It Ain't Me


Maybe they should have invented the wheel before we came over here and blew them the fuck out