Filmed in 2018

>filmed in 2018
>takes place in 2002
>many characters appear in Breaking Bad, which was filmed 2008-2013 and took place 2008-2010
>the Better Call Saul actors are now 16 years older than they should be

Why is animation such a superior medium?

nothing ever happens the show

really activated my almonds

when's the new season start?

And yet it's still peak TV. Really makes you feel bad about scamming old ladies.

Breaking Bad was shit

Hopefully those sentences weren't meant to relate to each other


Every season has posted a significant decline in ratings with one of the biggest audience drop-offs of all time from the first to second episode in the first season.

Is filtering plebs meant to be a mark against its quality?

>unironically watching garbage made for gabbagools

what the fuck happened to you Sup Forums

this show is ultimate pleb filter. season 3 had payoffs like you wouldnt believe

>"nothing ever happens"

Imagine being such a pleb that just because no one has been strangled to death or shot that "nothing ever happens".

The absolute state of some of you retards kek, this show surpasses Breaking Bad in every respect, and is peak TV.


Better call Saul is one of the best shows airing in my opinion. It's slow, calculated and filled with tension at all the right bits. Characters are developed really nicely and the actors are on point. The only sad thing is that it's limited to Breaking Bad so will eventually have to tie in and inevitably end. Wish there could be slipping Jimmy adventures forever.

New season when?

I just want to see Chuck get pen-ultimately cucked.

Chuck is dead

Stuff happens, it's just Scooby Doo tier criminal drama and not worth taking seriously by anyone who has seen good television.

>it's limited to Breaking Bad so will eventually have to tie in and inevitably end.
Well, all shows has to end some time. Agree with everything else you said.

Chuck is alive, just had all his skin burnt off. Next season slippin jimmy will convince the hospital to get him off life support.